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Are the people around you religious? Are you the oddball?

Almost everyone I know is religious. Even my best friend, who was monumental in getting me to open my mind to humanism has returned to prayer for the placebo affect it gives her. Even all my gay friends (I am gay myself) are religious. I just can't understand that.... Seems like an oxymoron... It was a huge reason I shunned religion. Are you alone in your religious views or do you have some around you who understand?

MagicAndRainbows 4 Mar 23

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I'm lucky in that among all the wiccans and casual xtians I'm around, they're pretty quiet about it and haven't really said much about my agnosticism.


My family are religious when everyone is watching so they just leave me alone about it now because I point out their hypocrisy hahahaha


I've always been the "oddball". Being an atheist is just another thing that makes me such.
I, too, do not understand how gay people can be religious. Same goes for black people.
It's never made sense to me.

Gay religious people just seem to ignore parts of the bible that are anti-gay. I don't know how they do that. I would not want to belong to something that badly. As for blacks if you follow them close enough they seem to start believing that the Hebrews were black. All of them wanna believe a whole lot more than I do.


I'm the oddball irrelevant of religion because I do my own thing and don't try to fit in. it is handy because it automatically gets rid of religious and shallow people without even having to talk to them. I didn't do it for that but what a bonus.


Yes and yes.


I am definitely the oddball. Somewhat of an outcast as far as family is concerned. The "black sheep" if you will. I have a brother-in-law, niece, and son-in-law who are ordained ministers. My siblings, three sisters, are all quite Christian. That goes for most of my extended family. I believe I am the only atheist among my relatives, although I have one cousin who I think "might" be atheist. He's not open about it, though. I can't say I blame him because his siblings and immediate family are mostly Jehovah's Witnesses.

Among my friends, I may also be the only one firmly in the atheist camp. Some are more obviously (and obnoxiously) religious than others, and I can't think of any of my close friends who are atheist.

So yeah, I guess that makes me an oddball. But then again I've never been exactly normal. 🙂


MAR, when you live in the South (Howdy from Texas!) I think everyone expects you are all in for some churchin'. I know that's the case here. That's why I like this site. An opportunity to be less of a hypocrite.

In other words: Shhhhh! in the closet.


Most of the people I know think they're religious but they are just ignorant people that want to feel like they belong.


Im the oddball for literally everything in my family especially religion


I'm completely alone in my unbelief. My eldest is also bisexual so that has one person who relates.


Im the only one who is not religious in my world . Since I have started doubting my ex believe ..
My whole family use to pray and do religious stuff . I left my country with my religious wife and son to have more freedom...

Still every night I hear my son listen to his mom reading religious crap before he goes to sleep ..

I don't want to distroy our marriage but don't want to loose my freedom ! It is pain ..


Absolutely everyone in my family, and practically everyone in my community is uber religious. I attended a party once and several ladies started talking in hushed tones (I guess they thought the devil would hear them) about an atheist they know. They even said something about her being a witch, as if that were a bad thing. These were 'educated' leaders of our city. [shudder] ~Katie

I am president of our local magic club. A few years ago, the (then) president was so offended that we had even brought up the idea of a theatrical, 1920's style "seance" (all parlour tricks), that he had to resign and quit the club because he couldn't associate with people that could even contemplate that. Spoiler Alert: all stage magic is illusion and showmanship. Period. It amazed me that a 60/70 something year old crusty cowboy/veteran could be so frightened of the Boogeyman.


None of my friends are religious these days. Did lose a friend of 35 years to the Catholic Church.


I am an outcast although one of my sisters understands me more than the other 2. I think she may be becoming agnostic with current events that have happened to her.


Many in this burg are drug addicts or drunks. A majority of the rest are just very decent people without religion.


Most people in my circle, now, are not devout, but they do accept the bullshit indoctrinated view that there is a superstitious component to our existence, and that holy books are sacred.


Yes, I'm alone in my atheist beliefs. My only outlet is this web site. I'm happy to have found so I can talk people have the same beliefs and are open minded. I can't believe how closed minded I was, until I left the dark side of religion.


At work, I'm the oddball. Those weirdos are all Bible thumpers. I don't really like to talk to anyone at work anyway, so it's whatever. My friends, though...most of them identify as Christian even though they can't tell me why. It's just how they were raised and they don't question it. Easter just passed and two of them texted "Happy Easter!" and lost their damn minds when I didn't respond. I do have a Wiccan friend who is a little ritualistic lately, but at least it's not an Abrahamic religion. Other than that, no one understands me except my grown kids. Btw, I can't completely do not understand gay Christians at all.

Lani Level 5 Apr 9, 2018

Yes I’m the only atheist in my immediate family. My 7 year old grandson is concerned I’m going to hell because when he asked me if I believed in god I told him I didn’t believe in something that doesn’t exist.
My wife lf 42 years is somewhat religious and we have agreed not to discuss religion.


Unfortunately, there is no one around me who shares in my skepticism, which can be difficult to live with at times.


Seems like everyone around me believes in god. A lot of them say they are christians. Church is very important to many people down here in Mobile, Alabama.


Most around me are. I'm a paranormal investigator and the religious either cling or rebuke it.


I live in a very religious country N.I. Strangely its ok to be atheist and out . Its only not ok for catholics ot accept protestandts or vice versa (some are O.K ) Round about the Marching season it all get s a lot hotter but atheists are pretty much left alone - It is so not okay to be gay here though -seriously don't come unless you go to the south where they have a gay Taoiseach.


Abso-freakin-lutly. Hi neighbor, over here north of Raleigh.

AmyLF Level 7 Mar 24, 2018

yes but people are Ok with me its the catholic protestand divide that annoys them - Atheists arent even in hte picture in N.I . (nice for me)


Yes, I have a very religious family. Yes, I'm the oddball. I haven't told them yet, because I have enough stress in my life. I don't want to listen to the bs. I very happy with being anthiest.

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