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Bernie Sanders: "I Quit, But I Don't Quit"

So Bernie Sanders has ended his primary campaign, except he really hasn't.

“As I see the crisis gripping the nation,” Sanders told supporters in a live stream on Wednesday from his home in Burlington, Vt. “I cannot in good conscience continue to mount a campaign that cannot win and which would interfere in the important work required of all of us in this difficult hour.”

"Sanders said in the livestream that he would remain on the ballot in the remaining states on the calendar and attempt to amass more delegates to have influence at the Democrats’ convention."

So he's not campaigning, but he hasn't stopped running for the nomination as long as his name is on the ballots; meaning there's no real reason for his supporters to get behind Biden, is there? They will still nourish the hope, however mathematically impossible, that somehow, someway, they can put Bernie over the top with an insurgent campaign.

IF Bernie Sanders were serious about a Democratic win in November, he would not only stop campaigning, he would withdraw completely, take his name off the ballot and call for his supporters to get behind Biden now, not wait for the general election 7 months away. Sure, "Sanders on Wednesday congratulated Biden and called him a 'very decent man',” and "He has pledged to support Biden as the nominee," BUT "[Q]uestions remain about what his loyal supporters will do and how forcefully Sanders will urge them to back the former vice president. At rallies across the country over the past year, many Sanders supporters said in interviews that they would not be inclined to vote for the Democratic nominee if it wasn’t Sanders."

Bernie Sanders has the power to lead his followers right now, today. He's not using it.

Sanders is proving, once again, that he cares more about his own agenda, his own position as a power broker in the convention, and his own ego than he does about getting Trump out of the White House. His priorities are more obvious than ever. If Bernie can't captain the team, then the team isn't going to win without him.


Paul4747 8 Apr 8

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Wow. I really hate Trump. More than Biden, I guess. But it's stuff like this, telling people to just hold their nose, that makes others want to punch theirs.
Your assumption that all Sanders supporters should automatically vote for Biden shows a brazen disregard for any kind of three dimensional thinking on their part. As if any vote not for either of the major parties is pointless. That type of thinking is exactly why there are only two parties, the corporatists and the nationalist- corporatist.
A few facts

  1. My vote is mine.
  2. A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump.
  3. A vote for Biden is a vote for Biden.
  4. A vote for someone else is a vote for someone else.
  5. If Trump wins, Biden followers will claim a vote for someone else was a vote for Trump.
  6. If Biden wins, Trump followers will claim a vote for someone else was a vote for Biden.
  7. My vote is mine.

Well said, sir!!

Just as the amateur virologists have come out of the woodwork ... apparently.. so have the amateur politicians 😕 Says one: “That type of thinking is exactly why there are only two parties...

It’s no one’s “thinking,” it’s that the system is binary - winner take all. Our system is not parliamentary, with coalitions of assorted parties. ...but where should someone who’s paid serious attention begin when explaining it … especially to those bent on distorting it..?

  1. Whomever you vote for will need the majority of all votes in order to win (baring our antiquated national electoral college).

  2. A vote for trump is a vote to further the dysfunctional administration we currently have..

  3. A vote for Biden is a vote to hand power back to the party of the people.

  4. A vote for someone else will be wasted.

  5. If trump wins, the bulk of the nation will get what it deserves.

  6. If Biden wins, he will need help from Congress to reset the multitude of wrongs enacted by the Republican party.

  7. Your vote is necessary to save the nation..

@Varn I was just working on a careful point by point rebuttal, outlining specious assumptions, when my phone died. If I have energy later . . .


