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It's nice having all these intellectual conversations with like-minded people (...truly). I want to maintain this communication and support with all you awesome people, so what are your thoughts on the following:

Should this discussion forum not have an area for dyed-in-the-wool evangelical zealots with which we can engage with? They'd come in full well knowing what they're up against. Specific invites would go out to high-profile people like Pat Robertson, Osteen, etc.

Carve out a discussion area for gloves-off debating. Moderators would keep it civil by enforcing the rules of engagement. Break the rules, you're out. And get bad press, if there is ever such a thing. šŸ˜‰

It may be a bit of a publicity stunt, but it would help show how idiotic these fundies are. Ya ya, it will galvanize idiots into the far right who will always be there anyway, but it may help convince some fence-sitters.

It may sound confrontational, but it's this kind of exchange that lured me... and others that I know...

Hominid 7 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Mea culpa, that I thought such a thought. šŸ˜‰ From the responses it's obvious such an intrusion would not suit the members here. I'm relatively new here, so forgive my enthusiasm.

Indeed, this is a home away from Facebook @MrLizard I'm getting that now.


Verbal jousting with religious fanatics has some appeal because it can make would think. But, I prefer this forum where you can have open-minded discussion with thoughtful individuals. I would rather have something meaningful to discuss then to react to some illogical religious fanatic.

Tomm Level 5 Nov 21, 2017

Can we have at least ONE site that is religious zealot free? No offense, but many other sites already create an arena for full out religious debate. I hang out here to escape it.

Zster Level 8 Nov 21, 2017

I'll repeat my answer to davtim68: I agree; that's why I suggested there be "an area" for them. This part remains intact and unscathed by the bible thumpers.

I've seen that tried elsewhere. It draws the religious like a plague of locusts. They won't be content with just one area. Check out They started with just "the lion's den". The infestation spread throughout the site from there.

Hello thank you!!!! The concept of this place seemed like an oasis to me! FINALLY some place where I can wear my disbelief on my sleeve! And maybe make a friend or two or even meet someone without the burden of "ooooh you're an atheist- really?!"


I don't like it. It seems too much focused on what we stand against, not what we stand for; too much focus on the negative, instead of the positive. I don't think this kind of activity will help those trapped in religion, confused, and looking for rational answers. It seems to me that discussions with zealots won't really help anyone, since it'll probably be a lot of "this is what I believe" and "but it's irrational." And with no resolution.

Something like this might be sensational and attention-getting, but I doubt it really helps anyone very much.


Well i imagine it would tend to go the same way as Bill Nye debating religious folk. You literally cannot argue with a person whose entire argument is 'i don't need proof, logic or reason in order to fully stand by my ignorant-ass ideas'.

Not to mention, i would imagine one of the rules of engagement would be that it is essential that we regard words as methods of communication for non-corporeal concepts and principles and we do not insist on absolutes or twist others' words in order to 'win' the 'debate' as it were. I very seriously doubt most religious folk would even be capable of that.


I myself like having our having our safe and happy refuge from the holy rollers......To allow or invite those crazies in is to give up our one escape from them.......


Sounds interesting, but would depend entirely on what the rules would be. And, I sincerely doubt that demagogues like Roberson would accept the challenge -- and if they did, would abide by the rules.

The basis for the rules would be the acknowledgement and use of pure logic and evidence. The premise would be that we're trying to convince a third party non-believer to remain so, and they are trying to convince him/her to become one. This makes the debating more theoretical and less emotional. Just a thought...


I think if there is an open forum like that, that these theists do not have to join us, to be part of the conversation.

I think that the admin should implement a questionare before membership is given. Iā€™d not like being harassed if someone gets pissed.


Good ideas... something to think about as we grow and plan šŸ™‚

Admin Level 9 Nov 21, 2017
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