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I had the most mind blowing lucid dream last night. Only the second in my life. I woke up so happy and stress free. It wasn't at all sexual, just saying. Anyone else have these dreams?

Slappy75 4 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I had a conversation with an older woman. She told me I was covered in ice. That I should move far away and start new. Then I was someplace new. It was a montage of meeting new people, cut scenes of having fun, then I'm in my new home surrounded by my new friends and super happy.
This is a dream. But it felt super important, so I searched the kitchen for bills and shit to get the address. Then started asking people where we were because I knew I would wake up soon. Where is this, what's my job, etc... and they reacted as people should. Wtf dude? You're freaking out. But I keep asking and eventually someone asks why do you need to know so bad?
And this girl says "because he's about to die".
And I look at her "you figured it out". She knows I'm dreaming. But when I wake up the dream isn't over, to them I just died. Blew my fucking mind. I woke up happier and more rested than I have in years.

It's the moment of intention when it becomes lucid. Looking for mail and it became as real as life.


That's pretty powerful!


I haven't had one recently, but I have had really cool semi-lucid flying dreams in the past that I still remember fondly.


Like you not very often


Was it Trump being impeached?


I have some incredibly vivid dreams but I've never gotten the hang of lucid dreaming.

I've only had two, but here is how it goes. You realize you are dreaming, then do something intentional to solidify it. Look at your hands is basic. Say a pre chosen phrase. In this one I looked at mail to see where I was.


I tend to have vivid, pleasant dreams that I can often influence. When I wake up I am often disappointed.


I wish I could do that. Either way Good to hear you had a good morning/day! Sometimes they are hard to come by, so it's great when a good day happens.

Thanks man. It was a gift. Super needed.


I had my first ever lucid dream a couple of years back, after having tried to have one for a long period of time.
I dreamed that I was at a Walmart with a man I was seeing at the time--and that he had a beard (which he didn't in real life at the time). That's what gave it away to me that I was dreaming and I got so excited that I had finally been able to recognize that I was dreaming that I woke myself up. Lol.

Mea Level 7 Mar 19, 2018

That's the hardest part. Staying in.


Good for you.


I don't practice "lucid dreaming" but have had my fair share. They range from terrifying, to comforting, to downright awesome.

I lost someone very close to me (many, many years ago) and I would have (still do, on occasion) dreams about him - some I'm with him, some I'm desperately looking for him.

I've had dreams about falling asleep before an important event and missing it. (Yes, I'm asleep and dreaming about sleeping.)

I once dreamt about the Rapture. It was pretty vivid, fire falling from above and the ground crumbling into a fiery abyss. Family was there - it was fairly long and detailed. I awoke feeling like God Himself was reaching out to me, imploring me to be a good little believe... Long story short - I'm still an Atheist.

I dream about meeting people I find interesting...
My most recent involved me doing my work for a Music Festival . (Not far off from reality, the difference was, I was AT the festival, instead of behind the scenes.) The Rolling Stones showed up. It was pretty cool.


Yes I have them a few times a year . I love explaining to my friends how basically it is a dream within a dream lol


I had one last as well, but I woke up in a pissed off. I am going to try not to let destroy my day.


Most of my dreams that I remember are flying dreams. I have those quite a bit I guess. The coolest thing about my flying dreams is I just know how. I mean when I wake up I still do and it takes me a bit to remember that I can't. It's like reading Seagull.


Maybe 4 in 60 years.


A lot of my lucid dreams were nightmares. I taught myself to recognize that they were dreams, and then I taught myself to control them. Lots of times, when I have a lucid dream now, as soon as I realize I'm in a dream, it ends....or changes to something else entirely.

marga Level 7 Mar 19, 2018

I don't think you guys know what lucid dreams are!


Yes, I'm shouting.


Ihave those too. Usually fantasy dreams I can fly in. Or I'm socializing/partying with a group of people.


I dream now, but can't remember them. I used to have the lucid, memorable ones, but not any more. When I was a kid, I sometimes had lucid dreams and sleepwalked with them. I sometimes woke in strange places.


I used to practic lucid dreaming. Posted about it a while back. You need to practice. The transition between being deeply asleep and awake can be interesting.


I learned the technic of lucid dreaming as a kid, I can control my dreams and feel good about every one I have.


I did once. Dreams are strange. Many years ago I woke up so tired I could not go to work that day. I had dreamed that I got no sleep and had worked all night.
This is a true story.

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