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LINK Here’s the punishment for actual rapists in Alabama – ThinkProgress

The knuckle dragging cavemen in the Alabama State Senate should be ashamed of themselves . The is certainly a club to the head for all women

ballou 8 May 16

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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Reply button is not working. Jorj here is a resource for you. You are correct, most scholarly articles pre-date 2000 the subject we've been discussing. Post 2000 they appear in book form and are not accessible online.

@jorj I agree with your summarization of the president. But that is about all. Men arent oppressed in any discetnable manner other than being held accountable for their historically boorish behavior.

You talk about how bad the Democratic candidate was in the last election. I don't disagree. But that was most sexist campaign at that level of politics in perhaps our nations history. Hillary, whether you liked her or not (irrelevant) was held to a higher standard than any male candidate ever was. Her every gesture, statement or move was analyzed in microscopic detail. Her ability was questioned continually, not based on record and accomplishments, but on gender grounds, if not openly and overtly, then snidely and on the side. The same is happening with the female Democratic candidates running now.

I don't know what type of isolation you are experiencing in Appalachia that you can not see the disparity or the realities. Should I have time between giving and grading my finals this next week, I'll send you some references, not that it will change your mind about anything. Whatever damage was done to you in life has set your perceptions and opinions fairly intractable.

You are correct about one thing. The fact that I missed the publication date on the first reference I sent you is inexcusable. I was being sloppy. Won't happen again.


I'm always confused why the right to lifers are quick to specify except for victims of rape and incest if all life is sacred then why would that matter?
to me it almost seems like not being able to get an abortion On Demand is punishment for having sex but if the sex wasn't your fault then you don't have to be punished.
for the record I may not comment on this again
I believe that abortion is a horrible thing,
it should be legal safe and rare

I can never understand how Banning abortion, when there's so many other things they could do to help children, is considered the f** Holy Grail to a Christian idiot.


You keep assuming that I'm on "the left". I am not.
You keep assuming that labeling me, or anyone else, makes us whatever
you have labeled them.
You are wrong are both fronts.
You keep assuming a lot of things, that you call "facts", simply because they
suit YOUR agenda.
No one is conveniently ignoring anything. The patriarchy IS alive and well.

Your entire post is bullshit. You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass.

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