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Do you consider religious people delusional?

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characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

Yes, they have been deluded. But not usually in the sense of having a mental disorder. They are just caught up in a bunch of lies that seem to be confirmed by those around them.




Yes and no. Yes in that they believe in a non-existent creature or creatures. No, in that thye didn't invent those creatures, they've been brainwashed into believng in them. It's like Son of sam. He was delusional, in that he thought his dog was telling him who to kill. If his society had been,for generations, telling themselves that dogs run things, he'd merely be devoted.


In one word...yes.


Yes. My boyfriend’s mom once told him that god told her that I would someday believe in him. Well...needless to say, I still haven’t.


No - again live and let live if it floats your boat go for it !


Anyone who thinks that a supernatural force (that can communicate with them, lead them, guide them, protect them, etc.) has taken up residence in their "heart" is in some respect delusional...



Often, but not necessarily. I know one man, for instance, for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration, yet he is deeply religious. Rather than delusional, I would say, indoctrinated.

no matter what you call it an "indoctrinated deeply religious person" is still delusional.


After reading some of the comments, it seems to me that religious belief, much like the bible, is all about what a person chooses get out of it. It reflects what your particular physche and influences such as your family would have you believe. That may be very extreme, like thinking the rapture is imminent or just a comforting myth, like Santa Clause.

So true. There’s much to be comforted by in the familiar ( no matter how ridiculous). And much to fear of what the alternative might mean.


As with anything there are degrees. Some people are believers but you would never know because they aren't out in the open about it. If they do mention it, then it's in passing but they don't lecture you or press their beliefs on you. Some people are full blown whackadoodles and are obviously delusional.


Of course not that’s ridiculous.This is just another example of how non believers think they are superior to believers just because they were unwilling victims of indoctrination and did not come to any conclusions about belief on their own.They just unfortunately could not overcome the brainwashing .


I don't get living for the next life. Seems they are wasting this one

Agreed! Agnostics are realists. We KNOW there is not a god who will throw us into hell-fire and brimstone if we are bad, We KNOW there is no heaven, and nobody can save us. It's just a fairy tale. Wasting a life is so sad. I'm watching my family act like animals in fear of God's wrath. It's insanity! But they don't know they're insane, and that is sad.


I can only respond due to my personal experience. My answer is a qualified YES! How do I know? Most of my family are looking toward the "end of times" predicting Jesus' return to earth, and I am often threatened (I'm not kidding) that if I do not return to the fold I will die a horrible death, and be excomunicated from the church, not to mention burning in hell, while the "righteous" will be lifted on a cloud and Jesus will reign for a thousand years, and they don't mind if broil in the fires of hell. Such bullshit!

That is major bullshit!

Personally, I'm looking forward to getting all the good stuff end-timers leave behind.


Absolutely, its a way of people ex specially ones who have children, to die and neaver seeing your children again is such a fear that it could be easy to let the mind calm one down by telling it that, oh yea you will see them again ,in the after life! Its all most as bad as having a child die while the parent is still alive, its fear of loss!


Many of them are.

I think for most of them it is just that they cant' face the world as it is, so they need the delusion to cinvince themselves that the world is a bettter place than it really is. I think these persons are mostly benign.

Then there are those who use religion tbecause they want o feel superior to others and are condescending, smug and often go off into fanaticism when they believe they aren't taken serioously, because they believe themselves to be more important than they really are. These persons are dangerous! Their delusion is in their own self importance, which is only bolstered by their religious beliefs.


Technically yes. It's what they do with those delusions that matters though. Do you fly planes into buildings and burn witches with it or do you do charity work with it? Still then it's a delusion even if they're a charitable person but at least there are good people with religious beliefs. There's some cognitive dissonance there because likely they worship a god that is a maniac but I'll take one of those pick and choose christians over one of those hate filled literalists any day.

Not saying they are not GOOD people. Just delusional good people. And those GOOD people are voting for TRUMP. LOL


Yes, the ones who trully believe are delusional, disconnected from reality, fantasy wonderland bonkers & certifiable but the ones who don’t actually believe but are in it for profit or control are assholes. ...imho

I agree in believing a lot of the church-goers are just going along with the flock and some have ulterior motives, especially in the political arena.


I'd hesitate to use the word delusional. The word is heavily loaded and brings to mind the kind of break with reality that requires hospitalization or institutionalization. I do think that theists believe things that aren't true, but I think they're mostly reasonable and intelligent people who compartmentalize or keep religious things in a separate "brain file" that is impervious to other critical thinking functions. We're all capable of it when it comes to our deeply held beliefs.

Never heard of anyone in the loony bim claiming to be an atheist

That’s called delusinal.

@Audreys @Darwin I've never been to a "loony bin," but I don't think that someone claiming to be an atheist would be delusional.


Under certain circumstances we each have the potential to buy into delusional thought and belief. I believe it is part of human condition. This is why we need not be afraid to question.


define delusional ?
one's delusional is the other's delusional

Rosh Level 7 Mar 31, 2018



IMHO religious people are delusional... They are seeking to please someone or something that doesn't exist.


Very much so


Quintessentially so.


I respect their freedom to believe in god or gods or some supreme being if that is what they choose to do. However, I do not have to agree with or share their beliefs or spend time listening to their unfounded notions about an afterlife or pie in the sky.

I understand your stance, however, their opinions do affect us ALL...especially the way they vote, so in my opinion, must be taken seriously!

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