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I wonder why so many people like/believe in Angels?

My theory. 1.A lot of wishful thinking is placed on this invisible friend 2. acknowledging that real people do sometimes behave like their wish but 3. frightened that they will not be able to get the help desired when they need it 4 frightened to nominate and engage with a close real person who might provide that help 5. Above all they like the elevation above the problem I.e that they have wings or come down from above. This last one is in line with an inbuilt human appreciation of overviews as a quick and ofteen necessary means of solving problems. 6. The enveny of the freedom and skills of birds.

Mcflewster 8 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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They want to think something is behind everything that they can't explain. Like "dumb luck" isn't a factor. I'm accident prone. I know all about dumb luck and know well that mine will run out someday.

I am fascinated by why you say you know it will run out. Clairvoyance?


@sticks48 No feathers ruffled!

Just a play on the angel thing. 🙂


Becuase they want to.

That is why most people do most things. Can you try to differentiate them and put some real meaning on the concept?

@Mcflewster No, didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. 🙂


WIshful most of religion

Nuke Level 5 Mar 9, 2018

An early version of a super hero .


I've had many encounters with, and been saved by "angels," but for all I know, they appeared because of my previous beliefs. For example, after a horrific car crash, where my dad was trapped in a burning car, my mom prayed aloud for god to help us, and suddenly two tall young men appeared, opened the car door, and removed my dad. When my mom turned to thank them, they had vanished, and nobody else had seen them. The front car seat was crumpled against the dashboard in such a way that my dad's removal was physically impossible. Since all matter is a form of energy, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, energy beings can exist, and quantum physics already tells us different dimensions exist. Furthermore, we contribute to creating our own reality. “I regard consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics


Clutching at straws?


I can understand why people like them. Beautiful beings that look over us and protect us from harm? Nice idea.I like them. As for believe in them... well, that's a very different matter.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 9, 2018

But you are prepared to perpetuate them? Why not stick with the human concept of Heroe and Heroine?

@Mcflewster As atheist, perpetuating them isn't really something I'd do.


There's a sucker born every minute.


Just maybe people see their loved ones that have passed over as angels and find comfort from it.


Its a fad among friends-I ignore all their posts.

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