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Why do men get so mad when they get rejected?

This is probably already a question circulating but I thought I'd ask myself.

I see this all too often, when a guy PMs a girl with some sort of compliment or come on, and girls can be as sweet as ever with their let down that they are not interested and the guy will come back with profanity and put downs, calling her ugly or fat. I don't get it. Please explain.

valerina 7 Mar 19

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87 comments (26 - 50)

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I’m sure it’s not all men that do that . Only the immature ones with no code of honor or a real understanding who and what a man should be like . Plus , people get rude and fake online rather quickly. Virtual Social Life warps a lot of people’s psychological composition.


I don't know why the guys get mad....but their despicable reactions prove the girls were right in rejecting them.


I personally do not engage in this type of behavior, but maybe I have indulged in something akin to it, and I have certainly felt the feelings. So, here is the step-by-step breakdown.

So, first of all, for a man to even approach a woman signalling some kind of desire, is a great risk. For exactly this reason: the woman will often be unreceptive to his attention (for various reasons). Every guy knows this, and many men, perhaps somewhat unrealistically, expect women to be aware that they are, indeed, taking a risk.

And rejection hurts-for it's not something superficial, it's an indictment of their essential being-they are not worth your time. That's a tough pill to swallow, especially when men's egos are fed their entire lives (here's looking at YOU, Mom). Men aren't generally taught how to express their negative feelings constructively, so many men (myself included) express emotional pain as anger. In particular, when a man is told he is sexually undesirable, he seeks to even the score by attacking what he perceives to be the focus of her own sexual desirability, her beauty.

It's like the dating equivalent of: "You can't fire me, I quit!".

I am not excusing this behavior, but you asked for an explanation.

You have not contributed anything we didn't know.


I'm guessing the posts you have been looking at in this regard are not done by particularly aware people. Hang out with a better crowd.


In my long years of experience, it is not just the men who get mad. Women do too. But women have usually a circle of other women to bounce off. these feeling Men mostly do do not, or would not ask for advice from their buddies, so the reactions are mostly different., stupid and severe.


If that kind of thing happened to me, and it has (I liek guys too), I just tell them they only just confirmed my judgement(s), that they are not really a good person or the kidn of peson I want in my life... even for one night. (add, edit or delete parts as appropriate).


Only insecure guys are prone to do that. Admittedly, that's a lot of guys. The rest of us have a more mature and realistic understanding of how this works - not going to match up all the time. Shrug and move on until I find someone that I do match up well with. That's really all anyone on these sites can and should do.


The key element in situations like this is time. As in, the finite amount of it we have on this earth.

If a guy cuts out on you and moves on after you've placed him in the friend zone, it's because every single second he spends with you beyond that point is a waste of his formidable years of peak sexual opportunity.

You have to understand that he already has guy friends to hang out with, shoot the shit, grab a couple of beers and catch a ball game. He's with you because he's romantically interested, and if you're only interested in just being friends, then you have nothing to offer regarding his needs that he can't easily have fulfilled somewhere else.

There's nothing sadder than watching some guy wander through the desert of the friend zone for weeks, months or even years hoping that some woman he's pining over will one day offer him an oasis which doesn't exist.

If you're really interested in keeping a guy you're friend zoneing as a friend, then you have a couple of options:

  1. Set him up on dates. Make it your mission to find him a mate.


  1. If he's so unfortunately unattractive that the likelyhood of finding a mate is slim, then take him to the Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada as a christmas or birthday present and get the poor guy laid for pete sake.

Friend zoneing a guy just so you can have somebody to bitch to about the guy that you are actually fucking is no act of friendship. It's an act of cruelty. And you're no friend if you do it.

Maybe it's just me but I like to get to know someone and become friends with them first before I decide to take the plunge and actually date them. I guess I'm not in a hurry. You make some very valid points though.

I would guess that most people probably know rather quickly if there is at least some potential for a sexual relationship to develop when they meet someone for the first time. Either the spark is there or it isn't.

Not that everybody jumps in to the water right away. Social and religious constraints can definitely play a role as to when a relationship becomes physically intimate, but it's generally pretty obvious early on which path the future holds.

Is this a person whom I might be interested in becoming sexually involved with, or is this just someone I wouldn't mind hanging out with? That's decided within the first two minutes.

