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LINK The US stock market has now wiped out the entire $11.5 trillion of value it gained since Trump's 2016 election victory

I don't know whether to smirk and feel a slight amount of smugness that we're back to Obama and Trump is no doubt having a complete meltdown, or feel saddened it's come to this, yet again.

SeaGreenEyez 9 Mar 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel bad for people that have lost their 401ks, fuck the corporations..


If it gets trump out, I'm OK with it...

That’s what I said! It isn’t the money I live on anyway. And if it helps get him out of the White House, it’s a small price to pay.

@Barnie2years I got out of the market when trump starting talking about the Chinese tariffs.. I didn't lose a dime 😊


Love it

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 12, 2020

Don't worry, he'll start a war soon enough to boost the markets.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 12, 2020

To quote mick jagger at altamont, "people, why are we fighting?" ...answer: "to bolster trump's failed economy" ... I think not

@SeaGreenEyez hey did you hear? We bombed some iranian backed shit today.

Why can't I reverse it so the only thing I'm right about is lottery numbers?


How is your 401K doin' ?

I don't have a 401 think but my IRA is in the tank, thanks

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