  1. Anyone can run for office. It's called democracy. If they get elected they become politicians. Everyone started as an amateur. To presume a professional political class is elitism. Which, given the reality of who gets elected, from what schools and socioeconomic backgrounds, is basically what we have. But this is a bad thing, unless you prefer oligarchy.
    0.5. As for it being "binary" - If you are referring to winners and losers then you are ignoring the dialectical natue of history. If you are referring to the difference between a two party and multi party system then this "binary", at least to me, is part of the problem.
  2. I live in Texas. "baring electoral college" - isn't that exactly how we elect presidents and why my state's votes will go to tRump? Hint - yes is correct.
  3. Agreed.
  4. "The people" as you use it here, as a monolith, is a propagandistic myth. I live in Texas where the majority are Republicans. The Republican party is the party of the majority of people in Texas. I grant you that the majority of the population supports policies closer to those of the Democratic party than the Republican. However, polls show they supported the policies of Sanders more than either one.
  5. My vote as an expression of my political will is NEVER wasted. A lot of alternate votes could be a learning opportunity for a loosing party, on either side. But to suggest any vote is wasted extremely short-sighted and suggests a two dimensional analysis.
  6. Agreed. However, living here, I don't think I deserve it. And Sanders gave me hope. Biden is a return to the status quo that led people to vote for tRump.
  7. I'm sure Biden will try to return to pre-tRump. But
    a) tRump was elected by people sick of that status quo. So it might happen again if he is successful. Remember Occupy? The bonuses from taxpayer bailouts? The school to prison pipeline? Police shooting unarmed minorities? The term "1%" was defined and popularized when Biden was VP. So, yes, tRump is horrible, but pre tRump sucked ass too. I still struggle to pay my kids medical bills, just like I did under Obama. The ACA didn't help me. My autistic kid went 1.5 years without therapy because we couldn't afford it and it wasn't covered since my employer's plan didn't use state money and was exempt from the mandate covering it. And I supported the ACA and still do. But I support MFA more.
    b). Whether someone votes for Biden or not they can still vote for congressmen.
  8. I live in Texas so it really doesn't matter if I vote for Biden. Texas's electoral votes will probably go to tRump.

Truth is, I may vote for Biden. But Biden supporters telling me I have to is the worst possible way to make sure I do. If Biden wants the Sander's supporters vote it's simple. Support MFA. Or other Sanders policies. Taking us for granted is counterproductive and just feeds the perceptions of elitism, that both parties serve the rich and powerful and fuck the rest of us. And some of us are tired of feeling fucked over.

I remember when Occupy basically shut down NYC. I saw it on live streams and alternative media. The major networks ignored it or were full of stories about how they weren't hygenic and didn't shower. If we don't have serious change soon, people are going to be in the streets. I remember when the CEO bonuses after bailout came to light. There was a lot of talk then about. And Biden was VP.

@towkneed Our system is winner take all, that simple. Not Parliamentary, as the Founders ran far & fast from Briton's system.. Yes, it’s a problem, but one for which it’s beneficiaries have no incentive to correct.

All but two states have a ‘winner take all’ system of assigning 'delegates.’ That should become proportional, allowing for a popular, not an electoral selection. Again, there’s no incentive for those having ‘won’ by that system to push for it’s change. And, ‘the losers’ are powerless..

I live in the USA, there are more Democrats than Republicans; that’s why the R’s are dead set against vote my mail -- and continue their voter suppression tactics. One side represents the wealthy, and to a lesser degree, the religious fanatics. The other side represents what’s left - the People, We ~

A “two dimensional analysis” is not only what’s apparently needed here, it reflects the ultimate dynamics of our electoral process. Our head executive, or President, comes from a majority of votes - not from a coalition of minor parties. A minor party vote in the USA is a wasted vote for president. Punishing the people for their disagreement with you is like cutting off your nose to spite yur face..

If you do not support one, you’re supporting the other; that simple. Will Sanders vote for Biden? Did Sanders vote for Clinton..? No doubt he will - and did. So, if you’re better than Sanders - why weren’t you on those debate stages..?

Remember Occupy?“” - Yes! Spent too many cold, wet & dark nights standing alongside streets ..holding signs supporting a ‘movement’ that was nearly impossible to explain to the curious. Found out, as my intelligent friends were drinking good beer down the street - and refusing my coaxing that they ‘join us’ - I had been surrounded by ‘future berniebots!’ -- At the time - they were all hot for Obama! I supported Hillary. They ‘get Obama,’ then whine that he didn’t do all he’d promised….

