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Is there such thing as ugly or beauty is only in society’s perspective?

EmeraldJewel 7 Mar 17

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Unfortunately it is in the eye of the beholder. I knew a few ladies that others thought were not beautiful and they would not have qualified in a beauty contest but I thought they were attracttive.educated ,well spoken and indiviuals that I would have dated if they concented.


Studies with very young infants show they look longer at beautiful faces-those with the most even features, even longer than at photos of their own mothers.

When a number of photos are averaged together, the resulting blended face is considered "beautiful." This averaging of faces would equal genetic variety in real life, signaling someone with a strong immune system, suitable for producing progeny.

Other studies show that in societies where woman must fend for themselves and food is scarce, men are more attracted to strong, large-butted female figures. This body type signals higher levels of male hormones and shows enough fat to nurse babies, making them and their progeny more likely to survive.


I think even on America's Next Top Model beauty is below the surface. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say.

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