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Would you risk your life to save your pet?

SamL 7 Mar 9

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Yes. I can't imagine not doing it. I couldn't live with myself if I left them. My dog would lay down her life for me, so I would have to do everything possible to save her. My cat depends on me and is devoted to me. How could I leave her. My horse let's me ride him and always tries to be brave about carrying me into places that he is worried about. I love and respect them, so would do my best to save them.

Bravo and kudos to your respect and love for your animal friends!


Absolutey not.


If I had time to consider this, and there was a high risk of losing my life I would probably decline, as here is the possibility that both of us could perish...... If I acted spontaneously without thought of the possible consequences I guess I might act to save my pet.

Whence that moment comes there is no time to think. You do or you don't.

THEN I DON"T !! I guess you win.


I might, I can't say for sure but I might. My instict says of course but in those situations the drive to survive sometimes overrides the desire to do any and everything.


Not at al


No doubt our pets would put their lives on the line for us. So, yeah, I would put my life on the line to save Ollie, or Dots, or Star, or Little One......


I lose myself in certain situations so yes most definitely.


I don't have any pets at the moment, but many pets have risked their lives to save me, and my children.


Risk my safety? Probably. My life? No. There's not a big difference between the two. Knowing I could die, I'd probably let him go 😟 .

Here's the dilemma you might face. In letting go would you then spend the rest of your life regretting and justifying your decision? I know I would. Hence, I would risk it.


Yeah, I wouldn't see it as risking my life though, I would just act.


Depend on the size of the risk. If a slight risk, probably. Large risk? Probably not.


More than likely.


Well, I guess I have. It is just instinct to save them.

Same here. I guess it is instinct. I didn't really think on it.


Absolutely would, and have.

Me too 😀

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