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So that we are now on the beloved or hated Daylights savings time, in a few weeks the U.K. will join with British summer time, who thinks these are necessary things and who wants to see them go away, personally I think its not necessary anymore at all leave the clocks alone, the Sun will always do its work lols

ScienceBill72 7 Mar 11

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I read a while back that this is most likely for more business. Arizona, Hawaii, and a few territories don't recognize Day Light Savings Time and they operate just fine.


There's exactly the same amount of daylight wherever you put the clock. Want more light? Get up an hour earlier/later.



I'm in the UK and I've always thought that GMT should be moved by 30mins and then we can do away with a one hour jump to BST. It's so ananchronistic


I just heard today that Florida want's to abolish the time change. I got to thinking that Florida is very far south and there isn't that much of a daylight difference in summer and winter. We are very far north and there is a big daylight difference. It seems this is a geographical issue.


I agree-Daylight Savings Time is outdated and unnecessary.


Time is a fabricated measurement humans invented to understand the universe. This back and forth time changes serve no purpose to the universe. It's pointless.

This is exactly right!


Yes put them half way and leave them.


My brain hurts thinking about it, I'm with you about the sun, yet wasnt it a problem that children had to go to school in the dark though and walking in dark lanes no pavements there could be accidents etc. ?


I would like to see it go the hell away. Circadian rhythms are no joke. Disturbing them is no laughing matter.

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