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I love reading! Anyone else? If so who are your favorite authors and what genre do you prefer?

CollegiateJules 5 Mar 12

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Poetry. Spanish is a More Beatiful Language in any era. Any Classic Poet. Machado, Nervo, Neruda, Lorca.


John Irving (even though religion is a part of most of his stories... He's a master of the craft)
Lawrence Block
Jonathan Ames
Robert Parker
Are some of my favorites.

I havent read any of those authors. I will have to check them out. I enjoy Mitch Albom, though her also has some aspect of belief in his books too. 🙂


Pulp. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Mickey Spillane, Robert Howard. I used to like Mercedes Lackey books but she just tanks in ever third volume of a series.

velk Level 4 Mar 12, 2018

I havent read any of those authors. I love reading book series also, that way i don't have to deal with a book hangover too

When I was a teenager, I was a huge fan of Burroughs' Tarzan novels, and I enjoyed a few of the Martian novels too.

I like pulp because it tells a good story in usually less than 200 paperback pages. Tarzan, Conan, Mike Hammer, even the boxing fiction of the era is still a lot better to me than a 500 page book that is part of a 20 book series.


Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, John Scalzi, too many others to mention.

Just picked up Gaimens "Trigger Warning". Love it.

@Blindbird I haven't heard of that one, but I'm sure I will read it at some point. A few years ago I went to a book signing for "The Ocean at the End of the Lane". He was signing books past midnight.

Terry is a blast 90% of the time! I have only read Neil once when he wrote with Terry.

@Holysocks Shortly after I read "Good Omens" I found a copy of Neverwhere in the library. Then he wrote "American Gods". Both great books, among of my favorites.

George, I've read Good Omens and enjoyed it. Thanks for the other recommendations!


Dean Knootz, James Patterson, Stephen King, Mark Twain many others

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Stephen King. I read his Bachman novels when I was 12...The Long Walk has to be in my top ten tales I ever read. 🙂

The Long Walk is the only King book I've liked. Oh and his guide for writers.

@CollegiateJules Four Past Midnight was my first novel I ever read completely still remains one of my top reads. Dean Koontz False Memories was hard to put that one down. Loved James Patterson The original Maximum Ride. The adventures with Alex Cross.

@velk Yes! I enjoyed his "On Writing" also..That is one book I will never get rid of, and read over and over

@CollegiateJules You got my reading juices flowing. Kind of hard right now because I have 7 year old twins that demand a lot of attention. I did recently rejoin Amazon kindle reading club. Sitting here listening to Chopin, I could pick up a novel and go on a reading marathon.

@azzow2 You really should! Twins, sounds like a cute handful 🙂

@CollegiateJules Was reading the original Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum the differences such butchery Hollywood did to the story.

@azzow2 I boycott all Frank Baum novels...he was a huge genocide promoter of Native Americans but I have seen the movie when I was young

@CollegiateJulesDid not know have several Apache friends a Navajo and Am trying to get in with the Hopi to better understand their time concepts.

@CollegiateJules Twins raising kids as a single parent All the jobs I have had in the past including the military are pail in comparison.

@CollegiateJules reading the post below mine reminded me of Kurt Vonnegut Cat's Cradle the professor leaving his wife a tip on the breakfast table.


Fantasy and science fiction. Jim Butcher, Terry Goodkind, Brandon Sanderson, Frederick Pohl, the late great Richard Jordan, and Kurt Vonnegut come to mind.

I read Slaughter House Five by Vonnegut. I can see where that would be considered science fiction, but I especially enjoyed "Mother Night" by Vonnegut which I think is more pure good old fashioned fiction. 🙂

Mother Night was a good representation of the idiocy of anti-semitism, and I would call it close to alternate history. I just love his writing style. If I could write like that, I'd never stop writing.

Yes, the Trout persona was his vehicle for straight ahead SF, like Venus on a Half Shell.


For me, Lord of the Rings and the other works of Tolkien are set on a pedestal above all other works of literature. They're just so amazing, Middle Earth is easily my favourite fictional universe.

As you might be able to guess, my favourite genre is fantasy, but I'm also quite fond of historical fiction.

Top authors for me are... obviously, Tolkien. Robin Hobb as well, in the fantasy genre; her Farseer saga is masterful.

In historical fiction, I'm most fond of the works of Conn Iggulden, Simon Scarrow, Bernard Cornwell and Robert Fabbri.

Honourable mention must also go to The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

I havent read much fantasy in my life, but I am a HUGE historical fiction reader. I love the Outlander series. I tend to gravitate to the novels taking place in WWII or during that period. 🙂

@CollegiateJules Oh, no. Greek and Roman history for me, sometimes branching forward to the medieval period or the Napoleonic wars.


I love reading also. Will read lot's of different genres but my favorites are Scifi and fantasy. Stephen King, Terry Brooks, Isaac Asimov are a few.

Love Stephen King! I think the last science fiction novel I read was Andy Weir's "The Martian." I wasnt a big fan of it, but I am going to try the genre again. I picked up a book this weekend that looks promising. 🙂

@CollegiateJules I liked The Martian book and also thought the movie was pretty good. What book did you pick up?

@ronnie40356 The Diabolic by SJ KINCAID

@CollegiateJules Thanks. I haven't read it, title sounds good. Will ask Google.. 🙂


Favorite authors, though neither are/were what you'd call prolific: Richard Henry Dana (TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST ), and Robert Pirsig (ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE ).

Also have read a lot of James Patterson, and Dean Koontz in the past. Read most of Carlos Casteneda's works, too.

As long as you are reading I consider that awesome! I am by no means a book snob 🙂 Good choices!

@Stevil I read it for the 1st time around '76 or '77 as a requirement for a college Philosophy course. I've reread it 2 or 3 times since and get more out of it each time.

@Stevil it took me some several years, and an early career in Quality Control to really be able to understand the connection between the philosophy and the mundane act of keeping a motorcycle running.

@Stevil best reason to skip school! 😁

@Stevil ouch! Yeah, I had a couple of close calls on motorcycles myself. I quit a short while after my daughter was born for obvious reasons.


Nora Roberts, Linda Leahl Miller, Rc Ryan,Dan Brown--sometimes even the backs of cereal boxes--reading is my sanctuary

Lol, me to. I'll read shampoo bottle labels, nail polish remover labels, parts catalogs, recipe books, Medical magazines in medical waiting rooms, everywhere..

Lol yep! I am a fill out bibliophile!! Good to see so many out there still love books!! And cereal boxes ????


Fantasy like Cassandra Claire

I have never read her...I will have to check her out! 🙂


Carlos Castaneda, Chris Hitchens and Jim Butcher. All types of genres.

I'd love to see a another Harry Dresden novel.

Good choices!

@zeuser Coming out in December, I think its going to be called, "Mirror, Mirror".

@CollegiateJules Thank you, Ma'am.

Whoa, no kidding!! Best news I had all day!!

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