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What do you all think of the Illuminati?

What about the Illuminati? Is it real?

Biblebeltskeptic 6 Apr 2

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I enjoy their earlier stuff. Lately, they have become very mainstream.

Sort of agree there . I must say this is pretty good

It’s also very real!

On My Way Back Home Again


Best you describe what you think that means for a meaningful discussion.


The complete lack of evidence for such a clandestine group pulling all the strings is proof that it exists. 🙃

See also: Freemasons, NWO, Reptilians, Deep State, precious bodily fluids

Wait...what? I was with you right up until the last three words. But I am (quite logically, I think) very attached to my bodily fluids! Life is impossible without them. Is there some subtle other meaning to that phrase?

@AmyTheBruce Sorry about that. This should clear up the confusion:


I have an Illuminati symbol around my neck. I bought it online
It's a society interested in world government, a new world order, an end to war and agression, an end to religion, world peace, personal wealth and well being, an end to borders, etc.
I agree with most if not all of their principles and goals.

@Bobby9 Why?
If it actually happened (very unlikely verging on impossible) it'd be a very good thing (if it was Democratic and not something horrible).
If no one talks about it and/or works toward it, it definitely WON'T happen.
So there's my little plug.

@Bobby9, @Bushshaker GUNS aren't blocking anything, minds are.
I'm pro-second amendment (with Supreme Court-sanctioned restrictions) including the part about a "well-regulated" militia, not a free-for-all orgy of gun nuts. Criminals and crazy people shouldn't have guns! Or is that too regulated for you?
This fantastical World Government, rest assured, is so far from being a reality (unfortunately) you won't be needing your gun any time soon to protect your "sovereignity!"
Feel better?
Now, put the gun down, tiger...that's it...take a deep breath...

@Bushshaker I think you're too much a 'prisoner of the moment.'
From a larger perspective, there is NO WAY anyone is taking away your gun (unless it's an AK-47 or a bazooka or a sidewinder missle)!
But go ahead and obsess about it. Someone has to I guess, and nobody can stop you!

@Bobby9 Sure, but tribes can have sports teams instead of armies, footballs, baseballs and basketballs instead of knives, clubs and guns.

@Bobby9 It depends on what KIND of government it is, of course. And what if there's a fascist overthrow?
So there's tremendous risk. It'll take a gradual evolution of human attitudes and makeup, and the world will go through countless upheavals before anything like it takes place. I'm not saying it will be quick and easy.
That said, the benefits are obvious:
No or MUCH less war, freeing resources for more constructive purposes
Greater and more efficient location of resources, so less starvation and poverty.
Greater understanding and cooperation among peoples.
A more unified approach to global problems.
Perhaps a science-based spirituality replacing superstition-based religion.
"The refutation of religious doomsday prophecies, with a paridigm shift to looking constructively forward to future events with optimism rather than foreboding.
Elimination or amelioration of dangerous trends and conditions, such as nuclear stockpiles, environmental degradation, and other destructive competitions which threaten human extinction.
Risking your scorn and derision, I'm talking about the ushering in of an earthly Utopia. We are quickly developing the technology to make that feasible.

@Bobby9 NOW it's a pipe dream, of course. I said it'll be a gradual evolution in human attitudes and makeup, not something which would happen overnight.
The constant wars and other disastrous developments you mention would have to intensify to a crisis point, a tipping point, from which time things would either gradually improve or first there would have to be another world war. Either way, or in some other way, a world government is inevitable, in my opinion, given the advancements in technology. In part, it seems to already be happening. But it won't come to fruition in out lifetimes, most likely.
On the other hand, who knows? Things are happening so fast it's hard to tell.

@Bobby9, @SanDiegoAirport It's just a symbol. It doesn't DO anything.

@Bobby9 It will happen. It's inevitable, and a very good thing. Sorry you don't see that. We may see part of it unfold, but it won't be a day we'll (or people of a future time) will wake up and there it will be. Like one day our ancestors woke, and there was democracy. Or WE woke up, and we had computers in our phones. Just a natural progression.
So many people on here are convinced chances of our survival are 50-50. Maybe you're one of them. The real odds might be much worse.
So unconditional cooperation may be our only hope. And that's a main reason it'll happen.
Another good reason is the world's population will reach 20 billion by 2030, so we can either deal with this sobering fact by either bringing it under control, or by becoming super-efficient, or by watching millions upon billions die horrible deaths. Our choice.
The environment is bring destroyed. Similarly, we can either deal with it in a coordinated fashion, or watch it collapse. You guessed it: unconditional, coordinated cooperation is the only way to bring CO2 emissions under control. The tools are there, the coordination is not.
War is the other, perhaps greatest threat. Again, the ONLY way to eliminate it is at least the semblance of an international system of cooperation, rather than confrontation. Peace is not a matter of choice, in the final analysis, but a mandatory precondition for our survival.
The Republicans represent an 'evil' ideology of confrontation and dominance. You may disagree with me, you sound like one yourself, because you apparently believe the current world order is satisfactory and if anything should be strengthened and reinforced.
That's what many in the Eastern Roman Empire thought in the 400s just before they finally fell. Nothing lasts forever, nor should it. There was nothing 'noble' or invincible about a parasitic dictatorial system based on conquest and slavery.
And the USA will eventually have to lead the birth of a new world order, or be consumed by it. The current parasitic financial system birthed after WWII, wherein the American dollar is the world"s reserve currency, is artificial and exploitative; already it's being challenged and cannot remain in place forever. Not should it. (Concurrently, we cannot absorb trillion-dollars deficits forever. There WILL be a day of reckoning. Count on it.)
Anyway, multiply our domestic problems by over 130 separate, independently-run countries, and the problems begin to look insurmountable.
Look at it this way: there used to be such a thing as 'city-states,' a rather quaint feudal arrangement whose time came and went. They no longer exist today (except Monaco and the Vatican and a few other oddballs), because the trend has always been toward larger, more complex systems, WITH DIVERSITY BUILT INTO THEM.
A world government, therefore, will eventually be even more complex than the current state of affairs, with even more diversity at it's core.
So you can scoff all you want, and stockpile as many guns as you have money to buy and room to store; it won't matter, because what's coming is not something you can shoot at, and it is certainly nothing to fear in the first place

@Bobby9 I expected nothing intelligent from you.
I wrote in the hopes others other than you would get something out of it.


Secret societies are as old as societies themselves, but the question always comes down to conspiratorial power and control. Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion, etc., such groups provide inspiration for writers like Dan Brown, but that's about all they do.


Is was a real organization at one point, but over the years went defunct. Nowadays the folks (mostly celebrities) claiming to have connections to the Illuminati are just wannabes. Just my take on it, I could be wrong though.


I thought that next somebody was going to tell me the Illuminati were behind this virus...


I've no idea whether it's real.

I wouldn't be surprised, though, if some group of well-connected rich f**kers existed, who call themselves by that name.

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