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Finding like-minded people

I'm frustrated due to having so few people in my life who are not only nonreligious but also not subscribing to new agey stuff and astrology junk. We all have certain circles we run in. Mine are work and group fitness and dancing. I keep thinking the next person I meet will be the nontheist, no pseudoscience type. But as soon as I get to know someone they blurt out god is good, or I'm a taurus which is why i act this way, etc. This goes on and on and on. I know there are people on, but they're far away and nobody in the spheres I travel in locally. This isn't really a question. Just needed to vent. Thanks.

MichaelF 6 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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We're all different, so I don't care about how much like minded people are to me. I care more with people I can interact in a positive way, despite how different they might be from me.


Well, you cna do searches o this site to find other atheists/agnostics that live near you. You cn also look on to see if there are any atheist/agnostic groups that meet near you.


Just imagine yourself talking to a deep religionist. Then formulate the question that you really want an answer to. Post it here. Members here will find it and provide you with the best possible way of getting that answer , giving you more confidence in trying it out for real with real religionists. You will get a few dud answers too unfortunately, but it is up to you to sort out the best , possibly by trying them out on ' neutral ' people that you know. It helps to persist.


In varying degrees, we all have this issue. Best of luck finding people in the real world. They're out there. Plus you have us here to vent to when needed 😉


just feel sorry for them


Religion, astrology, new-age; they are all social phenomena. None of these things make any sense outside their community of believers. Nobody knows what you believe or disbelieve unless you tell them. I don't know anyone who conforms to my belief system, but I try to get dribs and drabs of human interaction where I can.


Astrology is just a funny fad... Ignore it lol


Feel for ya. The only person I've met in ages, at least actually had the chance to get together and meet, needed to figure out what my sign was and and have her best friend run my astrological chart. And I just had to go and fall in love with their dogs. 😬

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