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If they were carrying drugs in a place where banned they were stupid (all teachers and students too) ... lucky they were not in some other countries where the death penalty is enforced for drug violations.
I guess some bleeding hearts will demand 'leniency' - but as far as I am concerned, you make your choices and have to live with the consequences

EDIT @JasonTomer has posted that the death penalty may well be available as a punishment

If bleeding hearts is meant to be an insult it is not, dickhead, and that IS intended as an insult, dickhead. 🙂

so do you think they should be released without charges? or pay a price for breaking the law?

@Sticks48 and bleeding heart is not an insult to anyone - nor is dickhead

@ShadowAmicus Pay a price, but some of these countries, including ours, are way to punitive for these kinds of crimes. They didn't even have drugs on them.

@Sticks48 They were carrying drugs in a country where that act is illegal. The penalty once convicted is up to the death penalty: you and many others may believe the penalty is too severe, but Chinese clearly do not. ... They should have known the rules prior to travelling. Ignoring the rules of the country you are in has consequences.

@ShadowAmicus All of that is true. It doesn't make it moral or right.

@Sticks48 maybe not in America, but it does in China - their home, their rules.

@Antidronefreeman you make your decisions, you pay the consequences of your decisions

@ShadowAmicus Yep.

@ShadowAmicus We have the death penalty and put kids in jail for years for pot. Just because it is does not mean it's right.

@Sticks48If you disagree with the laws of your own country, you have a right to an opinion and to work to work to change the law - people in China, for the most part, do not have those rights. However, that does not give Americans, or any other nation, a right to impose their views on a foreign power. Differing views on what is, and is not, morally acceptable, are common.


My sister and her friends are going in October...most countries do not tolerate criminals so just be a good tourist!

If this blows up into a diplomatic quagmire of death penalty threats and a standoff - may be best to delay a trip --- maybe USA government will cancel travel to China ... it depends how this plays out, but China has been handed the ace of trumps in diplomatic terms and will definitely extract the best use from it

@ShadowAmicus She is a seasoned traveler so will be monitoring this closely. If there is any danger, I am sure they will not approve her visas either.


Better not to visit a socialist country!

zesty Level 7 July 12, 2019

Many countries tell their people not to visit the USA because of gun violence...I think it is a matter of just not being a criminal!

@thinktwice In socialist China there is no law. So, who is the criminal?

I'll take a Socialist country vist: Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, etc over a dictatorial one: China, Russia, North Korea any day.

@Beowulfsfriend Norway, Sweden, Netherlands are not socialist countries at all!

what makes you think China is a socialist country>

@ShadowAmicus By definition the Chicom gang is socialist.

@zesty They have lots of laws...some better than is their human rights that are an issue.

@thinktwice How does being arrested for illegally carrying drugs affect their human rights?
Rights are a transient concept around the world - they gave up their homeland human rights when they stepped off a plane in China - then China human rights step into play.

@thinktwice, @zesty think you are confusing socialism with communism - the two ideologies are significantly different

@ShadowAmicus They are. The people who like them, on the other hand, are the same " useless idiots". Putin s expression.

@thinktwice WTF? Better than ours? Commie mothetfuckers!

"Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is not socialism. Having been in and out of China(with no problems)for the past 11 years, I can say that China is the LEAST socialist country I have ever been in. The most useful way to consider China is as a kingdom.
Chinese like to say their system is 5000 years old. That's 5000 years of dynastic rule. It's essentially the same today.

@seattlepanda Sure. Now they have a new Lifetime Ruler!

@zesty ...naturally... 😉

@ShadowAmicus I was just saying that they did illegal things so why shouldn't the laws of China be followed? You need to follow the laws of the country even if you don't agree with them.

@zesty ahh...but it seems our current pres likes those commie countries...Russia, China, North Korea...

@thinktwice totally agree with you - one thing about travel most people ignore is familiarisation with local laws and customs ... the little things that are and are not allowed; alcohol consumption, carrying a gun, dress codes, homosexuality, etc.
A gay friend and his partner went to Turkey on holiday where homosexuality is illegal thinking 'it won't apply to us' .... it did and they suffered a lot of abuse while there and were picked up by police but not actually arrested.

@thinktwice I'm sure that he doesn't like them fucking mass murderers. He just needs to deal with this human garbage.


The Chinese government has little tolerance for the use or trafficking of any illegal drugs inside the country. Anyone found with more than 50 grams (1.76 ounces) of a controlled substance can face the death penalty.


I didn't know the penalty was so severe - may the full force of retribution be threatened, before their home governments cave in to public pressure and make behind the scenes concessions
Ignoring public pressure is something the Chinese regime is comfortable with

So, the Chinese agents are trained to plant 51 grammar!

@ShadowAmicus gramm

@zesty who is to say if it was planted or not - but as in any country, it certainly could have been.

@ShadowAmicus In a socialist ghetto like the People's Republic of China it is much more likely!

@zesty coming from Florida, i find that hilarious.

@JasonTomerlin2 Could you tell me why?

@zesty Much more likely for it to happen in America vs the "socialist ghetto"

@JasonTomerlin2 Don't think so.

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