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Losing Faith in Humanity

I know it's a heavy statement for a first post, but I am actually very curious to hear ideas about restoring one's faith in humanity when it seems to be gone. I've never experienced this before and I am not sure what I need to do restore it for myself.

Firebug916 5 Mar 22

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In an age when all of our politicians are bought by big money and the powerful and wealthy seem to want more and more at the expense of us, it is difficult to believe in humanity. That said, I see underpaid teachers work their butts off because they care about their students and want the best for them. Day after day they quietly go about their business enlightening young minds. I also watch them spend some of their hard earned money to help a student who needs food or clothes. I see these because I am a teacher in the lowest paying state in the land for teachers. Believe me, there are good people out there. We may not always notice their good deeds.


I can't lose something l never had.


Welcome to a caring community. Have you joined any Humanist groups in your area? Good place to start.


I feel that humanity is going through some growing pains. Once we move on from narcissitic inclinations we will learn that helping one another is far more advantagious than only helping ourselves. Work for the betterment of humankind an despense with the urges to dominate, only then will faith in humanity be sewn within us.

Gohan Level 7 Mar 22, 2018

Have faith - man has walked the earth for millions of years, and we arent going away any time soon. We come from brutal and savage past, conditions on earth keep getting better.

gater Level 7 Mar 22, 2018

This site will help.

JimG Level 8 Mar 22, 2018

Justice, morality, and democracy do not simply occur. They are hard won! We must fight for them constantly, or we will lose them. If you give up, you are enabling those who would prevent those standards from being maintained.


Why ask why? You had your eyes opened by a series of events, no doubt. Now you've seen so many mean, selfish, flabby hearts you can't pretend that the story you cherished is not true. There are wonderful people on this earth, but they are few and far between. Use your new eyes to find and cherish them. As for the rest, expect them to be who they are and interact accordingly. You don't have to point out to them that you see who they are. I'm afraid you are not going to be able to restore faith in humanity. Why you would want to?


@Firebug916 ... Faith in humanity. Faith is something inside of you. The levers of control over how you feel are accessible to only you. No one else can move them. No event in the world can move them without your cooperation. Find them. Use them. Practice.

skado Level 9 Mar 22, 2018

Be the best human you can be and you'll attract other good humans.


Try to seek out the good, the positive ones, the ones you can laugh with, the supportive ones, the ones you wish to champion, the ones that cause you to feel good in their presence, and do your best to greatly limit - or even eliminate altogether those others !


When I hang around with my daughter, her husband, and sometimes their friends (they're generally all in their mid to late 30's), I get a big morale boost. They seem optimistic about the future, they're all very bright, and ambitious, in a good way. There is some cynicism, but it seems like healthy cynicism to me; like not having a great deal of faith in our current government and how the political system operates. But they are politically active. Many of them, including my daughter and son-in-law think very much in line with the opinions and attitudes I read on this forum. That gives me hope.


I've felt this way, to some degree, ever since Trump won the election. Pretty sure I'm still grieving for the Obama presidency. We went from the best to the worst, in my opinion. I just want to hide in a corner until it's over!! I'd suggest doing things that make you happy as a distraction, but I know it's hard to do that. Great topic!


I fully understand how you feel, as I too went through a period of darkness and doubt about our future as a species. But I also agree with most of the positive posts below, and can add little more than a Here! Here! As others have said, it’s probably time to stop watching the news, whether cable or local, and instead watch a few TED Talks. Read books that enable us to see the bigger picture by authors like Steven Pinker or Hans Rosling. And finally, consider that the attitude of ‘faith’ itself implies unjustifiable belief, which is best discarded in favor of evidence-based confidence. I now have confidence in humanity when I look at my kids and their generation, who are more talented, empathetic and capable than I was at their age.


Hey. I like questions like this because they make me look at myself. I don’t answer it directly at all, but hopefully there’s something in there of value ☺

Nothing out there is real. What we interact with are waves and particles of pure energy, and sub-nuclear and sub-atomic particles at frequencies and wavelengths we have evolved to utilise, despite being completely unconscious of. We are biology engaging with its environment. The ‘reality’ we perceive is inside our heads, it’s not ‘out there’, and most of us don’t know how a human being works. This is a shame because, to some extent, each of us is in charge of one.

The world we live in, society, is the material consequence of actions, ever-present within the time frame we call ‘reality’. We don’t live in it, we navigate it. We do a surprising amount of this on autopilot. But it’s happening in our heads. Information goes in, we process it and the output is what the world engages with. Think of unteracting withthe wordl in reverse. Upwards of seven billion humans are doing this right now.

In order for reality to be experienced, it must be captured and processed within the mind of an observer, which is a subjective phenomenon. Reality can’t be shared, only agreed upon, because, if you like, the energy of the subjective experience is unique. Understanding this involves embracing scientific principles and doesn't rule in, nor out, a creator.

Everyone’s reality is unique to them, we each see the world differently. The reality we engage with is the aggregate of billions of bits of information we each bring to the story. We interact within a relatively fixed time frame, which allows us to appear to navigate the infinite ocean of time and space. But it is all happening inside our heads.

Imagine the potential, were we able to get through to people that everything about the outside world is actually happening inside our own heads. But it’s such a stretch, such a deviation, that it’s often difficult to present the facts in a way that’s easily grasped. We can’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to, for various reasons, not least because we can’t predict the future and we don’t like it when people force us to do things we don’t want to do. Let Naysayers be. This isn’t a religion and donations are not required. We just chill out. Let each other be. Give help when asked, if that’s your thing, or don’t. Mind your business, we are proud creatures and we behave like animals because we are animals. We’re dangerous. But if handled properly, educated in a radical, child-centric way, educated to proclivity, we can produce good adults. It would only take a generation and humans would have no need to kill each other along the way, not once they realise that for once and for all, we’re acknowledging the beast within.

Robert Lanza says that if we think about it, we’re on top of infinity. All the earthly histories and universal events led to this moment, with us on top of it all. It could well be just another weird coincidence that can’t be explained. In an infinite, many worlds scenario it’s everything you can imagine it could be within the laws of physics. It’s just a numbers game.
As they bring biology and physics closer together, scientists are figuring out more about the importance of the observer. Could it be that they are on the cusp of beginning to scratch the surface of the nature of consciousness too? Maybe we’re on top of infinity. Maybe we always are.


Faith in humanity to what end?


No but tired of social structures that serve very few....

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