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We have labels for everything, I’m atheist, vegan, I practice meditation & mindfulness, musician, yoga, dad, friend, activist, Democrat, I could go on. Life's a journey, 54, finally comfortable in my own skin. An eyebrow goes up when I find a republican meditation guru or an angry vegan. I believe being congruent in all things takes away the struggles of life so you can just be, not that things don’t need work but they don’t need the struggle, what do you think?

ArdentAtheist 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Yup..follow your bliss.


Don't know if I'd use the word 'congruent' . I would say I try to avoid cognitive dissonance.

I agree, avoiding cognitive dissonance would be another way to put it. If there is a better single word than congruent I’d be happy to replace it, or perhaps it just requires 3 words?


We don't all fit a mold, and we're also all a work in progress. So maybe that angry vegan just started mindfulness training yesterday.

Let us know when you have no incongruence in your life - any one of us could find you a hyperactive child with ADD to babysit for a day... 😉

I work at it, I simply don’t care to stress over the process. Maybe he did? Cheers


The way that you describe it, being "congruent" sounds a little like following the party line, and I don't relate. I am Atheist, Liberal, pro-choice, pro-science, pro-equal pay and pro-family leave. I am also pro-nuclear, and I favor the death penalty. Life isn't black and white.


Getting old definitly has it's benefits! I really don't care what anyone thinks of me, I like me more now than ever. I found a meme that defines me wellthough I don't remember it entirely correct; I'm peace, I'm light, I'm the stars, and a little go fuck yourself!


I don't likeconfrontation unless its a protest march. I avoid Republicans, Conservatives, bigots, trumpsters, haters, etc. I am Liberal, Democrat, pro-diversity, pro-immigration,freethinker, animal lover, music enthusist, activist and cancer survivor.


Good choice, the athiest and vegan part

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