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Desires based on your own relationship views ...

If you're in one great - if not, imagine yourself in one, please.

Ideally you'd probably like all traits equally, but ...

Would you rather that your significant other's personality lean more towards the intelligence/curiosity scale - though they may also be more unpredictable at times ? Or towards traits of one who always has your back, and you can totally trust and count on - but you may end up being generally more knowledgeable and aware ?

evergreen 8 Mar 14

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One of my most significant, longest-lasting relationships was with an aerospace engineer. That's right, a rocket scientist! He was definitely more knowledgable about many things.
Unfortunately, what ultimately ended it was his alcoholism, and anger issues.
I don't mind someone knowing more than I do about some things, as long as they aren't
an arrogant asshole about it.


I'm actually unable to answer this. It's a trade-off sort of up one thing for another.

I spoke of a range, a leaning ... not either/or


I don't see these things as being mutually exclusive. There's no reason you can't find someone with a high level of intelligence and curiosity who is also loyal and trustworthy.

mutually exclusive was never mentioned

@evergreen It was implied by the "this or that" wording. Apologies if I misunderstood.


That’s tough. I was with the second example and found myself longing for the depth, knowledge and awareness. I’m holding out for the combo meal.


Trust and communication are key elements in any relationship. Personality and character traits are among the initial attraction and will fail to be maintained if trust and communication are not present.

So, on the sliding scale…trust and the knowledge of having my back is more important.

Betty Level 8 Mar 14, 2018

I'd take number 1 for significant other and get a dog to fulfill number 2.


Had #1 multiple times, I'll take door #2.


I am artistic, lacking many technical skills, my partner is the opposite we complement each other pretty well -we also look after each other, as I can do domestic stuff and he can plan and see future problems - I think we probably have each others backs- We don't live together but just near each other and we have many of the same wants for entertainment etc. It works well but we have been together over 25 years so a lot has been ironed out in that time .neither of us are dominant personae.

25 yrs is impressive and admirable by any standards ! You must be doing something right !


I'd lean toward the one who always has my back, is on my side. Doesn't matter which of us has more perceived intelligence or curiosity, as there are so many degrees of both. We can learn from each other, adapt and grow, but I feel you have to have faith and respect in each other.


Thanks for responding all - but if you read what I wrote - I talk about a scale, tendencies, NOT one or the other. NOT either/or , but their lean towards one or the other ...


I’m a fan of finding compatibility, and building trust, in that order. The question was weird. How/why would you connect with someone who was not on your level, intellectually/emotionally? I’ve made that mistake. Usually it’s based around pursuing beauty, over personality.

never said anything about someone not being "on your level" - simply seeking opinions on preferences of personality strong points


It all comes down to whether or not She can sleep with the fan on in the winter.


Well, they have to be intelligent or they don’t get in.


My wife has both.

And I like to think that I have too. We complement each other beautifully - we each value our individuality and independence fiercely, yet we value our time together and our shared experiences equally and we make a great team. We take an interest in each other's interests and support each other in them.

It works for us.

This one's a keeper!!! 🙂


Trust and knowing the person is there for me is teh more important, by far.


Intelligence and trust. I have had both at the same time in more than one realationship. Without both it will never become a relationship with me.


The first one as ive suffered from the second one too much


I think I'd like a little of both.

Because i am so laid back and generally cautious, I have, at times,deliberately made friends who will pucsh me to try new stuff. They were a little umprdictable, but when I was with them I had a lot more fun. However, I do liek my life to remain generally stable.


Definately intelligence/curiosity but unpredictable so long as reason was behind that unpredictability.
I have been in several emotional unpredictable realtionships and they are a drag. I hate the loyal crap because it is simply dishonest. Of course that depends on how one defines loyal.

@Beach_slim there are other ways of being dis-loyal besides sexual infidelity. My first wife was bi- polar and had no control of her emotions. My second partner was an alcoholic and her drinking got out of hand. She was "faithful" except alcohol became her lover. Money is also a common cause of problems. Am I to be loyal to those kinds of behaviors?

My late partner told me that if I ever stepped out on her, no matter how hard she would leave me. That seemed strange but I than realized it wasn't about me but her. To her, reason ruled and one must set limits and stick by them. It wasn't about "loyalty" but sticking to a commitment!

@Beach_slim To me the prime virtue is humility. To the conservatives it is "my tribe right or wrong" or "he may be a SOB but at least he is our SOB" loyalty. I feel loyalty should be applied insofar as it doesn't require stepping outside of any ethical or harmful bounds.

My late partner had a motto (and I put it on her Urn) It states "discipline first then love" - reason over emotion. She once told me that if any of her kids got into trouble and ended in jail she would still love them but would not bail them out. They knew this and were extra careful. She felt it was her job to help them succeed in life and become contributing members of society. The daughter has a masters in Computer programming and has a managerial job for a big accounting firm, one son is a doctor (Pulmonologist) and the other son has a partner and both have high positions as computer geeks for an international company. He also got his Eagle and turned it in over protest against the BS for their attitude on gays.

Intelligent but unpredictable?  Would have to define"unpredictable". Sexually? Addiction? Irresponsible?  Totally trust/rely on but less intelligent?  Why Settle for either?  If neither suits your needs?

Dunno. My ex was highly intelligent but not someone I with whom could discuss intellectual things, politics, or really anything not related to his work, or he'd experienced directly. He also wasn't someone who had my back.

I would prefer someone who is both aware and curious and who ALSO has my back.

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