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Should ther be term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court?

Marine 8 Mar 11

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Yes! But absolute rule is not our only problem. Campaign structures, money, bribes....


I don't think term limits woudl chang emuch in congress or hte senate. If you want to change things, go about changing how campaigns are financed so the rich and special interests dont' have undue influence, and outlaw Gerrymandering.

I have no problems with special interests lobbying congress, but I do have a problem with their offerign contributions to influence their decisions. If a special interest cant' makie their case simply by the merits of the issue or act alone, then it probably shoudl not be done.

Gerrymandering lets politicans shoose who will be votign for them rather than letting voters choose who will represent them.

The two problems I mention here, if solved, woudl remove most problems with politicians and government... at lest for a while.



This is a question that should be asked to the Chinese and North Koreans.

I do not understand your response.

@Marine I had had a few beers when I answered this buddy. I don't understand it either, nor do I remember answering it. 😛

Hope you really enjoyed the monment


These people are all Multi Millionaire bestowed upon my donors, lobbyist and what ever we didn't see which is much more than is realized. To hold them accountable for what they stand for and not their designated party dictates is the Problemo Numero Uno. These persons who in the past two years have turned the racist, hateful gun toting for America to an all time tune for disaster and blood shed for which they show no compunction for their beliefs because what they believe in is money, greed, and to reward those who pay their way. If you have trouble realizing this or want to support it start it up and let everyone chime in. We are living in the most disasterous period of American Democracy and if you don't think so then go and see what the Christian Right is about and how that has gone on forever, and is not blinking an eye to their own hyprocacy and bigorty. Hypocracy and Bigotry have been passed off in History as the greatest causes for War, Death and Destruction on Massive Scales and to include the most violent and longest conflicts. Viet Nam is 98% Catholic. The Pope was aware of the Holocoust being commited during WW11 and did nothing or mentioned anything about it.
My Rant that I always speak to my Friends. Doctors, Lawyers, Priest, Politicians are the greatest problems that hinder our lives and everything which we do or want to do and work toward always keeping us under their domain so that we must always feel dependant on them for care and concern which we never get or ever will.

I hope you are wrong because your view is very dark. There is even hope that trumper will not serve his whole term.I know my Senator and he is a very good man and leading the charge for gun control. I am afraid

i do not agree that there is no hope.

i hope you are wrong

The Catholic Church absolutely colluded with the Natzis in the war. Any place they want to keep power, they make deals and look the other way. There has never been anything Christian in them since the popes took over.


If people could make educated decisions about who they vote for, it would not be needed. Also, it would not be an issue if we either got rid of the Electoral College or change the way those who are the delegates are chosen. The problem is that the American Voter is amazingly stupid and gullible. Also, the process we use to select Delegates is primed gir corruption. So, Yes! Though it would be a very poor way to try to alleviate some of the problems, it would be quick and relatively easy to institute.


Yes. No more than 8 years in the House, 18 years in the Senate, and 20 years as a Supreme Counrt justice. As Thomas Jerrson said, the earth should belong to the leving -- not the dead.


YES!!!!! LIKE... YESTERDAY!!!!!!


This is a double edged sword:

Without term limits we have experts who know the system and can accomplish the goal of running the government with efficiency. These experts teach newcomers about the system and create new experts. That is the 'pro' side of this argument. The 'con' side is that we end up with people who are, at least potentially, out of date and out of touch with the needs of their constituents for spending too much time removed from them in DC surrounded by folks who have their own sets of interests and goals. Which may, or may not, align with the needs of their constituents and may, or may not, line their pockets. Being experts, they will know which are legal, and which are not, and how to 'work the system' for best effect of whatever the current goal is, nefarious or otherwise.

With term limits you put a cap on how 'expert' someone can become (there is a way around this, a hybrid system) at running the government so you almost guarantee that the functioning will be less efficient. Further, there is no guarantee that these newcomers are aligned with their constituents and are not here just to figure out how to suck up as much funding as posible. They will not, however, be experts and may well cross legal lines. This may well mean that outside interests gain leverage on them so that they can have MORE influence to have them vote their way, rather than just exposing them and making it so that we can oust them for being bad and breaking the rules. That said, most of them will likely be caught readily and we can then get rid of them. Those are cons. The pros are that they will be fresh and much more likely to be aligned with "now" if not their consituents. This has the effect of creating rapid change (or at least more rapid) in how our government is structured and run... another double edged sword mind. If these newcomers are well and truly in tune with their constituents this can be a good thing. Also if they are here to discuss and debate the issues rather than just force their own interests through at all costs.

Now, my 'hybrid' idea is that no sitting, eledcted, government official can 'sit' in their position for more than 4 years. At which time they are required to step down. However, with noteable exceptions, they can pursue a different governmental office after a hiatus of no less than 2 years time during which they MUST be back in their district researching the needs of said district. We could, for example, pay them a stipend and they would be required to produce a study of their constituents needs thus informing the government of what is needed across the country (yeah, bigger government, I know but a much more informed government). Why? This way we guarantee that they KNOW their constituents and their constituents needs and further are armed to come back after their hiatus and serve, again, possibly in the same capacity. The idea here is that no one serving in the government can get too insulated, too crystalized, into their position and thus lose contact with what is really needed in their districts and what is possible in same. Force them to go back and relearn what is going on, reexperience it would be even better. I like the idea of some form of product/work being required to show that they really were doing what they were supposed to and that we all become more informed of what things are like out here. Worse, if a person from a truly poor/red district saw how their constituents were living, maybe they'd be moved to work for their common good, rather than for the good of the constituents, rather than only for the good of the sitting government officiel.

