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Only atheists.

I’m not open to a relationship with any believers. I have no tolerance for even spiritual, horoscope, woo kinda beliefs. It feels like it’s impossible to meet an actual non believer who I get along with, near my age. Anyone else feeling the statistics?

KristaPedia 3 Aug 9

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I’m sure there’s people of reason around here. No one on this site though. Looking for skeptics is a bit harder than looking for atheists it seems. Your not alone, I’m feeling the isolation too.


I won’t disqualify a potential mate over their religion.

Best answer. Too bad you aren't a woman. Lol. I had to check.

@nastynifty I just checked too. Double true.


Is there not any secular humanist, atheist, agnostic groups in your area? They are becoming more numerous these days. But I hear ya! There's not another atheist within miles where I live, except my dog! lol


You deserve to have whatever criteria is important to you. I recently discovered a new one for me - the ability to walk. Some may say that's discriminatory, but I don't care - I want a woman who can hike with me!


Do food, culture, hygiene, money, shopping, sleeping habits have to match? If no, why beliefs if he is imposing it on you?


Who gives a damn!

well, obviously lots of people do. if you do not, so be it, but then why go out of your way to make the poster feel as if she has posted something stupid when in fact she has not?


@genessa It's been my observaton I fully understand her position & find myself in the same situation . Maybe I should have qualified my statement by 'most don't give a damn'.

@Atheist3 that would've been okay lol. "who..." sounded, well, a bit pugnacious. now i know where you're coming from 🙂)


@genessa Let me rephrase my statement further; where I live, a rural area, most people are not interested. It's a 'live & let live' attitude & when I tell someone that I'm an atheist the response is, "Okay." I've never had a person say, "I'm an atheist too!" Just the way it is.

@Atheist3 hmm, interesting. i almost never have someone say "me too" but my high school best friend did when i told her, at the age of 15 (16 for her). i don't usually get a negative reaction, though, if it comes up.


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