@webbew1 hmm not me, man, I need to know we can have a good conversation, I have to see their hygiene habits lol! There is a checklist before I get sexually involved. 😛

@webbew1 See this is why too often guys get hooked up with the wrong woman. They don't bother to get to know her beyond the surface.
Take a page out of a woman's book, hey our clocks are ticking too and the shelf life historically isn't what a man's is, we don't want to waste time either which is why we want to know you better before taking the plunge out of "friend zone".
How are you under pressure?
When something throws a wrench in plans?
Something as simple as reaction to say, spilling something- is that going to ruin your evening?! If it would , does that mean after the dust settles into relationship-ville that sort of thing is going to ruin your week?

And on & on. It's not enough to simply have a a surface attraction and hope everything falls into place. If this is the typical M.O. of men no wonder so many complain that after marriage the sex stops, because women often lose their zeal for sex when angry, or tired from shouldering mundane things they'd like help with...

When a guy complains about a sexless relationship I always wonder what he did to piss the woman off so badly that she quit being attracted to him.

[I] had a rather pitiful 1st time "date" the other day with someone I consider a years long "friend" . It was so unfortunate, the vibe, that I doubt I'll ever entertain going out with him again....EVEN as a friend.


I think the reason why that is so prevalent to women is because they are dealing with a particular sample pool. A certain percentage of guys are very macho, aggressive, all into themselves, see women as only sex objects. They are in the bars and clubs looking for a piece of ass, and they work by volumn...testing a lot of women until one goes for it. That's why you deal with so many of them. And they think nothing of you as a person. Typically,when that "personality type" gets turned down, he will wonder what is wrong with this chick...can't she see that I am god's gift to women....and now my ego hurts so I must lash out to prove that I am indeed powerful.


With many men, it's a big let-down to get rejected. It makes them feel unwanted and insecure about their own masculinity. When they do what you say they do, they're doing what is known as 'sour-graping'.


I don't. I'm male, but if rejected by a female, I bid her peace, and move on. I'll also only accept a female that falls into my honor code. A proverbial needle in a crate of needles.


Hell if I know.

@teslacoilsmith Are you saying you don't reject anyone? OR, are you saying you never get abusive/negative feedback after you reject someone? I'm very curious your POV.

@valerina I go through the same thing when I reject some guys sexual advances. I don't know why one minute they are nice, and then get hateful when I say no. Gay guys are sometimes the same as straight guys in this regard.

@Teslacoilsmith intetesting! Thanks for sharing!!


They're just following the great example set forth by their president.


ZOOM, ZOOM... the leader of the pack.


Rejection sucks but I've never taken it personally or lashed out like that. I've had women do it to me though. I can't say all men are like that or that all women are like that either. We're all human and there's always gonna be some shitty people out there. I tend to stay away from the shitty ones.


Sometimes males of several species kill prospective mates who reject them. And, some spiders, including the black wodow, eat their mates. Procreating is not play; although, some apes, including people and bonobos enjoy erotic play without procreation.

Statistically, I think few people ponder ethics and philosophy. They just interact and experience and learn along the way. Some are crippled and learn bizarre things, such as religion, but bizarre doesn't stop there, it invades all aspects of life. It is difficult to live with all varieties of personality. But, we must make our way. Perhaps some future AI Freud will straighten things out, we have failed so far.


Men are taught to repress their emotions. The only acceptable emotion in the "big boys don't cry" crowd, which is most men, is anger.

Sad. Even sadder is the low number of men who are not raised that way, and the low number of men who overcome their programming.


I suggest that in most cases people initially believe that the other person will be and exhibit or learn to be and exhibit the traits and characteristics that they want in their ideal partner. When they don't or refuse to conform to that ideal the rejected rarely acknowledges that is their ideal that has not been met nor that the other person is specifically rejecting an offer not the whole person.

The person the offer has been made to has their own right to be themself and pursue whatever they wish. For example if two people are wholly compatible except for the fact that one person wishes to have children and the other doesn't I suggest that you are looking at an unstoppable total disaster if the relationship continues.

So why should men become irrationally out of control? ... Stupidity, ignorance, unpunished previous bad behaviour / lack of fear of consequence, lack of empowerment in having the knowledge or learning to understand what has occurred in the rejection and in many cases an unfulfilled sexual urge creating its own madness.

