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LINK Texas is about to get a ‘Save Chick-fil-A’ law that legalizes anti-LGBTQ discrimination / LGBTQ Nation

It appears teh Christian right hs dropped the pretense of gays getting "special rights' and now just openly admit they want to be able to openly discriminate.

snytiger6 9 May 21

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Read this, if you want to get the factual abridged version. If you care to continue looking, it's easy to find the proposed bill's actual wording from the state. []


We should never have accepted Texas in our union & we should have let the south secede. Perhaps.


To many this is religious freedom. Making fun of gays or LGBTQ is a sport that says openly that you are "all man" in many cases. Just yesterday I made a delivery where 4 or 5 men are discussing this and telling crude jokes. Religion is always at the bottom of this because the jokes go back to "Adam and Steve."


if it says in the Bible I have the right to kill people there are a different religion than myself,
then it is my religious freedom to do so.
there are limits to all Freedom's we enjoy in this Republic.
freedom of speech is Limited ( you can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater)
there should also be limitations on religious freedoms( as a practice of their religion one should not be able to deprive another of life liberty or property).
my knowledge there are no limits on religious practice to include discrimination against gays. based on religious reasons.
what is homosexuality declared itself a religion?


Consumers, regardless of what they are, should be treated with respect just for been a human being. I had boycotted other products/establishments in the past. These people were just added to my list. I do spread the word about a boicot them everywhere I go (online and in person)


well, since their legislature has a majority of republicans they will most likely pass it, not surprising coming from the same morons that passed all those antiabortion bills


texans often do some stupid shit relatively often. the real question here is why would an international airport allow scarce restaurant space to a joint that closes on sundays? why would an airport authority want eating establishments that aren’t open every day, when folks are there and want something to eat?


Let’s hope that bill fails! That is one stupid bill! Texas must be getting desperate to pass bills! And I am not a chic-for-A, fan either! Stay in your church with your business, if you only like your kind to cater to.


I see some Texas bashing below, and maybe much of it is well earned, but I would point out Trump currently only has a +3 approval rating in Texas. TEXAS! The state may be realistically IN PLAY in 2020.

The map as it currently stands is complicated, but there are some very interesting numbers in there:

texas blows and should be part of mexico


It’s Texas. I would expect nothing less.


When I first saw this post, I assumed chick-fil-a was discriminating LGBTQ members, but its actually San Antonio airport discriminating chick-fil-a for supporting anti-LGBTQ religious groups and that makes this issue...weird.

I don't agree with the actions or decisions of any of the actors here.

chick-fil-a supporting anti-LGBTQ groups is in their right, but not something I agree with

San Antonio denying chick-fil-a a spot in the airport for religious reasons violates First amendment rights, they should have found another reason for denial.

Texas creating a bill about to solve chick-fil-a's problem is a perfect example of wealth buying political power in our country and the real problem here.

LGBTQ members complaining that this is about their rights misses the bigger picture

I'm only against chick-fil-a because it is a private company, and I can't buy their stock at a discount and profit on this circle of stupid as a consolation prize for my loss of faith in humanity.


I'd boycott them, but first I'd have to start going there.


Boycott shit-fil-a!

We do not need anti anything!

Except Fascists republicans and their Fascists religious dip shits!

Time to Eradicate than from our shores!

We are headed to dark times, we need to eliminate this types of peoples from this planet!

All they are doing is fucking it up for the rest of us to live in peace!


If you're for or against gay say that a law gives you the right to have a business that does support the denial of those rights, to not be just wrong... just label them, if they can afford the lease. Let the public determine if they stay or have the right to protest and picket.

Its a Save the Chick fil a law. Its Texas afterall. The SCOTUS will most likely rule against Texas as it is clearly Unconstitutiinal. Especially at an airport that recieves tax dollars.

Not everyone who lives in Texas is republican Fascists!

Fossil fuels have made Texas wealthy, yet too many are being pimped by Exxon-Mobile, Cock Bros and the rest of the fossil fuel mafia cartel!
Who throws money to these paid for fascists politicians who would let mother and daughters be raped with their hands out to collect the cash!

These fossil fuel thugs have poisoned most of the fresh water supplies in the state, created massive air pollution, while letting over four million Texans without any affordable medical care or insurance. Only two open abortion clinics in the the state of Texas with a population of over 28 million!

Yes, there’s fossil fuels Fascists are stealing the state blind!

