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Have you ever had to give up a hobby or favorite activity because of a change in your relationship status?

Deb57 8 Mar 30

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Yes! My husband, a Nam Vet, expected me to give up my career. I hadn't expected that. But then, he was no longer the man I knew after being in the jungle for a year...PTSD made him drug addicted and very controlling. Of course, we didn't even know what PTSD was back in the 70's. I was miserable realizing that my life would never be my own unless I left him. Thankfully, Women's Liberation entered my consciousness, and I bowed out of the marriage so I could be a free woman. I went to college, got my Masters in Fine Arts!

My MFA is in Ceramics. What did you study?

@ThatpersonIam @farmboy2017 My Masters in painting my MFA in alternative processes in photography and Installation. I loved sculpture and ceramics! Are you still working?

@calgirlblues I'm still going strong! Employed with 15 years to go before Id consider retiring. Do artists ever retire? I'm casting aluminum sculpture in Lubbock, tomorrow.

@calgirlblues @farmboy2017 In my province you can take courses for free at university after you are 65, I started a first year sculpting course, having a great time.




Don't we all?

@GDook Yep


I have, but only because the hobby became less important. I would not give up something that was important to me. If I'm asked to give something up that's a red flag for me.


When I got married, I had to give up sex. ???


Sure. After my 2010 divorce, I gave up my Kentucky lifestyle and activities and moved to Thailand. I no longer did the stuff I did in the US, but had many new, similar activities. I no longer climbed Lockegee Rock to go birding, but climbed cliffs in Thailand to do so. I no longer rode horses, but I switched to a motorbike.


No, I haven't and wouldn't. I live with dogs and keep fish and draw and if you don't like it you can fuck off.


Not completely but the relationship cut into my one day a week (2-3 hours) of playing time with a few of my friends.
We had a little band, nothing more than a garage band really, but it was fun.


I totally got into watching hockey because my ex was a big fan. I still watch sometimes, but it's not as much fun to me anymore. I suspect he doesn't cycle anymore because that was my thing--I still cycle regularly.


No man will ever stop me from hiking, reading, running, volunteering or weightlifting. That's what I love.

@Fanburger, thanks for the editorial comment. Because of your catch, I changed "and" to "or."


I was with a talented musician for a few years. We would sing duo, and he played guitar. We ended up doing a weekly gig for awhile, and developed a following. It was grand fun. But then "boom" - it blew apart. I still miss those nights ... (besides, he was HOT !)


Ever? Yes. Would I now? No. Accept me for all that I am or move on. And for the record, I have several relationships with people who do accept me for all that I am, as I do them.


Quite a few in the beginning but am getting many of them back. My wife was not supportive of my interests in the beginning, now she tolerates them and even supports a few.

GDook Level 2 Mar 31, 2018

Yes..... most of my artistic endeavors died when we got a house.
Daily life became my palette.
While I got cool dogs out of the deal, it still stings a little.


If a woman wants me to quit playing the tenor sax.....they can go fly a kite.


When I was 25, I owned a vintage MG sports car, A current MG sports car and an MG Magnette sports saloon. I also had a free and easy "harem" of six girls dating me simultaneously. A year later I had a beaten up Triumph Herald and a betrothed. (Why, when there is a perfectly good English language word, do people use the French word "fiancee"?) 50 years later she still won't allowe a harem, and my cars are "sensible". 🙂




relationship is a partnership
hobby = is something you like doing
favourity activity = is something you like doing
time frame = evolve according the cirumctances
young age love night clubs
middle age night clubs too noisy, loud for me so normal pubs
senior moment to lounges now nice music good food and company

relationship in different stages in life evolve with the time so you don't need to give up you just follow the flow

Rosh Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

Never have, never will... 🙂


Twice. I'm big on gaming, mainly tabletop RPGs and Magic the Gathering (group events with a set schedule). When I first met my ex, I sacrificed my dream job, took a job I hated, and lost my game nights for months to support her. Eventually, I was able to regain enough control of my life to get the game nights back, though not the dream job. Then, when she 'left' (6 months of manipulating me while I continued to support her, even though we weren't together), I spent far too long missing game nights as a consequence. I'm just now getting control of my life back again, and I can say I'm not willingly going through that again. I want my time with friends, I want my outlet.


Yes, but more due to losing out on property settlements, ie 4WD boat house, last time was a rurl property that I was recreating the natural environment on. I lost it and they bulldozed it all away.




Oh, I'm so sorry! That's a tough one to give up!


Yes. I had just started an online quilt fabric shop when things went to hell. With 4 moves in 5 months there was no way to keep up with it. I ended up selling most of the fabric at a huge loss. A friend ended up with a great deal on a whole lot of fabric though.


My last bf was not into dancing. Went dancing w friends.

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