...they are (& were) a fucked up pack of political purists.. out of touch with both reality and the people. They turned on Obama as fast as they’d have turned on Bernie! …as Bernie ran up against the harsh reality of the Republican Party.

fuck ...I get so damn tired of this.. Attempting to keep my kids covered by some semblance of health care, I was on it! Hillary Clinton did it for them - while in the US Senate! ..stupid fucking people gave her no credit for that… I followed the ACA like few others -- it would, can, and may still lead to ‘medicaid/ care for all.’ The Republicans figured that out ... that’s why they’ve done nothing but attempt to kill it! Our dipshit electororate couldn’t figure that out, though. Sanders simplified the message - but had no viable plan to instantly make it happen..

[sometimes I don’t know why I care… I’m healthy, doing well, safe ...and could easily sit back and ..try to laugh. Lots of guys (always guys) I know, do laugh.. They wonder why-the-fuck I’d spend my time and energy campaigning for some lost cause..? Because it drains funds from the bad guys - to have to defend themselves on ‘their own turf’ … and allows some good guys & gals to win in the competitive districts. And, for some crazy reason ..I still care 😕 - my kids are well educated, with solid mates, an excellent employer provided health care. Maybe I should stop caring..]

If you (also) support Democrat candidates, including Biden for President, that helps draw funds, time, and effort from the ugly R’s to counter you. You can go big ..or small. But to do nothing, or encourage others to make a protest vote by tossing it elsewhere is ..wrong. Honestly, if not obvious, I’m sickened by those doing just that around here… I’d supported Hillary Clinton right to the end ...the Oregon primary (almost always too late to make a difference), as she’d run against Obama, I envisioned the outcome, voted for Obama, and supported him since. Apparently, some can’t. They demand a political purity that, if it exists, never lasts … because ultimately, they’re limited by the ‘will of the people.’ And the people are fickle.

The ACA leads to single payer. I try not to announce that often, but perhaps I should. I want there fast, too! So did FDR… and LBJ, and William Jefferson Clinton - and Hillary Rodham Clinton.. And, Joe Biden. Joe also knows how to work with Congress - and is paying an additional price for having cast hundreds to thousands of votes -- in order to obtain the bipartisan support he needed to pass something he felt was more important.

Ever watch the Jimmy Kimmel segments ..lie-witness news..? Where they’ll ask ‘people off the street’ about some bogus shit … then listen to them pretend they ‘know the answer?’ It actually frightens me to watch, because I envision ‘the average voter.’ And with enough subliminal or blatant coercion… they’ll either vote for trump ..or toss it, cuz, like Hillary.. they’ve not heard anything good about her.

I fear for the nation, the world … if not for myself ~

@Varn wow. My phone seems to be conspiring against me. So much of what you say is just talking points. I don't have the energy to write the par by par rebuttal again that I somehow lost. Hopefully everyone can see the incongruity and absurdly of your arguments. If not, please temp me again when I am fresh.

Better yet give me a reason to vote for Biden other than "he's not tRump so you have no choice.". Because you just know that is gonna work!!! And I really do want one. I just don't see it yet.

@towkneed I’m hearing that ‘talking points’ shit from the berners… Fuck that - I don’t follow anyone’s talking points, and speak for myself. You may be mistaking those bringing you reality for those attempting to convince you they’re not... I’ve walked the walk - thus talk the talk - period

Those in need of knowing ‘why they should vote for Biden’ may be too lost to help 😕 Like some delirious hiker coming across a fresh one ..telling him (usually always a him), ‘the trail’s right here,’ ‘the parking lot’s just over there’ … while the lost one remains too confused to follow the simplest of advice.

If you don’t get it, perhaps you can’t? If not, I can’t help you more than I’ve attempted to..

@Varn Are you always so angry? It makes me sad to think how unhappy you must be. You'd think your candidate was the one that suspended his campaign.
Hope you have a good life. Bye bye now.

