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One reason I will be voting blue in November regardless...

I meant to add a picture of RBG right here looking very old but the picture function doesn't seem to be working.

I often forget about this reason because its not as flashy but I get a pit iny stomach when I think about how Trump's judges will be shaping the world we live in for a very long time.

MsAl 8 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Crooks are rewarded in government rarely arrested or jailed like BILLARY BidenS et al....rapist Kavanaugh and theocrats like Betsy deVos all should be jailed


We have 2 rapists on the top court now Kavanaugh & Thomas but blues gave us evil rulings also


There are multiple great reasons for voting against Trump.


I know who I'm hoping for, but I don't care which Democrat they put up I'm voting for them. This bullschitt's got to stop


TEEEEEE party folks can't seem to think long term. Or the consequences of their actions. Mostly emotional voting. "I don't like him/her." Either do I but the other choice is doomsday. TEEEEEE party revenge for the Civil Rights Movement which includes women, gays, Asians, physically challenged, etc. The white male blue collar BIGOT felt slighted that he now had to compete with all of these groups for jobs, college acceptance, purchases, credit blah blah blah. How do I know this? I was there! I worked around these bigots who placed stumbling blocks in my way that I surmounted without whining, earning their respect. But they still voted for the union busting, ketschup- as- vegetable, SSI cutting, MAGA wearing, hurray-for- me- &- eph- you, Christian Coalition crowd. "I know what you mean but I feel......." Voting with their feelings. We are doomed again.


The Supreme Court is the primary reason I voted for Hillary in the general election.


Moscow Mitch's legacy. Not only the Supreme judges but 25% and counting of the circuit court judges. Young guys (47.5 years old average) who will be around a long time.


Yep! Think how different SCOTUS would look if Clinton was the President and it will get worse if trump wins again. Ginsberg will probably not hold on for four more years.

And think of if he gets at least one more. Also the hundreds of young, unqualified, hand picked by Trump judges who are in lower high level Judge positions throughout the country for the rest of their lives. And all the people who have to go before them with cases affecting their lives and the law.


Another great reason why we need to nominate the candidate who has the best chance at beating Trump. We need the leader who will get the working class of the rust belt supporting the democrats again and who can energize the youth vote.

High turnout is key. We have got to not only take the White House but the Senate also so we have got to pick the candidate with the most dedicated grassroots movement. The one who is shattering individual donor records and holding the most massive rallies. To beat Trump, it will take a true populist who people will trust to make their lives better rather than providing more status quo business as usual.

I am encouraged by the left wing of the party actually addressing issues rather than pandering to Republicans for the first time that I can remember.

My post is actually making the opposite point though. I will be voting for the Democrat running against Tump regardless of whether it is my favorite progressive.


There are many democrats who would compromise and give Trump what he wants.

Even if we could prevent him getting his way, wouldn't it be better to have a Democrat president who can get things done?

Call me crazy but I don't think more grid lock is a good thing. And he would continue to use his executive orders.


If democrats aren't willing to give republicans what they want, why was the patriot act recently extended? Why did the already enormous military budget get even larger by billions of dollars? Why does Trump now have a space force to brag about? Why is there a new NAFTA that's even worse than the old one? All of these things went through the democratic controlled House with Nancy Pelosi at the helm. Those sound like some very significant compromises to me. And what did we get out of them? Parental leave for federal workers. That's great, but not only was it a compromise, it was a lopsided compromise in their favor.

If they take back the Senate, they will surely have more power and will need to compromise less. But they will have no chance at vetoing anything. Two thirds majority is needed in both houses of Congress. There is no possible way to get enough for a two thirds majority in the Senate without also winning the presidency. Even if we win the presidency, it's extremely unlikely that we would get Two Thirds. The way to win the Senate is through very high turnout for the presidency. People come out in large numbers to vote for president and vote for senator while they're at it. Without those large numbers, the senate can't be won, and with those large numbers, the presidency will definitely be won.

The presidency has been increasing in power over the decades. it is now much more important to control it than Congress. There's is no way we will have enough Senate votes to veto him so there would be much he could be able to do to continue causing harm. He must replaced. That is most important. And the upshot is, if we put enough effort into winning the presidency, the Senate will most likely come along with it because it will take a very large turn out to win and if we have a large enough to turnout to win, that means many dem Senators will be winning too. Then we have it all and we can reverse this damage and start making positive reforms to deal with all the crises we are facing.


Yes, I get it, the incumbent is likely to win. So what, we shouldn't try?

You don't seem to understand that your strategy of attempting to take the Senate but not go for the presidency does not exist in politics. It makes no sense.

The best chance we have is to nominate the candidate who has the best chance to beat Trump and hopefully bring the Senate along with him. Bernie has the most momentum, he has the most popular policies, he has the youth energy, independents are with him because he was an independent for most of his career and he is anti-establishment, he is the most likable Senator in the nation, he is shattering individual donor records, he is ranked most trusted on the biggest issue of the election- healthcare... This is what a movement looks like. This is how we win.

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