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I hear a shoe falling .
Waiting for the other one ๐Ÿ˜’

Dougy Level 7 Apr 8, 2020

Frankly, I do not believe anything they say. They made their position clear when they acquitted him of treason. To the extent that electing him inn the first place didnโ€™t make things clear. his is just smoke and mirrors, or perhaps itโ€™s gaslight.


'Fewer' than half of voters approve of Trump's performance during the coronavirus crisis, down slightly from 53 percent in mid-March. Hard to believe that 53% of all voters would even think of approving him of anything. This is another Republican group that is gunning for our idiot-in-chief. Hopefully, more will wake up.


It is about time that some them showed moral courage!!


Republicans that don't like Trump. There might be hope for this country.


I am glad to see there are some republicans willing to take a stand against the shit show.



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