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Okay folks, time to weigh in, your opinion is needed and appreciated.

There is a guy who goes by the name @ St-Sinner. He seems to be an intelligent and decent person who I, and probably many of you, have gotten into conversations with and we have our disagreements.

He recently put up an attack piece focused on the bane of the moderates, Bernie Sanders. I typed up a response to it and I will put both below.

I am aware that I have a Bernie bias, as does he so I'd like to get feedback from anyone willing to give their two cents. I doubt either of us is totally right but who do you think is more right on this one?

Here is his original post-

Bernie is not just a socialist but he has been a communist.

Read below and be assured that Trump will unleash all of Bernie's dirt out in the public and nail old Bernie on the wall, so that everybody can see what a terrible candidate we stupid democrats can pick. After all, Trump said that "Bernie's nomination would be a dream come true."

Bernie has had communist tendencies for a long time. []

1 While attending the University of Chicago in 1964, Sanders joined the Young People’s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA
2 He organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
3 After graduating with a political science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American People’s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda.
4 Bernie produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as “America’s greatest Marxist.”
5 This Eugene Debs, the subversive hero of Sanders, denounced even by liberal Democrats as a “traitor,” bashed “the barons of Wall Street” and hailed the “triumphant” Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
6 “Those Russian comrades of ours have made greater sacrifices, have suffered more, and have shed more heroic blood than any like number of men and women anywhere on Earth,” Debs proclaimed. “They have laid the foundation of the first real democracy that ever drew the breath of life in this world.”
7 In a 1918 speech in Canton, Ohio, Debs reaffirmed his solidarity with Lenin and Trotsky, despite clear evidence of their violent plunder and treachery.
8 Sanders still hangs a portrait of communist Eugene Debs on the wall in his Senate office.
9 After failed runs for Congress, Sanders in 1981 managed to get elected mayor of Burlington, Vt., where he restricted property rights for landlords, set price controls and raised property taxes to pay for communal land trusts. Local small businesses distributed fliers complaining their new mayor “does not believe in free enterprise.”
10 Sanders took several “goodwill” trips not only to the USSR, but also to Cuba and Nicaragua, where the Soviets were trying to expand their influence in our hemisphere.
11 In 1985, he traveled to Managua to celebrate the rise to power of the Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. He called it a “heroic revolution.” Undermining anti-communist US policy, Sanders denounced the Reagan administration’s backing of the Contra rebels in a letter to the Sandinistas.
12 His betrayal did not end there. Sanders lobbied the White House to stop the proxy war and even tried to broker a peace deal. He adopted Managua as a sister city and invited Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega to visit the US. He exalted Ortega as “an impressive guy,” while attacking President Reagan.
13 Sanders also adopted a Soviet sister city outside Moscow and honeymooned with his second wife in the USSR. He put up a Soviet flag in his office, shocking even the Birkenstock-wearing local liberals. At the time, the Evil Empire was on the march around the world, and threatening the US with nuclear annihilation.
14 Then, in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War, Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council — a known front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to the Soviet Union but to “the triumph of Soviet power in the US.”

Please get off this Bernie Pony before it is too late and we lose the big war with the Republicans... UNLESS you are secretly hoping that Russia may help their communist friend Bernie get elected."

He also provided a graphic. To view it, go to the original post- []

Okay, that's quite a lot to unpack. Here is my response-

What you are selling is hard to buy. [

Let's take a closer look. You have a list of 14 bombshells, each proving that Bernie is a dirty communist. Taken all together, there can be no doubt, he is a Stalin lovin commie.

First, let me tell you why I'm suspicious. Bernie has been running for a long while now. He is the current leader and came close last time. The establishment, the media, the elites, the billionaires, they all want him taken down because they realize that he is a true reformer for the people who will end their corruption and hurt their bottom line. So the most powerful people in the country are highly motivated to find dirt on him. He already has an association with communism because he calls himself democratic socialist and many Americans are too ignorant to know that they are not the same thing. So these people are looking for exactly the sort of information that you provided and they've had a long time to search. Once they find something like this, they will show it everywhere to ruin their competitor's reputation and remove him as a threat to their power. But I haven't seen any of this before. I follow this stuff closely and this is the first time I've seen these accusations. Why is that? Wouldn't this stuff be on the front page all over the place? I mean they are so desperate to attack him with something that they are going after his supporters, saying they are mean and abusive. Why wouldn't they use this smoking gun you have here to just show everybody that he really is a communist?

And of course the answer is that it isn't really true. The source you provided, the New York Post, is a right wing sensationalized paper owned by Rupert Murdoch. I don't doubt that there are some kernels of trust to some of those points, especially those that point out his affinity for Debs, the hero of the labor movement of the 20th century, but I also don't trust this to be factual.

I've heard Sanders compliment the public transportation of the Soviet Union and he said they have beautiful public spaces. Big deal, complementing your country's ideological enemy doesn't make you a commie. I've never heard him say anything good about there government or economic system. I think he is just open minded enough and unnationalistic enough to recognize and feel comfortable speaking about the positive qualities of other nations, even ones that we are at odds with.

