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How many here exercise regularly?

VinEet 3 Nov 20

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I used to. A few years ago, I had leukemia and hte cancer drugs just really sapped my energy to where I just didn't have the energy to exercise. After a few years on those drugs, I just was no longer in the habit of exercising. Once you stop, it is hard to start up again, especially as you get older.

Sorry to hear about your cancer problem. It takes such a short time to get out of shape- yes, but you can get back in shape. There is something to be considered: absolutely no smoking; light on the booze; eat lots of fresh fruit, and veggies lightly cooked. Maybe you already do these things- and I certainly don't have all the answers.


I do 2 days a week of cardio and 2 days a weeks with weights in a body pump class at the YMCA. I've struggled with my weight for along time. I was always working a lot (2 jobs or 55 + hrs/week) and had 2 young kids when I was at a very young age. So now that my kids are older & pretty self sufficient, and I have a job where I can get by on 40 hrs, I finally have time to focus on me, myself & I. My goal is to just be healthy. šŸ˜€


Hit the gym regularly, and appt with a trainer weekly.

Zster Level 8 Nov 21, 2017

At the age of 80, I work out with weights 3 days a week -- on 13 different machines, exceeding my body weight on 9 of them.

We are the same age. My chief objective now is to drop about 17 pounds. Yes, and I need to work out with some weights too. This spring I did 372 km in a month on the rowing machine. I think I will get a t-shirt with, "Geezers do it better- they just can't remember what they do"


It's like this, Nature 'provided' me with a reasonable body, unlike some who were not so fortunate at birth. Turning myself into a fat slob, would be to dis my good fortune. Yesterday I did 5 km on the rowing machine- will do that again today. Rowing exercises the arms, back, stomach, legs: a good all round exercise. I am probably the oldest person on here. In the spring of this year, 2017, I won the month long rowing contest against 23 other club members, some of them in their 20s. I also like to get out in the bush and hike- although I must admit, I have not been out much this year.

The club is just an all round fitness club; it isn't solely a rowing club. The company that manufactures the machine sponsors the competitions twice a year.


Yoga 6 days a week and HIIT 3 times a week. Fitness in a partner is important to me.


My back broke a few years ago. So Iā€™m only able to exercise lightly and rarely. But I like walking. Through the woods.

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