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I have experienced a lot of service workers here in Jacksonville who say “have a blessed day”. I usually just say thank you but inside I say something quite different!! Opinions?

cheryljj 3 Mar 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I always want to reply with "Do you ever think some people are atheist and that may offend someone because it offends me!"


I would ignore and offer "have a good one".


May the force be with you ( as in Life force)


It irritates me but mostly because of a co-worker that uses it that I KNOW is a hypocrite.


I agree with you. your mind is after all your own true temple


I feel like getting upset over that is going to do more damage to you than to them. First of all, it sounds like it’s a cultural thing there, meaning that probably everybody says it, without even thinking about it.

I’ve heard that people who suffer from tinnitus have been able to tune it out... or that their minds have learned to ignore it. This is probably one of those things that you can train your mind to dismiss. I live directly across the street from the trains, which go by every few minutes. To be honest, I rarely notice them anymore.


Yes, I always find it a little strange to hear that as well. However, I feel that that person probably just has good intentions so I accept it and move on without thinking too much about it. I guess it’s better than being told to f*** off. 🙂


Do you ever eat at one of the Metro Diners? My favorite is the veggie wrap with rice, beans, and a pickle on the side.

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