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Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?

Say you've been chatting with a woman for a bit, you have good conversations, similar world views, find her moderately attractive, etc. You decide to meet and go on a date. You end up sleeping together. Would you consider dating her with the possibility of it turning into a relationship?

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Marcie1974 8 Mar 27

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109 comments (101 - 109)

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I would prefer not. Never say never... Circumstances would dictate how I would handle it. But I've been single a long time... And never been with anyone new. Not for lack of opportunity. I want to really get to know her first. I want no regrets, I have a lifetime worth already. No need for more. So the answer has to be I would decline. I have declined. But never is a long time and does not allow for circumstances.
Oh, I can edit! Good. I wanted to say, she has to be more than 'Moderately attractive' to me! And that's not about just her looks... There really is such a thing as chemistry. Pheromones or whatever it is, it's a real thing. So, if that's all it is, 'moderately'... I'll pass.


It’s never my business about a women’s past sexually or other wise, and it’s not that women can have the sexual hx. But I don’t care unless they want to share however I don’t want women to be like men..... to many schmucks out there not deserving emulation


I've done it before. Turned out to be a huge mistake but yeah...


I guess my question is for anyone who themselves engaged in sex on the first date — it takes two to tango, after all — who doesn't want to continue dating that person, what their objection is. I mean, I get it if someone themselves doesn't have sex on the first date and is put off by someone who is willing (e.g., fear of disease or don't think a long-term relationship can work out), but when they've both had sex together on the first date, why does that disqualify the other person from consideration for a relationship? Why does that standard not apply to oneself as well, so they see themselves as likewise ill-suited for a relationship? I'm notoriously slow to move into sexual territory but, if I were inclined to have sex on the first date and we seemed to really hit it off otherwise as well, I'd have no qualms about dating more seriously. And even though I do take things more slowly, I don't judge women who are less hesitant as somehow unworthy of my affection or attention. There are too few people I really connect with deeply, and I don't feel like I have the luxury of casting a woman aside for something as trivial (to me) as being highly sexual.


Hope springs eternal..


What a messed up question! The person or persons who come up with these kinds of questions seem to be wanting something?


It takes two to have sex in this scenario so it seem very hypocritical to judge her for participating in the same activity as the man!


If both people want too why not


Most men want sex on the first date if they can get it, but most men will not be interested in a long term relationship with a woman that will have sex on the first date. Yes, it’s hypocritical. But it’s pretty much been proven ... whybelae would a man even pose this question??? Someone once told me that Women give sex for love and men give love for sex. I’ve found this to be usually true. I’m not a misandrist- quite the contrary, I very much enjoy men- as long as they aren’t assholes 🙂

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