Note: I have NO problems with making a profit at what you do. I have a problem with NOT doing your job and getting away with enriching yourself while "binding the serfs back to the land" to do so. THIS is what I am seeing, and so very ashamed by, today.

@icolan I like the forced funding part. Aligned with no gifts, that truly would remove influence peddling.

As for the bureaucrats running things, then why do we have elected officials? If it were that easy, we'd just do away with elections.

The thing is, we have SCROTUS right now as proof that we do indeed need SOME skills at running a government with those who are doing so. The bureaucrats can't do it, again, as evidenced by the current shit show. Further, those bureaucrats are even more removed from the constituents than our elected officials, or so I presume. Why? They have no requirement to EVER return home. It would be much more cost efficient for them to move to DC and just live there and work (or live nearby and work in DC). However, their expertise does help those elected who should have that 'home' knowledge to get things done.

I won't deny that they carry some of the expertise I speak to, and thanks for pointing that flaw out, but I still say it's a melding of the two that is necessary so that we don't lose sight of the needs of the constituents. Which is to stay, I don't mind term limits but I don't want it to be such a blunt instrument that it causes more problems... which, it will if we just cut 'em off at one single two year term.

There is another side to this, they get a lifetime paycheck, should that be earned in a two year term, we will soon bankrupt ourselves for having increased the load by forcing more and more people to fill the roles historically filled by far fewer bodies... I personally don't mind our leadership getting a good wage, and time to go home and stump/talk to constituents (THAT needs to be enforced!), I don't mind them getting retirement, nor even finding a good job after they leave the government. I DO however take exception to the abuses we are seeing today of that position. Leaders who are literally abusing their constituents for personal gain (yes, allegedly, I have not seen proof, but I find it hard to believe that it's not happening when they are taking millions from the likes of the NRA, and Koch brothers, as well as big pharma... etc).

SOME regulation is needed and I like your idea of making it flat out illegal to take any gifts or donations at all. Get big money out! 🙂

If they cannot learn in two and three years they have no business being there. These guys and ladies have been there forever and they still cannot get anything done. With new blood this might not happen and with term limits they might just vote for the people and not for their welfare.

@Marine I think part of the reason they are NOT getting anything done is willfully choosing to NOT get anything done.

Meaning that for Obama, they maliciously chose to cock block (pardon) anything he proposed and were surprised when he found ways to do an end-around run on them.

With SCROTUS, they are finding that he is proposing insane things. Things that are catastrophically, and fortunately clearly so, bad for the country AND t hings that we the people are united in being fore-square against: such as the repeal of ACA. Long and short is that HE is creating an environment in which noone can function.

That said, a large part of the issue is the rampant, rabid, split in the parties. What I mean by that is that the Republicans to a great (huge) extent are acting like it's religious ideals that MUST be met or damnation will occur versus leading a country to success, and yes, I do think that the Dems (to a lesser extent) are also guilty.

Note, that we the people are ALSO a part of this problem with inability to get things done. Why? I was in a discussion with someone about SCROTUS, before the election and they brought up a McCarthy era argument. I was floored! We are still not over that horrid affair and it's been over 50 years!!!

As a general rule we need to pull our respective heads our of our respective full points of contact (you know where) and survey who we are voting for, either party. If they are someone who is an idealist of the kind that will NOT work with anyone who fits their own agenda, no, sorry, no voting for them. That particular wart is too big, too ugly and a non-starter because this person will NOT compromise and will go out of their way to get nothing done.

From at least Junior high, up people should be taught comprehensive social studies, government, all of the awareness and laws that they can understand, no matter what career they have planned. Every young person should understand local and on up government and social issues. No more dummies coming into leadership.


No way, we should terming more than are now without the pardons.


Yes!!! Two two year terms, then get out!


No more than 1 year or 30 days, whatever it is they do.

jeffy Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

Absolutely. I think of Thurmond, McCain, Helms, Conyers and their ilk and it makes me nauseated. The Supreme Court Justices, I think a competency test of some sort should apply to their tenure. Some kind of C.E.Us or community service. I don't think term limits would be a good thing in their case. I think that any type of ageism discrimination would be counterproductive.



You took the word right out of my finger tips. Including the extra s's. 🙂


I believe two terms for senators and three for representatives is enough because I feel that we should have a conscious flow of new ideas in our government that relates to the changing times. As for the Supreme Court I again feel a retirement age of 72 is more than enough time to serve.These justices that are older than this loose tract of the changes in the populations opinions regarding the law that occurs. For example the death penalty verse life in prison, the current view on weed, abortion being attacked. The same should be the policy for state government. I am also tired of these politicians making a career of the positions and passing different laws for themselves verses the people they serve. Example healthcare for the Congress vs the rest of population.

I would hate to lose Ruth Bader Ginsburg at this time in history.


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