George was wrong about one thing. Roosters are violent animals. They pluck hens of their feathers. Anyone who has ever raised hens with a rooster present knows this.
I have always loved Carlin!!!
Now here is a God. I was lucky enough to see him twice in San Diego. I quote him on a regular basis. The funniest comedian I have ever seen and one of the most profound societal commentators that has ever lived.
VERY timely! And Carlin was spot on! This should get played in all the churches, at least once!
I do believe that abortion is an ugly thing. I would like it to be safe and rare.
I would never tell a woman what she has to do with her own body.
I do believe that all life is sacred, if the fetus could be plucked from the womb, and raised to term in a petri dish I would be against abortion. if it comes down to who I disenfranchise the Born o r The Unborn, I choose to protect the light rights of the woman.
I do believe it is immoral to use abortion as birth control.
please tell me why I'm wrong thank you
I think you're right. I have this idea that potential life is sacred and should not be killed off. Carlin is right about the hypocrisy of the 'life is sacred' brigade but nonetheless I think life life is sacred because it's precious - well, it should be precious. Like yourself, I wouldn't start telling other people what to do, especially women, but I want to share my opinion that life, even potential life should be valued highly.
I would never say that you are wrong...and it seems to me that you would never have an abortion, for any reason. I would support that...but on the other hand I might want to to get an abortion for some unforeseen reason. I do not think that I should be criminalized for that, if ever it happened. I support both of our choices on the abortion issue.
you're right I would never have an abortion, I have the wrong equipment to begin with.
perhaps the male equivalent I had a vasectomy when I was 22 years old.
Nobody is using abortion as birth control. Last I checked abortion is still much more expensive than birth control pills or a morning-after pill. For the record, abortions are not free in any clinic.
I know a lady who had 10 abortions in her lifetime.
that's using abortion as birth control.
it's not about the cost of contraception it's about planning ahead.
or maybe choosing to give head instead haha
thank you for all that information. I was a foster parent for 10 years therefore it was not new information to me over those 10 years I fostered parent about 50 children.
I still am in contact with about 10 of them. yes they have hard lives. two of them have been to prison. everything you said was true.
if I asked 50 Children if they rather not been born I think most of them would say they would rather be alive
@DeeTee I never said that abortions are "free in any clinic." My remark is due to conservatives and Trump's GOP saying that they are free and also pushing at the public that women are using abortion as birth control. It simply is not true. I know of no one who received a free abortion.