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Recently someone posted about getting an inordinant amount of religious feeds on their FaceBook. Anyway, i had not, at that point, noticed any in mine. And then, today, I got a bunch from one source from which I have no affiliation or any known connection. So, I started commenting amongst the "amens" with some accusations on the person running it as a scam and a person preying on others and a bitch, etc. They went away, or blocked me, which is what I wanted. So, there is a possible cure if the site isnt a fully run bot.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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It's good to be safe about this stuff.


I don't reply directly, with a reply link, or as part of a reply thread. If you do then they can use the link to get your data. If I reply at all it's as an independent comment and I'll use their first name but not as a link.


I've noticed that religious posts will appear in my FB feed, and they turn out to be advertisements. I have to go through the "remove ad" process to get rid of them, or else they just keep coming.

Also, lately, FB allows you to remove infidividual posts from your feed from people too, so I cull the most religious ones.


I am a huge fan of reporting fake information and scams on facebook. Everyone on this site should be able to spot a fake source and report it to the appropriate admins of the corresponding social media who can take it down, etc.


Haven't been on Facebook in two years. Too irrationally toxic.


I "deleted" my Facebook account over 5 years ago. I put "deleted" in quotes because I still use instagram...... Abd I really only keep Instagram around since it doesn't have the noise that goes on in the FB feed, but has better quality pictures and composition 😉


I started marking the posts as offensive and haven't had a religious ad in days. If it's a friend you have to unfollow that friend if you don't want to unfriend.


i get a religious post now and again from friends with whom i am not really friends. i don't want to block them for believing differently from how i do, but at the same time i don't need that stuff on my page, so i just hide the posts as i find them. they are not frequent enough to be an issue -- except for those from one particular friend, and she is a real-life friend and i understand where she is coming from (whatever floats her boat -- her lifeboat has had a lot of holes and i wouldn't sink her) so yeah i have to hide those a lot, but i make it a point to comment positively on any nonreligious posts she makes.

HOWEVER, once in a while i get a religiously affiliated ad, and i can't figure out why. it's as if fb is deliberately taunting me.

MORE frequently, lately fb wants me to buy wigs! what's up with THAT, fb? do i type baldly or something?



I think the Facebook site is run by AI bots. Sometimes it gets confused but I add laughs and odd remarks to the religious posts. If people don't like it why is it on my feed page?


Being bluntly honest and rude?😂


You are a hero!!!


I get some supporting the Zionists and try to get rid of them, but I always leave them an exceptionally "kind" message if they start piling up. Ha ha ha ha

@motrubl4u I would not say that they are all disgusting. I have one zionist friend and she is in all other respects intelligent and well-read. Occasionally she will post pro-Israel propaganda on FB. For the most part, I let it slide unless I can call her out on the most glaring bs.
Now some might unfriend her but then they would not be able to point to Trump's base supporter's antisemitic views. Israel likes Trump but hates Bernie, so she re-posts the party line. I get to show her the folly of one-issue politics.

@motrubl4u Just because someone takes what many Jews regard as the most logical standpoint does not make them a zealot. Bigotry comes in all shapes and sizes and is not confined to any political viewpoint. We do not need to accept an opposition view but we should try and understand it. A blanket la-la-la I'm not listening only re-enforces the status quo.


Nice. I've employed that here for some who want to argue endlessly.

SCal Level 7 Apr 27, 2020

Well done you.

My own style is to point out the adbsurdity of the assumptions behind their claims. I find that usually shuts them up very rapidly.

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