It seems however that the times are changing. It was reported a few weeks ago in the local paper that two women kidnapped a 19 year old man and held him prisoner for several hours. They were both charged. Very little detail was given.


Small willies

Simon, why are you talking about foot size? Is this a foot fetish?
Oh, crikey I read "Wellies" not "Willie's". Must put the specs on.?

@FrayedBear lmao well you know what they say about men with big feet .....big wellies !!;!

@SimonMorgan1 ?


Good question. I do not know either, sounds terrible, stupid and less grown up than a toddler.
But then the US has a president that is like that right now.
It almost looks like a lot of people would encourage or even like that kind of pathetic behaviour in men in US society.

Hmm didn't you also have a president with his penis in an intern's mouth? What was that?

@FrayedBear I'm sure we've had many.

@valerina IMO No point in being coy or only recognizing it in one flavour of politics.

@FrayedBear I've only been on this planet for 30some years, I don't remember a lot about US history, especially leaders and POTUS, but for real though... I've seen Scandal, shit goes down and we'll never know lmao!

@FrayedBear but to be more on point... Trump is my least favorite.

@valerina Each has their own quota of abominable traits. I often espouse the expression "the only good politician is a dead politician and I haven't read of any of them".

@FrayedBear agreed! Lol

@FrayedBear If you cannot see the monstrous difference between a president privately having consensual sex with another adult and a president behaving in a sociopathic fashion towards pretty much the entire globe, you lack the minimum required to have a discussion that is not an entire waste of time.
Also your confession about the expression "he only good politician is a dead politician and I haven't read of any of them" shows a lack of understanding of the democractic system, that makes it frigthening that you participate in it.

@josmi6699 and what have you done about your democratic system or contributed to @valerina's question?

Your democratic system hasn't worked since the day the constitution was created - when were N. American Africans given the vote?

Who is still disenfranchised today?

Who can have the opinion "none of the presenting candidates are fit to represent me" counted at the polling booth?

I recall that your president with a propensity for oral sex claimed that it wasn't sex - how childish is that and why is it still a crime in many states?

Wasn't it also the same bunch of oral masturbators who fired a woman head of US Health for having the audacity to talk about the benefits of masturbation?

What is frightening is your inability to reason beyond the capacity of your brain , its cognitive dissonance and the quantum of indoctrination and spin doctoring that it has managed to absorb. LMAO

@FrayedBear I cannot argue with the brilliance of your argument "LMAO" and rest my case. Life is too short for this.


Yeah, happens all the time, guys get all aggro if rejected and worse if their lady doesn't want to be with them any more.
On the other side of the coin, some of us get complaints from ladies as they leave us that we obviously don't care because we are not upset.
Also, very few women ever make the first move, so maybe that is part of the answer, just not sure how.


They've been humiliated and do not know how to walk away or gracefully recover. They have to "strike back" to "make up for it." You've ruined their tiny world view of themselves that they are worthy and have not considered that they are not what they pretend to be.


It's entitlement. They believe, whether or not they realize, that they are entitled to a relationship from somewhere. Hollywood teaches us that the girl (or the guy) is a prize. Charlatans teach otherwise perfectly respectable men how to close the deal as if sex and relationships are commodities women trade for favors or something.
This and so many more things (traditional male dominance in western society, et al) have conditioned some men to believe they're owed a woman.

@Louie406 I'm also in a relationship that's fast becoming serious.


That is a question that could fill a book with answers. Maybe dating sights have a higher number of men who are asses than in the general population. Anger issues due to repeated rejection, etc. Men do face more rejection than women overall. You would think we would handle it better. But that is not the case it seems.

@Tynorth This is true, and women have had to give more rejections, so we need to be nicer as well. I get that it's frustrating to do something like this repeatedly. We should all handle it better in general. 👍


Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Lol thanks 😛


Status. You lose face if you're rejected--unless the person rejecting you has less status than you. So if you get rejected, you can innoculate yourself against losing face by lowering the status of the rejector.

Of course, this has the effect of lowering your status--because you had the low standards to pursue a low-status individual to begin with, or the lack of discernment to fail to realize in the first place they were low-status (until they rejected you, that is), or because you are flighty and inconsistent in your status attribution.

But this only becomes apparent to those others of sufficient intelligence who are paying attention.

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