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LINK CDC reviewing ‘stunning’ universal testing results from Boston homeless shelter

Of the 397 people tested, 146 people tested positive. Not a single one had any symptoms.

HippieChick58 9 Apr 18

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People shy away from the homeless... if they stay outside as opposed to shelters they are probably properly "socially" distanced 99% of the time.


Possible false positives?


I am surprised that the death rate among Boston's homeless population hasn't exploded yet..but it's astounding that so many weren't showing symptoms of Covid..I fear the numbers are going to go off the charts..
I was actually a member of the homeless population at Pine St Inn, women's section, 6 years ago this April 1st..


One example why large-scale testing is imperative !


Will any of them become sick? For what time period can those that are asymptomatic transmit this to others? Too many questions.

MizJ Level 8 Apr 18, 2020
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