34 4

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels?

I was a late bloomer; in my 20s.

Aralt 7 Mar 26

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I remember I was young and my dad was trying to train me. I’m like 90% sure he pushed me over, but he still claims that he let me go and I just fell over. Probably only 7

Adam7 Level 4 Mar 27, 2018

I'm not sure I ever had training wheels, but I think I was around 7 years old when I learned to ride a bicycle. I wasn't allowed on the road, so riding was limited to the lawn.


I think I was five. We had some tiny little bike with training wheels.


How ever old one is in first grade.


I was 8 and I still love using one!


10 or 11.


I couldn't figure it out till I was about 14...

Mea Level 7 Mar 27, 2018
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