@towkneed Frustrated more than angry.. Actually, Bill Maher just interviewed “my candidate!” I’d had great hope for him ..even while Governor.. I’m pretty sure ‘your candidate’ scared him off. Thanks? Actually, ‘your candidate’ and those like yourself scared off all the well known moderate candidates but one … ol’ Joe - to the rescue ~

You did get me thinking here … I need to file some of my responses for when I’m asked (ad nauseum) the same questions 😉 Less wasted time - more fun (got a motorcycle ready to ride)! As mentioned, I’ll do, and am doing fine … it’s that damn Empathy..

..while you’re here, it’s likely ‘politically intelligent’ to lay off ‘the berners.’ I’m watching the best of folks do just that.. But integrity keeps me from calling out Bullshit posts... I watched Hillary pilloried to the point of defeat, and fear the same happening to Biden. And yes, there is some anger - if aimed at those too weak to take on the real power ..thus taking serious shots at friendly targets!

You’d convinced me to read the stuff I’d written above, described as ‘talking points.’ Wow - none. Which made me think.. someone’s in denial, and it’s not me. Sanders was dignified, and did the right thing in bowing out, but the anger he cultivated may (again) be too vitriolic to tamp down. Man, I don’t have the time or patience to baby step folks one-by-one to the harsh reality that the majority of this nation is not up to our level of desires or expectations... They’re easily coerced, most often voting (if at all) against their best interests, and taking us with them. We haven’t the funds or means to enlighten them to the point of realizing everything Sanders has ‘demanded’ should have become law decades ago… So we attempt to herd them somewhere safe..

Is that where we want to be? Is that the best place for them..? No, but given no alternative … they’ll continue to stampede over that cliff. Personally, I’m kinda looking forward to that day I stop caring … catch up to the other guys my age ..Boomers prettywell set. The sad fact is, I’m on your side, and you don’t even know it ~

@Varn Hey, thanks for being on my side! And telling me what I don't know. Awe, you really do care!
Btw, I am a more of a Dialectical materialist than a Democrat. But you must have known that, being so knowledgeable about what I should support politically. Please forgive me for irritating you. I hope to never do it again. I would never be one of those small-minded people to post something like the pic below about good ol Joe. It would just be wrong to try to make someone already irritated truly angry to the point of being blocked. 😈
Truth is, I find this fun. Primarily because it irritates you and because your posts/replies are insulting and imply that I am either deluded or lack intelligence. Perhaps I will perform a textual analysis of your post later when I'm on my PC and have a real keyboard, rather than just messing with you. If I can put together enough coherent semantic content that is, because there are places where I am not at all sure what you meant. Of course that must be me. But thanks for the smiles!

Ironic though. Since I'm a "Bernie bro", wasn't I supposed to be the angry one? I thought Biden supporters (and I won't use the term "Biden bots" because it is degrading, just like "Bernie Bros" ) were the calm centrists? . . .

Btw, did you see how Sanders endorsed Biden? And the only thing Biden did was agree to having task forces study the issues? Has it been even a week yet since he suspended? Hmmm - maybe this post should delete itself . . .

Oh, if you are really on my side and want to cut the bs, just send money. My family could use it. Unlike you, our lives are a struggle. Let me know and we can arrange it.

@towkneed OK, I’d feared as much ...though hoped for better.. You’ve been flushed, your true colors shown, and as long as our words exist here - it will be left up to readers as to who has a better grasp on reality. Very sorry, hope you grow up soon ~

@Varn Wow. Me too! Just hope I get old enough to understand sarcasm.

Honestly, coming from someone who says stuff like "the party of the people". And whose vitriol is expressed so imprecisely.

In case you don't get it:
I've chosen to only engage with you obliquely because I find it entertaining. From your posts it appears that your anger makes debate pointless. So please hurry and block me.

@Varn Finished my analysis of the first paragraph (see below). Sorry for the formatting - I did it in Word and formatted it the way I normally would. It's just for fun anyway. Enjoy!

