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What are everyone’s thoughts on the ACA?

I’ve always been a huge fan of the Atheist Experience and Matt Dillahunty but after the Woodford incident, it seems that there may good reason to remove Matt from my list of intellectual role models. What is everyone’s take on this? I have watched some videos that represent both sides of the argument, however it’s hard to tell who to trust. My intuition seems to indicate that Matt is on the side of moral opposition, however as someone who has been a member of the ACA Facebook page for years, I know how toxic the environment can be there so it leads me to believe there is more going on behind the scenes than everyone may possibly know about.

PaleBlueDot 4 Feb 1

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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Iffy compromise, but better than it was


Our medical insurance costs more than doubled.
Our preferred doctors aren't "in plan".
I despise the ACA and hope it's completely removed.


Okay, I had to look it up. The ACA referred to here is the Atheist Community of Austin. I'm sorry, but that just can't be abbreviated without spelling it out the first time on a website used by people all across a country where 31 million people get health coverage through the Affordable Care Act...


Matt makes some good arguments, but they are not flawless. He succumbs to illogical emotive arguments too, so his take should never be accepted simply because it was he who said it. He's also impatient and rude and acts like he doesn't know what is like inside of the brain of someone who believes wrong shit. Frankly, he's kind of an asshole, but he does have some valuable content in there, too.


I like it!


Stephen said, nor wrote, ANYTHING that was not true.

The "TRANS" maniacs took over ACA. A very religious mob, with tenets based in total bullshit.
They are everywhere: completely in control of twitter. "mis-gendering" is their big no-no. Mentally ill at best.

Wow! You really do feel threatened by non-heterosexuals, don't you? That smacks more of mental illness than being trans ever could.

@Deb57 Yes. The damage done to women's rights is already profound. MEN demanding MEN's and WOMEN's rights is total bullshit. This shit is already in law.

In canada and the UK the impact has been crazy.

Women who support this shit have a mental problem.

@Jacar I support health care rights for both men and women. One's gender should have nothing to do with one's access to health care. It's immoral not to support that.

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