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Easter Long Weekend

It’s good that Jesus died for us to have 2 extra days off work. If he stayed dead would we have got less days off or more ?

Rachael68 3 Mar 30

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If he had taken a whole week to raise we would have got more days


The Easter bunny is my favourite God. No building altars, behave how you like, and she still bring loads of choccy goodness.

Father Christmas is my 2nd fav. You have to build the altar tree but it's pretty and reminds you of happy childhood Xmas. Then he brings loads of goodys...


Hmmmm good question.

Yes a friend asked me so I thought I'd post it here. I was thinking I'd get gun nonsense replies, but no.

not from me

what are you doing wink wink?


For the first time since moving to Georgia and working for the County, we are getting Good Friday off. Praise the Lord!


Since it didn't happen anyway, you can make up as many days as you like. The problem is getting those days made into official holidays.


Probably not.


Well I guess the Jews gave us Saturday and the Christians gave us Sunday. So religion was good for something.

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