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What do you think the world would be like without any religion?

EmeraldJewel 7 Nov 22

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I think there would be a lot more honesty, open communication and critical thinking. I think our hierarchies would be much shorter and our businesses much smaller. I think there would be less asphalt and concrete and more nature. I think there would a lot less marriage and a lot more sex. I think there would be less children and a higher quality of them. I think our school system would be drastically different, giving children an opportunity to explore instead of forcing them into a 20 year long game of jeopardy.

You just described Utopia. 🙂


Humans have failed as a species to be supportive of our own "kind". perhaps religion is to blame. How many of us are going to "hell"? The overwhelming large percentage of the human race. Christians do not believe Muslims will go, Muslims do not believe christians will go..........
.the list is long. Religion fails to see the fact that we are all struggling humans who all want ,essentially, the same things out of life. Buddism has already affirmed this.


A lot safer and advanced.


Like the Netherlands.


Much tolerant and easy to progress


The world would be very peaceful. People would be much more caring. Governments would be more honest. The crime rate would be a fraction of what it is now.


Less wars, minimization of hate/prejudice/discriminaton. People would be equalized-nomoremy god is better than your god.

Nail on the head!!!!


A lot less war.


Less Judgement of people. Less Racist thinking. Less homophobia and sexisem


Real religion like johova wittinesses and islam and christianity is a cult no child should that shovel that crapped down there throat like i did

I agree! I totally hate Christianity! I think teaching children about that belief is alright because that is the only way hey can decide for themselves to what sounds not right., but I think teaching a child to question everything is crucial. I disagree with having it shoved down your throat! ugh!!!


Peace and quite and less war


Saner and safer.

Lol saner, but I totally agree! Religion is a mental illness.




It could go in many different directions -- could be great, could be a brutal disaster. Depends on the exercise of both reason and moral judgment independent of religion.


Races would be more tolerant, and, equal.


some quite interesting answers...however, one must initially ask, "what was the world like before religion?"


This sounds great! Do you think this is the direction we're heading? In spite of our current political status, I do see signs that people are ready to face some really big truths. But, in the big circus of humanity, most are on the outside peeking in.


kind of like this

turf Level 5 Dec 10, 2017

Pretty much the same as it is. We're hard-wired to react to certain situations in certain ways - it's an inheritance from our plains ape ancestors. An example is the "intentional stance". To paraphrase Charlie Stross, at the watering hole, you notice uncle Ogg is missing and you've seen tiger prints in the mud, next visit you see fresh prints but no one is missing yet. Time to pick up a rock and alert the rest of your tribe. We have a tendency to believe that anything that happens is caused by a someone instead of a something. Lightning and thunder? There's at least a couple of someones beating on each other up in those clouds. Now we know it's actually a huge number of electrons going from point A to point B, causing the atmosphere to light up and the resulting thermal expansion causing the sonic boom we call thunder to happen. All this to say I have no idea, except to say if we changed, we'd no longer be 'human'.


I think it would either be chaotic or Shangri-La


It depends on what we worship next. Humans are always looking for a savior; someone or thing to get us out of the shit. So, if we trade the Christian God for the Money God (which we're well on our way to doing) than it could get pretty ugly. But, maybe we can awaken to the realization that we have each other and we can create any world we want to live in by collectively focusing our energy and accepting every human as worthy and valuable. It could be really beautiful.

Totally agree! If humanity came together as a whole would be a dream come true.

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