I think she and her group(s) would be very disappointed to find out that neither Jesus nor any heroic character in the bible was white.
Well they need to find another land mass to secede to, cause they ain't taking 1/2 the US..fuck those Nazi twats..hmmm, how bout Siberia?...lol
Why is this unreasonable? The idea of a homeland is OK for everyone but whities? That is clear racism.
Move to Russia if you want an all white, repressive authoritarian government, hell even the Drumpster sucks Putins dick..
@Jacar Rasist Dick much? Move to Russia snowflake..lots of Authoritarian Dick to suck there..
again, what a horrid source.
YEP, some of the christian right is talking secession
that is not new
NOR is it only the right which does that
How many people on the left said they would Move if Trump got elected? How many are saying that now if he is re-elected?
Here is the underlying source of the Patheos spin
Moving is not secession, which involves the violent expulsion/murder of non white/kkkristian segments of the population.
If you're Ok with that, I suggest Russia as your country of choice..
@Charlene I am not saying Moving equal seccession, I am saying the sentiment on both sides is nearly identical, that is "If things go this way I no longer belong to the tribe and must leave or secceed.
Please don't tell me "love it or leave it" like that.
("If you're Ok with that, I suggest Russia as your country of choice." )
That is very little different from telling someone "go back where you came from" or "love it or leave it"
BOTH of which are telling people "Either agree with me or be my enemy, not a part of my tribe, my nation"
THAT is tribalism.
Nor am I ok with " the violent expulsion/murder of non white/kkkristian segments of the population."
THAT sounds like pure patheos riling you up.
THIS is from their source, which I do not agree with in the slightest, it is horrid to me. Patheos however will take a vomit sandwich and paint it with diahrea, just to get your clicks.
"What if all the conservatives, white advocates, immigration patriots, and Christian gun owners simply moved out? Imaginably, it’d be a lot easier for Leftists to build their gun-free, refugee-rich Shangri-La. Why aren’t they encouraging our exodus? Likely because the mere idea of any society that openly rejects their values is intolerable to them.
Sure, the Pledge of Allegiance still speaks of “one nation under God, indivisible,” but that simply isn’t a reality in America 2020. Maybe the US is too big. With some 330 million people, no one can say there is a “national family.” Increasingly, there just seem to be mortal enemies.
The Right and Left—admittedly, more so after the election of Donald Trump—now regard each other, not just as political competitors, but existential threats to American society and to each other.
And all this invariably leads to talk of secession. "
THAT is ALSO tribalism, to my view you and this page are BOTH TOO TRIBAL, to all our detriment.
Yes! That would be great. And we could build a WALL around them to keep us colorful people out, (Or keep them inside!) I can just imagine what it would be like in there. All that hate
boiling up and nobody to take it out on. No scapegoats!
Bu-bye, so long, tata, farewell, cheerio, and don't come back!
There is a White nationalist xtion group of believers who accept evolution, or intelligent design, of the people's who came out of Africa. They believe the gaud of Abraham then created Adam and Eve as the pure white race. That explains 6000 to 10000 years of whiteness.
Yeah, pretty fucked up.
Many southern fundamentalists believed the same. My grandfather believed that. Even as a small child it made no sense to me
Some eastern oregon counties are attempting to secede from oregon and join idaho.
get rid of the christian shit and i am with them.
They are also want to take part of Eastern Washington State too. However that would mean three states would have to modify their constitutions, and it would also take an act of congress to actually happen. So, it isn't really something that would really actually likely happen.
Why? are you v white and blue eyed?
Get rid of the Nazis too?
Give them Rikers Island...
They'd lose that battle 20 minutes in..lol
I am fine with letting the idiots and hatemongers have their own territory, as long as they don't control any nuclear weapons...
Let them have Alabama or Florida they are already a majority there . And marrying their cousins and sisters
So some Canadian lady has made a video. Big deal. But why is she poking her nose into US affairs. There’s plenty of land in Canada for her White utopia
I suggest Melville Island.
Give them North Dakota.Win/Win
I would welcome the white supremacists, right wing rednecks, relgionists and gun nuts to move elsewhere, and leave the USA to sane people. PLEASE!
Here we go again. Arrest them for sedition and lock their stupid asses up.