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What type of death do you most fear?

Death by fire or death by drowning are my two biggest fears. Believe it or not being eaten alive is scary but not my #1fear. When I'm dead I want to be eaten. Give back something to the Earth for all I have taken.

paul1967 8 Sep 28

Enjoy being online again!

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68 comments (51 - 68)

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I don't fear death... I just fear the way it might happen. Any slow painful death would really suck!

ebdb Level 7 Apr 6, 2018
I don't know because I am told that drowning is quite pleasant and that being in a fire is pretty quick as you  lose consciousness I don't think we have any animals that eat us here - like bears or alligators unless they escape from the zoo. I think the worms eating me is good enough for me then it will go further up the food chain - something will eat the  worms- prefer to just go in my sleep really though!

After you drown you will be eaten but not eaten a live which I fear the most.


I fear falling to my death most.


A slow and painful one.


None really; got to go some way; as far as I have heard - fire is smoke inhalation mostly so your lungs give out and apparently you go dreamy in the same way as when when drowning and your lungs fill up with water - (I do hate salt though)


I am happy to say that I don't give a second thought to how I die, except when I am taking a turn to hot on my bike,
Even then, I feel incredibly alive,
I guess the only death I fear is a wasting illness, but I have a contingency plan for that


Disclaimer: I've been dead 3 times in medical term for periods ranging from 3 to 8 minutes sand coma in one event for a duration of just over two weeks.

Most deaths are random and pointless in my experience. My worst fear to to die without fulfilling any degree of the promise my talents and hard won skills suggest. I'm not particularly thinking in terms of notoriety, of recognition, so much as enjoy however briefly the personal satisfaction in doing my personal best. It may well be, that for me to accomplish this is to set in motion a sequence of events that only come to fruition generations after any memory of my existence is gone. I can accept that too, but it would be pleasant to know.


Fire and being eaten by an animal.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 25, 2018

Burning to death is actually pretty quick.
I witnessed 3 individuals burn to death while I was in Iraq and surprisingly there was no screaming
Come to find it out it's not the fire that kills's your own body. When you start inhaling flames your body closes the airway in an effort to protect you don't burn to death... you suffocate...and plus you would be very surprised how much trauma the body can endure and you feel no pain because of shock.


Not something I think about too much and to be honest I'm not planning on thinking about it, enjoy your fear!


Mouth of a shark......


Well, I am one not interested how anybody wants to die. Including my loved ones... It is personal you know? Maybe you don't know. I am one of those that talk about life... about living... about things to do while alive. I am not one of the dead so... not my lane.

  1. Asphyxia (drowning, strangulation, suffocation, buried alive, any of them)
  2. Fire
  3. Torture
  4. Long-term illness
    5 Old age

What death do I most fear? Maybe the painful one, but I admit I don't think about it very often.


Do not fear it at all. The human body will remove you from the extreme situation as it always does. A nasty death will put the brain into a state of shock and you will not be aware of the event itself. To conquer death all we have to do is die. That is a line from JC Superstar

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 21, 2018

@maturin1919 I do not know, we have never spoken to one who went through it. But yes I firmly believe the mind removes us from the trauma. Like with an accident you see about to happen to you. Time moves slow and the detail is incredible. If you had an arm severed you would be in shock and not feel the pain. Pain is felt by a brain that has the facility to do so. IN emergency or trauma, the brain takes energy away from all things that are not relevant to survival.


Getting thrown on the tracks and run over by a subway train. Now that I am no longer in NYC, it's no longer a fear.


I plan my death to be quick, painless, and someone else's.


I am not afraid of death , I fear living more than dying . I jumped in the mississippi river when I was younger , I was pretty drunk and the current was very strong . I remember going under 6 or 7 times and the last time i went under I was exhausted and knew it was going to die. Instead of panicing I felt a calmness come over me and In the instant I knew It was going to be ok . I had accepted my fate. Then I was pulled from the water and half pulled up onto a small boat By people that saw me jump in and they launched thier boat and pulled me out as I was was ready to sink and not come back up. Looking back on it now i feel like i was cheated in a way .

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