Textual Analysis of Response from “Varn” Posted Apr 13, 2020 -
A Constructivist Semantic Analysis of One Partisan’s Discourse

Political discussions often become heated. This can be especially true when one side is absolutely certain of their correctness while they regard the statements of the other side with hostility. Since this seems to be the case with a recent series of posts I have been party to, I have decided that an alternative approach may at least modify the currently unproductive dynamic in which I find myself. Below I have endeavored a constructivist semantic textual analysis of a post by a user named “Varn” from a series of replies to something published on Perhaps the unique approach of a semantic textual analysis will be offsetting enough to “short circuit” any initial hostility that opposing posts encounter before they are even read.
And despite the above being true, I’m really doing this because it’s entertaining to me.

The Text

Frustrated more than angry.. Actually, Bill Maher just interviewed “my candidate!” I’d had great hope for him ..even while Governor.. I’m pretty sure ‘your candidate’ scared him off. Thanks? Actually, ‘your candidate’ and those like yourself scared off all the well known moderate candidates but one … ol’ Joe - to the rescue ~
You did get me thinking here … I need to file some of my responses for when I’m asked (ad nauseum) the same questions Less wasted time - more fun (got a motorcycle ready to ride)! As mentioned, I’ll do, and am doing fine … it’s that *** Empathy..
..while you’re here, it’s likely ‘politically intelligent’ to lay off ‘the berners.’ I’m watching the best of folks do just that.. But integrity keeps me from calling out Bullshit posts... I watched Hillary pilloried to the point of defeat, and fear the same happening to Biden. And yes, there is some anger - if aimed at those too weak to take on the real power ..thus taking serious shots at friendly targets!
You’d convinced me to read the stuff I’d written above, described as ‘talking points.’ Wow - none. Which made me think.. someone’s in denial, and it’s not me. Sanders was dignified, and did the right thing in bowing out, but the anger he cultivated may (again) be too vitriolic to tamp down. Man, I don’t have the time or patience to baby step folks one-by-one to the harsh reality that the majority of this nation is not up to our level of desires or expectations... They’re easily coerced, most often voting (if at all) against their best interests, and taking us with them. We haven’t the funds or means to enlighten them to the point of realizing everything Sanders has ‘demanded’ should have become law decades ago… So we attempt to herd them somewhere safe..
Is that where we want to be? Is that the best place for them..? No, but given no alternative … they’ll continue to stampede over that cliff. Personally, I’m kinda looking forward to that day I stop caring … catch up to the other guys my age ..Boomers prettywell set. The sad fact is, I’m on your side, and you don’t even know it ~

(- Bernie Sanders: "I Quit, But I Don't Quit" . Retrieved April 14th, 2020 at 3:14pm)


Paragraph 1

1 Frustrated more than angry.. 2 Actually, Bill Maher just interviewed “my candidate!” 3 I’d had great hope for him ..even while Governor.. 4 I’m pretty sure ‘your candidate’ scared him off. 5 Thanks? 6 Actually, ‘your candidate’ and those like yourself scared off all the well known moderate candidates but one … ol’ Joe - to the rescue ~
7 You did get me thinking here … 8 I need to file some of my responses for when I’m asked (ad nauseum) the same questions 9 Less wasted time - more fun (got a motorcycle ready to ride)! 10 As mentioned, I’ll do, and am doing fine … 11 it’s that *** Empathy..
12 ..while you’re here, it’s likely ‘politically intelligent’ to lay off ‘the berners.’ 13 I’m watching the best of folks do just that.. 14 But integrity keeps me from calling out Bullshit posts... 15 I watched Hillary pilloried to the point of defeat, and fear the same happening to Biden. 16 And yes, there is some anger - if aimed at those too weak to take on the real power ..17 thus taking serious shots at friendly targets!

