Just for fun, what do you think would suit you best of the four elements?
I thought to give descriptions of what the stereotype for each of the elements were-- and then thought it'd be more fun to let people make their own connections and associations. Even if they fall outside of the stereotype.
Fire, the source of life and creation.
Just as water is, still they don't match very well.
Did we not all come from the Big Bang theory first? We come from star dust. Then add water.
FIRE ?, smoking hot, I am energy, vigor, and I have the zest for the Inferno. ????
I think I'm an air kind of guy. Being a pilot and all that is my favorite thing to do.
i am earth with a gentle breeze lifting my skirt to polka-dotty dust plumes.
Fire, definitely fire. I'm unpredictable, very hard to control, easy to ignite and anyone who touches me ends up injured.
I'm also smoking hot.
I think water. I'm normally pretty calm, and I manage fit in wherever I find myself. So I'm normally like a quiet mountain lake; cool and calm.
As for the more destructive aspects of water, I don't look for trouble, but I spent 11 years in Army reconnaissance platoons.
tidal waves ?
I wake up sweaty so that would be water for the rest of the morning it's coffee so that's earth till about 1pm . If I'm pissed off I can be fiery and last of all when I lie down to sleep the last thing I do is fart so there's ya wind ......so I I'm kinda all four
Wind. and earth and fire. Here they are with their hit song "Oklahoma"
So what zodiac sign are you Jeffy
@TweedleInDee In China, I'm a Mountain Goat
In astrological terms I am water, I am a scorpio. I feel better as a water sign. I go with the flow. But it seems as I mature I change more into the real and true me.
Based on the series The Last Airbender, I'm going to say WaterTribe.
@silvereyes I am still a big 'toon fan. I thought Last Airbender was terrific. Legend of Korra, not so much.
Though born Pisces, I'd go with the Wind, fluid, changing.