Finally, lets say hypothetically, all this stuff, all 14 of your points are 100% true. It really doesn't matter. Even if somehow his secret goal is to bring communism to America, it isn't possible. He will have a hell of a time just getting a rational healthcare system in place. It will be an epic political battle just to get something that the other developed countries have had for decades. Even if he truly was a communist dead set on bring the bolshevik revolution to America, it would be irrelevant. He is very limited in what he can accomplish to the point that some people think he may as well not be president because he won't be able to change anything anyway.

Why are you pushing right wing propaganda? You have expressed to me previously of your urge to vote for Trump and now this. And usually you go around behaving as if you believe that you are the savior of the democratic party. We are trying to hijack the party and you, the heroic moderate, are all that stands between your beloved democratic party and a bunch of socialist Bernie Bros. If you love the party so much, why are you attacking it's front runner with right wing trash?

So yeah this big Bernie take down of yours is a total flop. Probably why it got 0 likes and two comments, one of them your own.

This response was originally written on another thread I was having with him in case you are wondering why it isn't there if you go to the original post.

So finally, the question-
Do you believe the accusations laid out about Sanders made by Mr. Sinner? Let me know what you think.

RoboGraham 8 Feb 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I guess we know the character limit on posts is more than <whatever that ridiculous number is>


I have many friends and extended family who live in poverty; are homeless; have no health insurance; are addicts; unable to access good-paying jobs or services or assistance; unable to afford college; have been deported or are in detention; have been stopped by the police strictly because of the color of their skin; are currently or have been incarcerated on minor or bogus charges.

For all of the reasons above, I am solidly pro Bernie.

As for St. Sinner, I’ve challenged his posts many times, including the one you reference. He’s obsessed with his Bernie takedowns, many of which are opinion or debunked, or pure hyperbole. Bernie is not a Communist, for example, and I don’t feel the need to describe the difference between Communism & Social Democracy. (Bloomberg threw the Communist label at Bernie in the debate Wednesday, btw. It’s a DNC talking point; the DNC is coordinating efforts across social media platforms, pundits, and candidates to dissuade voters from electing Bernie: he threatens its corporate donor base.) Anyway, the dude is toxic. He offers no solutions, only throws bombs like spaghetti against a wall to see what sticks. He’s a waste of time and energy.


Aren't people's opinions of what he stated already in replies to his posts?

1of5 Level 8 Feb 21, 2020

Yes but only one person commented. Which is positive. It means that most people are ignoring thhis consistent fearmongering of his.

However, I was having a discussion with him on another thread where he referenced this post so i ended up typing this long response to it only to realize that no one is ever going to see it and ain't no way he is ever going to change his mind at all so I decided to post both his post and my response in a separate post in the hopes that people would look it over and provide some feedback.

I get into these debates with him and nothing comes of it but I can't resist so by putting it here, I'm hoping it will be more worthwhile.


I tend to agree with you that if any of these points were true, we would have seen them in reputable sources by now, and elucidated in great detail and actual facts. So maybe start there. @St-Sinner can you back any of your 14 points with facts from reputable sources and citations? Or are you just spreading hate-mongering and fear-mongering propaganda?

@bingst It is not fear mongering. It is just pointing what I fear will happen. I will soon offer sources that back up all facts but as you know there are sources for non-facts too.


If all St Sinner says is more or less true--or true enough for campaign propaganda purposes--it IS cause to pause thoughtfully.
It wouldn't stop ME from voting for him, but we're not talking about me, we're talking about the general electorate.
I think someone like Bloomberg is a lot more electable.


I blocked him long ago.


I actually think St sinner is a foreigner sent here to sow dissent and spread disinformation.... He has outdated views on many issues including the role of women in the world...


I believe St. Sinner is right. Everything he is saying about Bernie is based on facts. If you cannot accept the facts, you are in a denial.

Just Facts M'm
Please tell me which of the following is not true?

  1. Bernie is a very risky candidate because of his demographics. American electorate is not ready to elect a president who is Gay, Mormon, Atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Self proclaimed white supremacist or a self proclaimed socialist. Don't say a black president was elected. Bernie is not Obama in abilities and strength of candidacy by any means whatsoever and there is no perfect storm to get a progressive, especially a far left candidate elected president.
  2. American president's election is a contest of personalities. It is not about ideas, policies, programs. Bernie looks hunchback, looks older for his age, has had a heart attack recently, and does not even know that he needs to comb his hair before going on a national TV. American voters will not elect a personality like Bernie's to go to G7 or to shake hands with Queen Elizabeth in the Buckingham Palace. That will not happen.
  3. With Bernie's nomination, the Democratic Party and Democrats will get a backlash from white America that will reverberate for decades to come. The Democratic Party and Democrats will be sent into oblivion... frozen for decades with low numbers in state houses, the Senate and the House. Trump is the byproduct of the white America's backlash against Obama's 8 years as president

Don't be in a Denial
If you cannot accept these facts, you are living in a La la land or you are in denial. Bernie cannot win. Bernie will not be president. The enthusiasm you see about Bernie is just a local support of Occupy Wall Streeters, far left ideologies and all of will evaporate in the general You have seriously underestimated the far right, conservatives and their reach in the South and also nationwide.

