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Dark Chocolate Chewy-Gooey Brownies

Just made brownies for the Democrat picnic this afternoon. Cut a small piece while brownies were warm. Quality control. Couldn't resist scarfing down two more pieces.

"Mom, I love the recipe book you made me," my daughter Claire said at 18. "All of my girlfriends wish their moms made them a recipe book."

Immediately I felt all warm and gooey inside. "That's wonderful, honey," I replied. "What have you made so far?"


Dark Chocolate Chewy-Gooey Brownies

1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) butter, cut into chunks
3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, 100% cacao
1-1/3 cups sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
Pinch salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 cup chopped nuts, optional. Stir into flour so nuts don't sink.

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Grease an 8-inch square or round baking pan.

  3. In a 2- to 3-quart pan over low heat, combine butter and unsweetened chocolate; when ingredients begin to soften, stir until melted and blended. Remove from heat.

  4. Mix flour, baking powder and salt thoroughly. Set aside.

  5. Add sugar, vanilla and eggs to chocolate mixture; mix well. Add flour mixture and stir just until combined.

  6. Scrape batter into greased pan and spread evenly.

  7. Bake in 350 degree oven until brownie feels firm at edges and springs back when gently pressed, about 25 minutes. Do not over-bake.

  8. Cool in pan on a wire rack.

Note - I bake them for 25 minutes. If the sides feel firm, take them out immediately.

LiterateHiker 9 July 14

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Thanks for sharing,,would love to try them sometime


Thanks for sharing a delicious recipe. I will try it with almond flour and stevia.


OK literatehiker, I have been reading your post for long enough that I am gaining weight by osmosis. I was going to ask if a fat man had a chance, but obviously the answer is not unless all he does is hike so he keeps his weight going down. Kate is a great cook and I weigh what I weigh because of this, is it her fault? Or is the the fault of us because we eat what is put in front of us?


Damn! Now I want brownies.


Next on my "to do" list. Get the stuff, and make these Pronto.

Well since you are already making them, could you bring me 1 or 2? Pleeease 😀😀


I assume that "pure vanilla" is in fact "real" vanilla, not artificial vanilla extract?


Exactly. Use pure vanilla extract.

I never use artificial vanilla.

@LiterateHiker you do know what they make artificial vanilla from?


To sum it up, imitation vanilla is likely either synthesized from pulp or wood-tar creosote.



Hmmm... I wonder if there is a chocoholics group on here. 😁

If not there needs to be


It looks pretty easy; I may give it a try

CS60 Level 7 July 14, 2019


It's very easy to make. You mix the ingredients in one pan.

No mixing bowls to wash.



bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2019

Hmm brownies without substituting cocoa powder for some of the flour? I might have to try that.


Sometimes I substitute one ounce of unsweetened cocoa powder, for one ounce of unsweetened chocolate.

@LiterateHiker Sounds great. I will make a batch this week!


I've never understood why people put nuts in anything chocolate. They take up space chocolate should be occupying.

Sounds delish, as the kids from some generation would say.

1of5 Level 8 July 14, 2019

I am in complete agreement with that statement.

Not to mention, I'm am deathly allergic to nuts. So I have double
the reasons for not using them.

@1of5, @KKGator

I skipped the nuts today. Some people are allergic to nuts.

@KKGator you really only need one reason, and chocolate displacement is much more serious than a painful death - and isn't chocolate displacment really just another way to die painfully? 😉

So glad I'm not allergic to a food. I can't digest nightshades but it isn't life threatening, just painful and annoying. Can't imagine being even more concerned someone added something they're not supposed too to my food - especially considering how often I still get served things I clearly state I can't eat.


Mmmmmm. Make me some

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