I have to admit, coming from a southern baptist upbringing, the "bless you" after someone sneezes slips out occasionally. However, I usually catch myself, and it comes out as a mumbled "bless yyyy"... LoL
As to my replies, I usually say, thanks, or smile and nod. I try to take it good form as they are usually meaning well, however misguided it may be.
The "have a blessed day" thing does make me roll my eyes for some reason. So I usually ignore that one. I don't think I ever heard it until recently, so I am not sure if it is new or a geographical thing.
I am torn on the whole subject. I feel everyone should think whatever makes them happy. However, I feel that most evil in the world was/is caused by religion, and that it would be a much better place without it.
That blessed day stuff irritates me for some reason. Nearly everyone that says it is full of biblical sin
I just thank them. I try to respect other people's religions as much as I can tolerate, because I think it's hypocritical to want them to respect yours or others religions and then turn around and disrespect theirs. They're entitled to their beliefs, and to them it is a way of saying "I cannot express my gratitude well enough". It doesn't hurt me to thank them for their blessings, even if I don't believe in their god. I've been told multiple forms of "God bless you", "Allah bless you" what have you. I look at it the same as being told "may the force be with you"
However if they say they'll pray for me, and they aren't genuinely caring, I will tell them where they can put those prayers
I say thank you. It means they wish you well. That is a good thing.
It depends on the situation. Usually, I just respond, "Thanks," as there's little point in debating good wishes. If the comment was made with condescension, however, I may well offer some snark in return.
If I help someone on the street who's asking for money and I get a "God bless you," usually, I smile gently and say, "Not really. I'm an atheist." In such cases, I try to keep the exchange very kind, but I do like to make the point - softly - that the help is from one person to another person, without attempting to curry favor with some eye in the sky.
Yeah, my general rule is to be kind unless the other person is being a dick. lol
Depending on who, and my mood, I've said : "thanks, I'm good" , "ok", "trust me, not gonna happen", or total silence - with a nod. It bugs me a bit because I feel the one offering the blessing - however well meaning, is making an often misguided assumption, that everyone believes as they do. Gr-r-r
I happen to be currently dating a Christian (never thought THAT would happen !). We met at the gym, and I noticed him blessing everyone he talked to. So one of the first things I told him was, if we're to have a chance at all, was to please NOT bless me in any way - even for a sneeze (no evil spirits causing them). He's totally receptive and respectful, and we can talk about anything without attacking. He stopped right away, and I'm glad !
@TampaHeathen sometimes I do too - but their opinions are their problem, not mine ! Ha
I ignore most of it. They're saying it for themselves, anyway.
Just say, "Thank you, " and change the subject.
If you pretend they are just giving you positive energy, it won't offend you.
If they are friends or even co-workers, then most likely they are doing this from a position of caring or concern, and are trying to express that. I would be casual, not make a big deal of it and just say thanks. If someone is knowingly trying to irritate you I would ignore them, as it wouldn't be worth the effort to do otherwise.
I just say thank you, bid them good day and move on with my life. I at least appreciate the kind intentions and will respond likewise.
"I'll talk to my cat for you. Expect the same result."
Not really. Cats exist and they do respond in their own way
I just say "Thank you". I think most people are conditioned to make comments as it feels like the proper thing to say and they've been hearing and saying it all their lives. People can pray for me all they want. That's their choice. After all, they are trying to say something positive. I appreciate that.
I absolutely hate "have a blessed day" people used to say "have a nice day" or here in Tennessee "have a good-un". I prefer either of those to the "blessed day" thing. It sounds so fake to me.
Thank you. Agreed!
I'm always making jokes. A sexy ladyfriend of mine says, "I'll be doing it 'til they carry me out." That's the way I feel about making jokes. In my upcoming book I argue that life is surreal and give some pretty cogent reasons for the point of view.
Anyway, about your post, when somebody says, "God bless you," or God bless America," act offended and give them a feisty rebuke, "Who do you think you are telling God what to do."
Since college days I always enjoyed watching people's faces when they're confronted with something totally unexpected.
Just say "Oh thanks, but I'm fine" or "And may the Flying Spagetti Monster bestow its gifts upon you and yours"
respond to "Merry Christmas" with a good "And Happy Hanukkah to you" or a nice "Praise Allah"
I say, "Thanks". I appreciate the sentiment behind it and that's what I'm thanking them for.
They are but words, and can be so easily just ignored. there is no real meaning behind the words, so no reason to cause a scene, nothing said, nothing heard !
If I'm at work I say thank you.
Of course I also say thank you when the asshole customers tell me they're gonna go shop somewhere else
I surprised myself yesterday when someone came to my door and offered me a flyer for some religious thing. I guess because she was asian and the front only said "you are invited" with the address of a nearby social center that was built before I moved back. Between trying to understand her and thinking about how I should check out the center, it took me a bit to realize her mission and thanked her while taking the flyer.
Ah well, I don't really hate myself today