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My heart sank when the sewing machine balked. Got a better result.

Yesterday, I opened a new computerized Singer sewing machine. Watched YouTube videos on how to use it. Despaired at the steep learning curve. Wound the bobbin, threaded the machine and collapsed.

This morning, I practiced making buttonholes on scrap fabric. "I wish this machine made stronger buttonholes," I thought. "Double-sewed would be good."

Corduroy frays badly. Alas, all the buttonholes I tried were weak and measly. Buttonholes make me nervous. You have to get it right the first time. Tearing it out ruins the jacket.

The new sewing machine balked three quarters into the buttonhole. Oh, no! Fabric layers were too thick. So I stopped and started over, leading from the other direction.

The result is a perfect, double-sewed, strong buttonhole! I needed that.

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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It turned out lovely and so well made, I am sure!

Have you tried bound buttonholes? I think they work well with thicker fabrics...and much easier to do...

Can't wait to see your next project!!!


This reminds me of my girlfriend sewing 😀


I think you are happy and proud of yourself after completing your project.
I have some sewing skills and for my birthday I made a hippie Disco costume to celebrate with the 70's Disco Era. I think I did well because people were telling me how nice I looked.


Love your work and determination in finding the right way to do it and your strive for your own personal perfection in it,which warms your inner self,Beautiful work ,your work describes whom you are


@GreatNani, @tinkercreek, @19dacar52, @ShadowAmicus, @ArtzyNerd, @ToolGuy, @Mitch07102, @WayneDalton, @Jolanta, @Fernapple, @Cecilia2018, @kiramia, @dalefvictor, @Neenz, @kiramea, @AmmaRE007

To stop fraying, I did Hong Kong seam finishing inside. Used red seam tape to enclose raw edges.

This no-wale corduroy was an explosion of small black pieces all over the tablecloth, sewing machine, floors and me. Even after cutting with pinking shears.

It tickled me to conquer it. Time-consuming, but worth it.

I wonder how long you will find bits of black corduroy around the house... 😁


At age 10, my daughter Claire wanted to be Cleopatra for Halloween. By then, I let her pick out fabric. Claire chose gold lame' for her costume and gold mesh for the sleeves.

The gold lame' shattered each time the sewing machine needle pierced it. Shiny gold pieces everywhere, despite vigorous vacuuming. When I sold my house two years later, gold still sparkled from corners.


"Girls, get it over with," I said to Cleopatra Claire and Laura Ingalls Wilder Chelsea, both 10. "Make the worst face you can."

Claire's artist father painted her face. Claire grew so much in two months, I altered her costume the night before Halloween. Added gussets under her arms and lengthened the pants.


Beautifully done! As I said, I can't see on a button so truly impressed with your talent.


Looks GREAT, so you must have triumphed over the new machine! Takes me back, as I sewed my own clothes, things for others, then my kids over such a long time. Living & creating with fabric is just a joy!


Looks good. Is this the jacket you were doing the red seams on the inside? Can you show us the inside of the jacket as well? (Or did you already post a picture of the inside?)


and yet you may hardly ever fasten the jacket while wearing it ...... looks good - needs the model for best effect


I will post a photo wearing the jacket later this week.

The jacket fits me perfectly.

@LiterateHiker said it before - you would look equally beautiful dressed in a black bin liner - so long as it doesn;t hide that smile ..... but look forward to seeing you in the jacket too

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