Paragraph 1 Analysis

Sentence 1 shows the author expressing a less strong state of emotional dissatisfaction than which has been previously attributed. Given the previous content (not included here but examples are given below) this may be read as either an attempt to downplay his anger, not understanding how the written words would probably be read and their perceived tone, or else simply existing in a state of heightened dissatisfaction. For example, from his prior post: “Those in need of knowing ‘why they should vote for Biden’ may be too lost to help”, “remains too confused to follow the simplest of advice.”, or “If you don’t get it, perhaps you can’t? If not, I can’t help you more than I’ve attempted to..”.

In sentence 2 an interview is mentioned with “my candidate”. “my candidate” is not expressly defined but can be assumed to be Joe Biden. Perhaps the author considers Bill Maher obligatory watching or otherwise popular enough that who he interviews is common knowledge. Or that this is true in this setting (i.e. Although Bill Maher may be popular in this setting, such an assumption is specious and could be an illustration of the author projecting his cultural reality in a universal manner - something which most of us seem to do.

Sentence 3 mentions hope but never mentions the subject of the hope.

Sentence 4 uses “your candidate” in the same way as sentence 2. “your candidate” in this case may be assumed to be Bernie Sanders. Sentence 4 says “‘your candidate’ scared him off”. If “him” is assumed to be Joe Biden, then what he was “scared off” from is not stated. This cannot be the interview which sentence 2 states did take place (no one was "scared off" ).

Sentence 5, as a sarcastic expression of gratitude, is meaningless as it's not clear what he is sarcastically expressing gratitude about.

Sentence 6 seems to make the assumption that “scar[ing] off all the well known moderate candidates but one” is a negative without any other support. It also claims knowledge that the author could not possibly have had – i.e. he could not possibly have been involved in all the other “well known moderate candidates” campaigns to the point of knowing their motivations. Sentence 6 may be referring to the manner in which other moderate candidates dropped out and threw their support behind Biden in fear of a contested convention, to consolidate the moderate vote. If so, then this points to a weakness in Biden’s campaign as being unable to distinguish himself from his similars – a weakness which his opponent did not have as he easily differentiated himself from Warren.

Sentences 7, 8, and 9 seem to indicate that the author considers this discourse “wasted time” but he continues, as sentence 11 states, out of “empathy”. I have included the definition of empathy below:
Definition of empathy
1: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner
also : the capacity for this
2: the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it
(-[]. Retrieved April 14, 2020 at 4:11 pm).
From the context it appears that the author is suggesting the first definition. However, his previously illustrated hostility contradicts being empathetic with the person to whom he is responding. Undoubtedly the author means a version of empathy for members of a public whom he sees being better served by policies of Joe Biden. However, the hostility displayed brings the author’s capacity for being truly empathetic to individuals in doubt (he even responded antagonistically to a post wherein the struggle to pay for the therapy of a special needs child was mentioned) . The appearance is that he believes he freely feels empathy for certain sets of the public, while the set members may not receive such feeling individually. This points to a perception based upon preconceived notions and generalizations of such sets rather than actual observation and interaction (i.e. “Germans are hard workers”, “The Polish are stupid” – I am Polish, “Poor people are lazy” – I used to be very poor). Another interpretation is that the author just feels the need to point toward his own self conceived goodness.

The meaning of sentences 12, 13 and 14 is not clear at all. Is the author saying he realizes he is not being productive but still feels the need to not be unproductive? Sentences 12 and 13 seem to say that he is “lay[ing] of” - “..while you’re here, it’s likely ‘politically intelligent’ to lay off ‘the berners.’ I’m watching the best of folks do just that..”. Then sentence 14 says “But integrity keeps me from calling out Bullshit posts...” – the “but” seems to contradict the “keeps me from”, as does the existence of the post itself. Is sentence 14 the author’s way of calling the post to which he is replying “bullshit”? If this is his intention it further illustrates hostility and a lack of empathy. Otherwise the meaning is contradictory.

Sentence 15 implies that the author was observing and fearing of Hillary’s lose during the election cycle. If true, this is contradictory to most predictions and what the media was espousing at the time.

