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Who else is spring cleaning?

I've been cleaning out the closet. It's been long overdue! I'm finding so many random things I don't know what to do with. I'm divorced and have no idea, do I keep things from our relationship as a keepsake, or toss it? Pictures of old times. I love and hate spring cleaning. How do you decide whether to keep, toss or donate/sell?

valerina 7 Apr 3

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I do a major purge every few months. I save pictures, and not much else.


Well, sort of. The sun is shining into the windows at an awkward angle, showing all the dust, so yes, I am pring cleaning. Not in the same intense way I used to, but you can tell I am making an effort.
Well, every time i get a box from Amazon or somewhere, I fill it up with the stuff that accumulates. It gets put in the backaseat and dropped off at my local thrift shop. Stuff gone, no box to recycle. Win/Win.


I got rid of most everything that my ex wife and I shared or that she got me. I don't even think I have any pictures anymore. It's bad enough I still have to see her every once in a while because of the kids. It hurts too much to be around her. As for cleaning in general, I'm slow with it. I finally just blew all the dust out of my computer and did a general wipe down of the rest of my apartment. Haven't stumbled upon anything I would want to get rid of yet. But who knows.


My ex left me in September, and I've been "spring" cleaning, since. Still much to do, but it's coming along. I have purged so much stuff that was just taking up valuable space, I think I'm single handedly supplying the local Goodwill.


If your not sure keep it. Once it's gone, that's it.


It is Autumn in Australia, but, yes I am doing a seasonal clean, just finished. About 5 years ago I downsized dramatically, yes, there are things I often wish I still had.


I am. I’m going to need a bigger garbage bag!!! ?


I am but it's more like I'm wanting to sell the house so all this has to go! I'm only taking one small trailer with me and that is probably including my mini horse. Some things are really hard to sell!


I don't have much space so keeping loads of crud isn't really an option. But photos from my marriage are in a box, the girls might like them and as I tell my daughter it wasn't all crap, well not at the start anyway. As for clothes, if it hasn't been worn in a year it gets tossed, either out or to a charity shop. Music stays, can throw that out. 🙂


I don't have much space so keeping loads of crud isn't really an option. But photos from my marriage are in a box, the girls might like them and as I tell my daughter it wasn't all crap, well not at the start anyway. As for clothes, if it hasn't been worn in a year it gets tossed, either out or to a charity shop. Music stays, can't throw that out. 🙂


I tend to nothing on a schedule. Spring cleaning makes as much sense as New Years resolutions. Why does it have to be spring, when there are so many much more fun things to do? The warmer weather is great for going hiking, playing outside, motorcycle or bicycle rides, visiting friends and any number of things much more fun than tortureing yourself about what to throw out, what to keep, cleaning every speck of dust, given that with spring pollen, most of it will be back with a vengence within a few days anyway. If you have to pick a season to clean, do it in the winter when you are stuck inside anyway on cold dreary days.


Well considering I had 9 live Boer goats in the basement this winter and then it flooded. I think I will have no trouble deciding what to throw out from that mess!

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