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So the Trump administration is saying the states and hospitals are on their own, while at the same time also seizing some orders? All with no transparency? If the Feds are going to seize and distribute supplies, it needs to take control of the entire supply chain, and publish a report for each distribution it makes as to why it was made.
I also think that if their claims that FEMA wasn't designed for something like this are true, then they should just put the Army in charge of it. The US Army can handle this shit. Just like the Army should have been put in charge of operations in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of hurricane Maria, instead of just executing assignments from FEMA.

@Bierbasstard Trump put Kushiner at the head of an team that was to take the supplies they could get and sell them at a profit to whoever needs them. Trmp need the money, He, they have to have control of the supplies so they can sell them personaly. The hospitals have to be on their own as if they act together then trumps gig is up and he cannot make anything on the transfer from one place to another.


Holy shit.


Sounds like one of the dictatorships in the world, doesn't it?🤬


Unconstitutional and tyrannical.

As in illegal seizure and equal protection? If they're doing this under authorization of the Denfense Production Act, I wonder if that Act has any mandates about how seizures are done (i.e. is selective targetting even allowed?) and how distributions are made. If not, then maybe Congress should amend it.

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