Sentence 16 admits to anger and then calls those who would refuse to vote for Biden “those too weak to take on the real power”. Since this implies its contrapositive, that those who vote for Biden are “tak[ing] on real power” which is blatantly false Biden is a former VP, Senator, etc. Thus it is false.

In sentence 17 the author states “thus taking serious shots at friendly targets!”. The initial comment that the started the series was not made towards the author, was not overtly hostile, and made no mention of acting in a way that the author disagrees with. The author’s reply to that comment included calling its creator “amateur” and stated he was “bent on distorting it” (presumably “it” being other people’s understanding of the electoral process). The original comment creator was not “taking shots” at the author but simply expressing his opinion. The author began with insults and at no time acted “friendly”.

@Varn Thanks for the concern! Glad I made you smile. Did you read/understand the whole thing? I do try to be clear and feel averse to inarticulate discourse. Which is, of course, why I could never be a politician.

Btw, I think you just violated the community guidelines by calling me an "a hole". The whole "direct insult" thing. Sorry you find that troublesome. Glad I could help bring that to light! 😁

Also, just wondering, how many kids do you have? Please surprise me.


How the hell do you expect him to enthusiastically endorse Biden when he knows damn well that Biden not only has dementia and is going to get crushed by Trump, but that Biden also has no intention of pursuing any of Bernie's policies if he did win? You and the other centrist Dems can suck on it and enjoy your loss in Nov.. Bernie and his supporters, as always, will get blamed for the Dem party's loss in Nov. no matter what-instead of the DNC who is really at fault- so you can spare me your scorn for refusing to play the DNC's game this time. I will either vote Green or write in Bernie's name. I will not reward the DNC for again rigging the race and screwing Bernie.

BTW, I live in a red state where the state govt. is totally run by Repubs, so my vote won't matter anyway in deciding the prez election.

Don't worry too much about Biden folks, the DNC will replace him at the convention with one of their corporate centrists anyway, after he drops out from his dementia and claims some other reason. After stopping Bernie, the DNC has already accomplished their real mission and they really don't care if they lose to Trump again. Their gravy train and corruption will still go on strong in DC and that's all they really care about. Time for you to wise up and realize that is all they really care about.

Are any Republicans running agains Trump? Vote for any Republican running against Trump..

@AmmaRE007 Trump has token opposition in the Repub primaries, but he has already been crowned as the nominee.

@AmmaRE007 Sadly, this guy’s jaded to the point of blindness… Instead of standing up to the party in power, they take pot-shots at the Democrats … cuz the Dems don’t shoot back..

There was no one running in the Republican primary in the state of Virginia -- trump had no competition! As several of these fanatics attack the DNC - there’s not a peep regarding the RNC!

Can you imagine ‘an independent’ being given the time of day ..let alone an opportunity to run within the Republican Party 😕 ...yet we’ve these constant bogus claims and attacks regarding the party that did..

@Varn Ross Perot


Thank you, for the solid commentary.. I agree completely.

I do wonder if he’s attempting to wean his followers at a pace they can tolerate..? It’s without doubt as tricky a dance as the Republicans once performed in order to keep their extremists from running & supporting a spoiler. As is, their fanatics got trump...

I nearly walked out of a seminar on ‘politics and farming’ a couple years ago when the speaker began by describing how she’d ‘voted for someone else cuz Bernie wasn’t on the ballot.’ As she quickly described what a foolish mistake that was, the audience and myself stopped muttering.. I’d say enough of his grew up after trump … just enough to bring us to ‘now.’ I hope they can take that next step 😕

Varn Level 8 Apr 8, 2020

A significant number of Sanders supporters will not support Biden regardless of what Bernie says and does.

Sanders supporters tend to be independent free thinkers who will not obey their leader when the leader tells them to do something nonsensical.

Some will stay home. Some will vote for Sanders anyway. Some will vote third party. Some will vote blue no matter who. And some will vote Trump. I'm not sure how anyone rationalizes voting for Trump but some will do it.

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