How important is your ethnic background to you? I am such a duke's mixture (as far as I can tell) that it makes me 100% American. What about you? Does it matter?
I am Irish, Scottish,British, with a little Viking mixed in. I knew it because of my family names, but it has been fun looking back on my family. I have found civil war soldiers, immigrants, where they come from and where they ended up. It doesn't affect my life in any way, but I enjoy looking and discovering. I'm American, but it is nice to know where I came from.
Appearing "white" still open doors in this area anyhow. I try not to take that for granite.
It's gneiss that you don't take it for granite.
Very. A person's ethnic background usually shapes that person's beliefs and treatment of others. I only date educated, fit, American Caucasians of my social status, who see women as equal with men, for instance. Most non-upperclass whites and races see women as second class citizens, as part of their culture. There are always exceptions, but not something I want to chance.
In my experience, most people of other races, nationalities, and ethnicities consider dating an American Causian a status upgrade, and often a way to get a green card. I have to delete non-native would-be lovers from my Facebook constantly.
I am what I am... more where I come from than where I am going. I always will be... and Proud.