I want Trump Defeated but...
I desperately want Trump defeated. Bernie is good human being and I admire his compassion but he is holding an illusion that he will be president because he has a good heart. It does not work that way. Bernie is a bad news for Democratic Party and let us all hope that this cloud will pass.

The Damage to Democrats is a Self Inflicted Wound
I am a pragmatist. Considering how Democrats have conducted the vengeful hounding of Trump with so many failed attempts with Mueller report inquiries, impeachment, Nancy Pelosi being the face of the Democratic vitriol, vendetta, meanness and animosity --- becoming the face of the Democrats is going to hurt us. Deny it all you want but it has started happening already. Pelosi herself is the rallying cry for the conservatives. We already have offered the re-election to Trump in 2020 on a silver platter. No question about it.

Let's be Real
It may be prudent to build the party and focus on winning state houses and improve Senate and House numbers for now and wait until 2024 when someone like Gavin Newsom will rise and lead the Democrats to victory.

Now you've changed the subject. These are your same tired old talking points you are always on about.

This post is on the topic of your assertions that Bernie is a communist. Are you no longer attempting to convince us that he is communistic?

Facts are facts. I cannot change that Bernie is hunchback, he is old, he is Jewish and he is extreme far left. You want to change it? How?

I gave the information source with the history of Bernie own quotes and history of communist activities. What will it take for you to accept the facts about Bernie?


A source other than a right wing sensationalized tabloid. If this stuff is true, the communism part I mean let's stay on topic, surely you can verify it with other more reputable sources right.

How far will you be in denial?


All the way to the White House

@RoboGraham Watch the news in November 2020 on a mattress, not standing. When fall down with a shock, the mattress will protect your tush.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

and here we are with the Donald Trump as president. Seems all of the above comments were said about Fat-Donald. Make fun of Bernie Sanders uncombed hair. It pales in comparison to a spray-tanned, raccoon eyed walking comb-over that was ELECTED by americans. Anything can happen nowadays, the way politics and elections were ran before is out the window. We are in a new age.

@Darthpug In order to defeat Trump in a good economy, illegal immigration sucesses, better trade deals and Democrats impeachment failures, these elements must exist on Democrats side (that existed on their side in 2016):

  1. Trump has to be a very repulsive candidate like Hillary (he is not as bad as Hillary was nationally)
  2. Our nominee must be an aggressive debater, better than Trump (nobody on our side is even equally good)
  3. Our funds must be stronger (they are not)
  4. Economy was bad (it is not)
  5. Trump was a rallying cry for democrats (he sure is but Bernie will beat that cry by being 3 times more for conservatives to unite along with moderates and independents)

@St-Sinner 1. Yes Hillary was a repulsive as Trump and none of the democrats are nearly as repulsive as what the Donald has become. He is much worse than he was in 2016.
2. Outside of Bloomberg, the other five candidates were very good in the last debate. I think you are giving Trump way too much credit in a debate. He did not fair well against Hillary when head to head. He already has gone so far as to say he will not debate any democrat in 2020.
5. The current state of the nation is everyone is partisan for their candidate. If you are voter you have made your mind up. The question remains which side will get their people out to vote. The best elixir for getting democrats out to vote is Trump. He is polarizing and he will do more for getting democrats and never Trumpers out to vote. Bernies boys were the ones who fled the democrats and moved to Trump because they were butthurt because of the primaries. I think you have valid points but there is more positives than you give Bernie.

I don't dislike Bernie, i admire his passion but i strongly think he is a bad candidate for president. He should run a think tank, launch and support progressive candidates. The fact is that Bernie will not be president.


I think the whole list of communist accusations against Bernie amount to a lot of red-baiting and standard guilt by association tactics. Bernie is no more communist than FDR was, in fact his policies are nothing but a modern New Deal. Which are more than overdue with the amount of inequality now at the same level as it was during the 1920s before Great Depression, along with the fact that the Dem Party has refused to fight class warfare against the rich since the late 1980s, so I think the masses deserve to finally have a nominee fighting on their behalf here in 2020.

BTW, I blocked St.-Sinner a while back, so I can't read the post in your link...

Yeah they are trying to find any association no matter how far fetched.

The post was the same as what I put in this post only with an image of old news paper taking about how Bernie is a socialist

Dick Van Dyke pointed out that Bernie is just a New Deal Democrat.


I think of him as an articulate Troll, reactionary type, and in fact. I don't take him seriously, honestly. Occasionally I'll make a sarcastic comment, but I think he knows when people are on to him.

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