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As a Latino, I no longer feel safe in Trump's America. So I'm leaving it.

"For a Hispanic, like me, America has become another name for hate; it’s come to feel like Germany in the early 1930s, the preamble to the horror. It scares me, and, frankly, I think it should scare us all.

"I am no longer welcome or made to feel particularly safe here. In Trump’s America, to be Hispanic is to be an alien and speaking Spanish is a thing to fear or hide.

"The videos that go viral on a regular basis of white Americans viciously insulting Spanish-speaking people infest my social media, but what gets me with each one is the hatred etched in deep grooves on the white interrogators’ faces. They really hate us — and they are being encouraged to express it from on high — and applauded for it in some circles.

"The opprobrium against us Latinos coming from Trump’s mouth — bad hombres, rapists, lazy — have been the spark needed to ignite this latent powder keg of racism. And it really doesn’t matter if you are technically a U.S. citizen — just ask any Puerto Rican. It only matters if you speak Spanish, and do not fit the image of what Americans supposedly should look like: white.

"After Trump won the 2016 election, I believed that decency and reason would win the day. I now doubt that it will. This country runs on fear and it feels as though the American experiment is coming to an ignominious end. This was not the bill of goods I was sold.

"I arrived at my decision with trepidation, after long nights of soul-searching and daily doses of Donald Trump’s insults. It will be a long goodbye — but it will be a goodbye. The time has come for me to leave America."


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 2

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🤐I can't believe this is happening in America


For myself, this is what I am researching for my 'mini-dissertation'. Not just the USA, but UK as well.


Tell her come here safe state


People left the uk after the Brexit vote too, it’s sad when good people don’t feel welcome where they live.


This was so sad. I am ashamed of what this country has become. The haters have come out of the woodwork with Trump. Ignorant, uneducated and white. I am ashamed they call themselves American. I consider them white trash. I do not respect racists. My parents were racists. My best friend was Puerto Rican and 40 years ago I rejected their hatred of Maria and left home and went to live with her and her cousins in Boston. Now we have come full circle back to hate and racism. Sad very sad.


I'm part Hispanic .. I live in NYC. I haven't experienced any racial hatred..

Thank goodness, long may it continue.

Are you white passing? Because I have read accounts from white-passing people how their experiences tend to be much better than their visibly POC family members and friends... and until it comes out that they are hispanic... they are treated better.

@demifeministgal what is white passing?

@Cutiebeauty I am surprised you have never heard of the concept... it is specific to US history/sociology: []

@demifeministgal ah.. I don't think im white passing... I don't look white at all... I just think NYC is so diverse that no one cares much about race...

@Cutiebeauty That's a good thing then... it is very diverse in my city too but one still comes across the racists... though my city has ALOT of immigrants and SOMEtimes given groups are more comfortable being honest with their racism/biases with others than canadian citizens would be (our racism is more covert or subtle here than it is in the USA).

@Sealybobo so would the kkk rape and brutalize Halle more often than the average black woman before they murder her?

@Sealybobo you brought up the kkk.. I just responded to that... Good response though...


That is so disheartening haven't seen that much here


It depends on where you live in this country.


She lives in New York City.

Racists are everywhere, emboldened by Trump.

@LiterateHiker Racists are all over the planet, but it still depends on where you live. If you live in cities like San Antonio, El Paso, Austin, the SW part of Texas, parts of California or most of New Mexico where their culture is very prominent and sometimes they outnumber white folks, it is a different story. It is no different than being openly atheist. If you live in a secular city like Austin or Denver, no one cares.



Get a rope...


That's your opinion. My ex-husband Terry is Latino and our daughter is half-Spanish.

Growing up, Terry was abused with racist slurs. His assistant principal called him a "wetback" while Terry worked a schoolteacher. He's retired now.

It didn't matter that Terry was born in America and has a master degree.

@LiterateHiker Where were you living? I am only going by my experience and where I have lived. I have lived with an Hispanic woman for five years and was married to an Hispanic/Apache women for three years. I am sorry he went through that, but where you live really does matter.


Wenatchee, WA.

@LiterateHiker Not exactly a hotbed of hispanic culture. 🙂


Hispanic people make up 25% of Wenatchee's population.

Once again, you're wrong.


@LiterateHiker Has that culture been there for centuries? It has been here for centuries. I know exactly what I am talking about. Population does not equal culture. Almost 30% of Chicago's population is Hispanic, but the culture is most definitely not. This is true of many American cities. The culture has so much to do with how you are treated.


We stole the SW from Mexico, now we try to re-write history to make the inhabitants foreigners.


That is so sad. Not sure we can recover from this nightmare.

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