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LINK Orthodox Israeli Rabbi Claims Coronavirus is God’s Revenge for Gay Pride Parades | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

This is a kind of confirmation bias. To interpret events in a way that confirms the ideas you already hold no matte what the actual facts are. Just add in a little willful ignorance and there you go.

snytiger6 9 Mar 9

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27 comments (26 - 27)

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Then why were they made so fucking fabulous!

NOT Rabbis...dammit!


Which is nonsensical since it started in China

What does this have to with China?

@wordywalt the rabbi says the virus is punishment for gay pride parades but the virus originated in China. Not a lot of gay pride in China

@wordywalt maybe we should call you wuhanwalt from now on?

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