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Trump suffers series of snubs, insults on UK state/family trip. Haha!

Thank you, British people!

Breaking tradition, Trump was not invited to speak to the British Parliament.

The Irish Prime Minister refused to meet at Trump's golf course or a castle. They will meet in an airport lounge.

Serves Trump right.


LiterateHiker 9 June 5

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If I could ask the dump 2 things it would be:
Show your bone spurs on new xrays
What were your board scores?????????????


Hahaha, so the 'Orange Crested Drongo' got the cold shoulder in the U.K. and Ireland, can't think of a more deserving bloke to receive it.
His ' meeting' with the 'White-Crested Old Broiler' ( Queen Lizzie II) would have been as sight to see (LOL), 2 dopey Twats in the same room, what a joke.


The state approval numbers are getting worse also. Kansas only has Trump approval at net +1 percent! North Dakota is also +1. Florida is now split evenly ( net 0% approval/disapproval difference). Even Alaska is split. Texas is still at +3% net, but wow. Texas could realistically turn blue in 2020.



Ok. Just so everyone knows I don't take this, or Trump, too seriously:

My dad's a Vietnam vet with PTSD. He's spent decades hating "draft dodgers", but has completely drunk the orange koolaid for Trump (entirely due to Fox News). Dad does, however, still watch the CBS evening news, and just watched the segment of Trump saying in England that he honestly didn't like the Vietnam war because it was far away, no one knew where the country was, bla bla bla.

Dad was silent. I know him well enough to know he absolutely hated that answer, but since it was Trump, he said nothing. Anyone else, and he would have been cussing a blue streak for hours.


Would you give a big "ha ha" if President Trump & Congress treated the Brits in a similar fashion when they visit here?
"Respect the rank if not the man".

The orange turd deserves what he got, he insulted a member of the royal family (and lied about it also).

They did respect the office/rank. He got a state visit with the royal family in Britain. That the Parliament didn't want to hear from him and the people protested was because of the man, not the office/rank.

Oh, and yes, if someone from Britain visited here who had the same or similar lack of character as our beloved president, I would shout out a big "Ha Ha".


Surprised the Queen was not suddenly called away


Jeremy Corbyn, the Labor leader refused to go to the dinner all together and Harry did not go either. Donald says that he snubbed Jeremy by not seeing him when he requested it. I somehow doubt that Jeremy would be bothered with that oaf, after all nothing he says makes much sense.


The Brits know how to greet an orange anus!!!


Trump's got his troubles, I got mine.


He defined the Minimal State Visit


I wonder if the Queen fed him cheeseburgers at the dinner.

She should have


Trump and his entire family are beyond the pale...shameless in their social climbing and exploitation of the office of the President of the USA and American taxpayers. His meeting with the Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadker was farcical, he said he thought Brexit would go very well for the UK and that a border wall in Ireland would work well, telling him that they both had border walls in common. Mr Varadker then pointed out that he wished the opposite, that there should not be any border wall, in fact no border at all between the two parts of Ireland. Trump replied, “I’m sure you do”! That man is a complete moron.


He's too dense to suffer. He still thinks everyone worships him ...

He worships himself, why wouldn't everyone else? He's the bestest person ever, just ask him.

He is delusional

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