@of-the-mountain we are actually on the page regarding discriminating businesses, war on women, medical insurance, greedy oil companies and fascists too.

In airposts, once you get past security, your food choices are VERY limited. There are plenty of food servers who do not discriminate. As for picketing, you can't picket a place beyodn security without a ticket.


I - in years past - had enjoyed the occasional Chick-fil-A quick lunch. I will no longer give them ANY business. I find their attitude abhorrent...


So San Antonio refused to allow Chick-fil-A at the airport because of a donation they made to a cause with which they are in disagreement. That sounds pretty shaky to me. Maybe the new law is needed.

I recall that Obama was opposed to gay marriage on his first run for office. Should anyone who voted for Obama be banished or denied their rights?

Instead of demonizing those with opposing opinions we should encourage discussion.

President Obama evolved. Chick-fil-a refuses to do so.

Is the airport in San Antonio supported by tax dollars? If the city has a antidiscrimination law in place, that does not allow discrimination against the LGBTQ Community, then they could be required to disallow Chick-Fil-A from doing business in their airport.

@Katsarecool Chick-fil-A announced years ago that they would not discriminate in serving or hiring, and they stopped donating money to certain groups, so they did evolve, They announced that from then on they were strictly about food and had no interest in politics, yet the shrill screaming continues to this day, and company profits soar higher and higher with each attack. What a circus!


@WilliamFleming actually they are still donating money and food to Focus on the Family. If they had made thst statement and followed thru S.A. would not have barred them from opening at the airport.


In the article, it says that Chick-Fil-A was denied opening a store in a certain location because of donations they make to anti-LGBTQ causes. While it’s deplorable that they support these disgusting organizations, the government shouldn’t be able to ban them from settling somewhere because they spent their money in the way they chose, which is perfectly legal. If they are denying anyone jobs or benefits based on gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc, then that’s a different story, but I didn’t see anything like that. I seem to remember that they were discriminating against people years back, but, according to this article, that’s not what this bill is about

The law being passed in Texas WOULD ALLOW Chick-fil-a to discriminate against the LGBTQ COMMUNITY. Refuse them service. Refuse to hire them. This law will grant them the rights to refuse service to any minority group for what ever reason they choose. Hispanics, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, Cathoilucs, Hindus, Muslims, fat people, ugly people, etc. in other words anyone who does not believe as they do.

@Katsarecool my point was that the article that was posted does not support that statement, so it would have more weight if the poster shared an article that went into detail on how this law would allow companies to discriminate instead of merely saying that they shouldn’t be allowed to put their business somewhere because they donate to shitty organizations.


Close the place down! Ive been boycotting since 2005. My family refuses to eat there too. There really isnt anyplace for hate in our society.

You sound downright hateful.

@WilliamFleming In your mind perhaps. In my shoes, Chick-fil- a has been donating millions of dollars and food to Focus on the Family, Tony Perkins. This organization has been classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a HATE GROUP; and for very good reasons such as discriminating against the LGBTQ Community while promoting violence against us.

If boycotting a HATE group makes me a mean person, so be it. I'd love to see Dan Cathy, lose every dime he has ever earned and become completely broke maybe homeless..

I have no compassion for people who discriminate or choose to hate.

He and I live in the same city, with the exception of far right evangelicals; Cathy is a very unpopular man in the Atlanta area.

@WilliamFleming By saying the equivalent of "Don't enable people who are being hateful", you think he is being hateful himself?

@snytiger6 and the answer is HELL YES! CRUSTY far right hateful old b astard. I wish I believed in KARMA.

@snytiger6 IF that’s all he said, no. But that’s not the way he put it.

It’s a small matter, but IMO you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

@snytiger6, @Katsarecool “I have no compassion for people who discriminate or choose to hate.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.


This was one of the issues that made me rethink my christianity. I was against gay marriage and other things simply because the bible told me to. When i started to think for myself i asked myself why i should care so much about what other people do. I couldn't give myself a good answer. All i could think was that it was none of my business what other consenting adults do.


Asteroid. Now.

@josh_is_exciting It's just a figure of speech.
However, this, and everything else.
Humanity sucks.

@josh_is_exciting Actually, it's a figure of MY speech. I wish for it, all the time.

@josh_is_exciting - No, just a tiny asteroid, take out that specific business and their pre-historic attitudes...

@Rustee No. BIG asteroid that ends humanity.

@KKGator I have felt that way at times too... until the cat comes along rubs up against me purring away lifting my spirits.

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