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Do You Have An Age You Turned Which Made You Sad?

They say "Age Is Nothing But A Number" well I think its a matter of perspective.

From the age of 18 to my late 20's I mainatined a youth appearance and constantly got ID'ed if I bought alcohol, cigarettes or entered a night club.

When I turned 30, it was very emotional because the baby face was gone, I was starting to get a little gray in my hair. I also noticed I wasnt getting ID'ed anymore.

Please tell me if there was an age you turned that was hard or emotional for you.

twshield 8 Mar 14

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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I didn’t feel like an adult until I reach 28–no clue why, since I had a 2 year old by then. After that, I Havent thought about my age much at all. I’m sad that arthritis is kicking into a few joints, but otherwise, I’m still kicking around and have no age-related complaints.

UUNJ Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

Not regrets, I have a back injury and it limits me. When I was younger was very physical. Had energy and stamina that was hard to match. At about 33 they discovered that have progressive disc disease. Slowed me down. Back then a 20 mile hike to bear rock was nothing.


Today I turned 35 and it sucks. I feel about 60 physically (I've broke a ridiculously large amount of bones) at least I don't look that old. Also I want to have kids before I get too old and my male biological clock is ticking like a motherf*cker.

Roman Level 5 Mar 15, 2018

WHEN I TURNED 60! I had many health problems to go along with that age, but it rang my bell!


It was when I was 49 in 2000. (I lied a bit about my age on here in case anyone's checking)

Always thought I wouldn't actually be old by then.

Never expected to live this long.


I turn 21 in a few months, so I’ll finally be an “adult.” Yay?


50 - no doubt about it 50. Too old to get a new job at the pay you are getting if laid off or quit - you realize you have to ride that horse until either the horse or you drop dead. Stuck like a butterfly on a pinning board. As well, at about 50 - the body begins its slow decline - that which was phsically easy at age 40 -- not so easy -- and it only gets harder.

On the other hand -- all of the above is beatable -- you might just get to 60 and have a real retirement - then you can take your time and start a 2nd life -- modern medicine is a godsend to growing old (think Viagra). You'll never be 28 again, but you won't be a washed up shell of yourself!


Believe it or not, 12. 12 was it for me.


I'm turning 30, and I'm wondering if I should feel bad about it or not.

@Gwendolyn2018 Because there are certain things you can do better at 20 than you can at 30. It goes both ways, but I can no longer be twenty and regret that I'm not 30. Plus I missed out on a lot in my 20s.

You should not.


I think when I turned 40. The grey hairs really started kicking in then..


It was all down hill at 30 for me, with only an occasional up swing. I've got 50 in my sights (Holy Crap!!!) but I usually feel like I should still be in my 30s.
I guess I'm a grown-up but most days I really have no idea what I'm doing. ?


I just turned 30. I feel old.


I cried when I turned 38. That meant my oldest son was about to turn 18 and become an adult.

I used to cry on every birthday from 1993 until about 2000. My youngest died of SIDS the day after my birthday; but as the time passes by it's less painful. I still don't like or celebrate my birthday though.


@Gwendolyn2018 no, that was my first birthday after my son’s death, every birthday since has felt like reality just taking me farther from him :/

@Gwendolyn2018 no worries, the reference doesn’t escape me


I'm not thrilled with the one coming up next month.

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