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LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 3

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38 comments (26 - 38)

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Since my friend's son couldn't be circumcised at birth due to medical reasons she just had to subject him to the procedure at almost two yrs old twice. Medical reasons are the reason for having it done at birth.


My parents had me circumcised. I guess it's nice not having to worry about keep that area clean. I really don't have a strong opinion on this.


I've come across some outrageous comments on Facebook, condemning this practice. It seems to me that some people use this topic as a veiled expression of Antisemitism. It is customary for Jewish infants, as a religious ceremony, but actually makes sense medically. After being attacked and called sick in the head, I researched it and found out that 75% of the general male population is circumsized. Some even elect to have the surgery later in life, even though it this point it is more risky. It does prevent some medical issues and aide in hygene. I don't understand the outrage, unless, as I suspect, it is some kind of attack on the custom.

Nothing to do with anti-jewishness. It is evil. No health reason in the US for this to happen to CHILDREN. Too much money in involved with harvesting foreskins.


Honestly I'd think men should have decreased sensitivity since even with it they still seem to always finish first lol


It may be true, MAY, that 1500+ years ago this provided better health prospects than leaving the poor little guy alone and adorned. However, IF that were true, why wasn't the practice universally adopted?

Seriously, if your tribe is thriving for the docking of dorries and the neighboring tribe was NOT thriving and realized thaut they were losing their men to a sickness of their pickles, they would natually gravitte towards adopting the practice yet... it didn't happen.

Today? I don't think that there is any real benefit to removing the cape of the little guys. That is, so long as you teach your kids to clean themselves regularly and don't have hangups on the body and body image when doing so. Ie: he needs to be taught to clean the whole thing, inside and out.... well, not too far inside, just pull the cap back and clean under it thoroughly. No different then NOT bathing wih your hat on your head.

Now, it must be mentioned that I do consider this genital mutilation. It's not as bad as with female mutilation as here no real function is affected and no life time pain is given. With women, I understand that they live a life of pain, post mutilation... and I can fathom NO reason for removing the head of the penis (which is the equivalent of removing the clitoris and it's hood). Ask any man who is 'into' circumcision if it were ok to do so and he would have a strong reaction to the negative... at which point you have the opportunity to bring him on board in opposition to female circumcision.


To be clear, I am not tolerant of abusing children. Cutting boys and girls in this manner is one of the most abusive "adult" behaviors.

Mutilating the genitals of children should be responded to with the complete removal of the genitals of ALL those involved.

This might not be nice. But it is how I feel about this sickness.

I am very angry that there is a multi-million dollar industry in the US based upon the 'harvesting' of male foreskins. Talk about decadence. This is a sickness based upon thousands of years of ignorance and stupidity.

And cutting out the clitoris from girls???????? This makes me ready to do violence. Anyone not so affected needs to be more than ashamed.


While there could be a medical reason to circumcise a boy's penis....there is none to practice circumcision on a girl. Please, read about the "rationale" behind female circumcision

Islamists have all kinds of rationale. Men who do it should be deballed publicly.


My biggest objection to cirbumcision is that it is usually done at birth and the person it is done to never consents to it beign done to them. If an adult consetnst to it beign done, thaten that is their choice, but it is a terrible thign to do to chidl without consent.


Well I am cicumsized and I hear it is more hygenic. I don't know about the pros and con's of sensations in sex.


good for men, bad for women


Like a lot of things taken from religion it is barbaric.

It has little to no health benefits. Just wash your dick daily and you'll be fine.

it should be a criminal offence.


After having a sexual accident twice, the ER doc suggested I have it done. Still haven't.


This is what is fundamentally wrong with societies that circumcise newborn children. Notice I did not assign ownership to any parental unit. These people are sovereign individuals with human rights. Not least of which is the most basic...You have the right to your life--I think that includes your body and parts.
If someone later wants to make that decision for themself then let them.
This is instant PTSD for the infant.
This is a permanant scar.
You don't even know how this person is going to identify their gender!



I am against it for both men and women. Reasons to circumcise a man would have existed if there was very little water around, but that isn't as likely today in our modern world. We have water so just wash the damned thing. I'm glad I never had the procedure done on me. It's mutilation.
With women circumcision is more of a crime. The clitoris is cut out and the vagina sewed up. That's a tiny penis there that they cut out and threw away and is the biggest part of the feeling women have in sex. Well, that's the point. A woman has this procedure done as a young girl because elders don't want her to enjoy sex. They think she is more likely to not be promiscuous and they sew up her vagina for the constricted pleasure of some asshole man. I'm serious here. I think that female circumcision should draw prison time!

There is no way you can compare male circumcision female genital multilation. Circumcision means go around. It is the removal of skin. Female genital multilation is the removal of the entire genital, including the clitoris, for the purpose of permanently causing loss of sensation and even pain. The juxaposition of the two is innacurate and purposely misleading. The only way the two could be similar is if female circumcision only involved removing the hood but leaving the clitoris intact.

@friendlycatlady You are exactly correct.

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